Bengali Word জান ১English definition(noun)(1) one who can foretell future events; an astrologer; a soothsayer; a diviner.
(2) person possessing occult power to predict future.
Bengali Word জান ২English definition[Persian] (noun)
the living condition of man; life.
জান কবুল (interjection) expressing firm determination to do (something) or die: জান কবুল করে যুদ্ধ করা.
জানমান (noun) life and honour.
জানমাল (noun) life and property.
জানি দুশমন (noun) an arch-enemy; an enemy posing a threat to one’s life.
জানি দোস্ত (noun) a bosom friend.
Bengali Word জান ৩English definition[Persian] (suffix) used in addressing parents and near relations to show respects: আব্বাজান, আম্মাজান , ভাইজান, বুবুজান.
Bengali Word জানকীEnglish definition(noun)
the daughter of king Janaka of Hindu mythology; appellation of Sita of the Ramayana.
Bengali Word জানতEnglish definition(adverb)
knowingly; consciously.
Bengali Word জানপদEnglish definition(adjective)(1) pertaining to human habitation.
(2) rural population.
(3) produced in human habitation.
Bengali Word জানাEnglish definition(verb intransitive)(1) have knowledge of; know: আমি তার অবস্থা জানি.
(2) be aware of; be informed : কেউ জানে না, nobody knows.
(3) form an opinion without certain means of knowledge; guess; conjecture; surmise: আমি জানি তোমার হয়তো অসুবিধা ছিল, I could guess your difficulty/problem.
(4) feel; perceive; realize; মরম না জানে ধরম বাখানে.
(5) have acquaintance/speaking term with: তাকে জানি.
(6) have ability to do something: কাজ জানা.
(7) have education or ability to read and write : লেখাপড়া জানা.
(adjective) in the knowledge of; known: জানা কথা.
জানাজানি (adjective) made public: কথা জানাজানি হয়েছে.
জানানো (verb transitive) make known; inform.
জানাশুনা/জানাশোনা (adjective) known; acquainted with; তার সাথে জানাশুনা নেই, not acquainted with him.
(noun) acquaintance; familiarity.
Bengali Word জানাজা, জনাজাEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun)
prayer tor salvation of a departed soul before burial of the body.
Bengali Word জানানা, জেনানাEnglish definition[Persian] (noun)(1) an adult female; a woman.
(2) a wife.
(3) a woman living in seclusion.
(4) zenana or inner apartments of a house meant for isolation of women.
(5) seclusion; purdah system.
Bengali Word জানালাEnglish definition(noun)
a window.
Bengali Word জানুEnglish definition(noun)
the joint connecting the two principal parts of the leg; the knee.
জানু কাপালিক (noun) the movable bone covering the knee-joint in front; the knee-cap.
জানুত্রাণ (noun) protective covering for the knee; knee-cap or knee-plate.
জানুসন্ধি (noun) the knee-joint.
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Bengali Word অম্লজানEnglish definition(noun) elementary gas having no colour, taste or smell; oxygen
Bengali Word আম্মা, আম্মাজানEnglish definition [Arabic উম্ম] (noun) mother
Bengali Word উজানEnglish definition(noun) (1) course against the stream; upstream course.
(2) high tide; flow tide.
উজান ভাটি (noun) flow-tide and ebb-tide; flow and ebb.
উজানো (verb intransitive) (1) go or sail upstream/against the current; take a contrary course.
(2) get over; cross.
উজানে (adverb) up a river; against the stream; upstream.
Bengali Word উদ্জানEnglish definition(noun) the gaseous elementary substance which combines with oxygen to form water; hydrogen.
উদ্জান বোমা (noun) a variety of atomic bomb.
Bengali Word বাজানো, বাজানEnglish definition(verb transitive) (1) play (on): সেতার/ বাঁশি বাজানো.
(2) beat: ঢাক বাজানো.
(3) blow: শাঁখ বাজানো.
(4) sound; ring; toll: ঘণ্টা বাজানো.
(5) clink: পয়সা বাজানো.
(6) try to discover the inclinations, thoughts, etc of; feel somebody out; sound something (out) (about/on something); put out/ feelers/ a feeler; give somebody a trial: লোকটাকে বাজিয়ে দেখো.
(7) (old use) complete; accomplished: কাজ বাজানো.
গাল বাজানো produce a peculiar sound by inflating cheeks and striking them with fingers.
ঢাক বাজানো (figurative) make public; trumpet out; ball boo; blaze (abroad); blazon; noise it round.
নিজের ঢাক নিজে বাজানো blow one’s own trumpet.
Bengali Word মরজানEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) coral; small pearl
Bengali Word মিজানEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) balance; pair of scales; measure.
(2) total; addition; sum: মিজান দেওয়া/ মেলানো.
Bengali Word রমজানEnglish definition(noun) [Arabic] ninth lunar month of the Hizri calendar; the month of fasting