জাদুঘর, যাদুঘর (noun) a repository of specimens and objects of cultural, historical and scientific interest ; a museum. জাদুবিদ্যা, যাদুবিদ্যা (noun) magic; jugglery; sorcery.
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
Bengali Word জাদEnglish definition(noun) a narrow band of silk, satin, etc for binding or fastening hair; a ribbon
Bengali Word জাদাEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) (suffix) a son; a male offspring: শাহজাদা. the son of a king.
the son of a king.
জাদী (feminine) daughter.
Bengali Word জাদু ১English definition(noun) word used (a) to address a child in endearment: জাদু আমার, my darling;
জাদুমণি (noun) dear; darling.
Bengali Word জাদু ২, যাদুEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) (1) the art of producing effects by apparently superhuman means; magic; sorcery; enchantment; witchcraft: জাদুবিদ্যা.
(2) act of bringing somebody under one’s control by means of some occult power: জাদু করা.
জাদু করা / যাদু করা (verb intransitive) (verb transitive) enchant; bewitch; charm.
জাদুকর / জাদুগর (noun) (1) one skilled in magic; a magician; a sorcerer; an enchanter.
(2) one who can exercise influence over the will of others by means of mesmerism or hypnotism; a mesmerist; a hypnotist. জাদুকরী, যাদুকরী (adjective) that enchants; magical.
(noun) (feminine) a female magician; a sorceress; a witch; an nchantress.
জাদুঘর, যাদুঘর (noun) a repository of specimens and objects of cultural, historical and scientific interest ; a museum. জাদুবিদ্যা, যাদুবিদ্যা (noun) magic; jugglery; sorcery.
জাদু করা / যাদু করা (verb intransitive)(verb transitive) enchant; bewitch; charm.
জাদুকর / জাদুগর (noun) 1 one skilled in magic; a magician; a sorcerer; an enchanter.
জাদুকরী, যাদুকরী (adjective) that enchants; magical.
জাদুঘর, যাদুঘর (noun) a repository of specimens and objects of cultural, historical and scientific interest ; a museum.