Bengali Word জগৎEnglish definition(noun)(1) the earth; the universe; the world.
(2) a human society: সভ্য জগৎ.
(3) a sphere or field of activity: কাব্য জগৎ.
(4) one’s own immediate or familiar environs: মনো জগৎ.
জগৎ-কর্তা (noun) the Lord of the universe; Allah.
জগৎ-কারণ (noun) the cause or source of the universe; the Creator.
জগৎ পিতা, জগৎপতি (noun) the Creator, Nourisher and Sustainer of the universe; Allah.
জগৎ-সংসার (noun) the whole world.
জগৎ স্রষ্টা (noun) Creator of the universe.
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Bengali Word অন্তর্জগৎEnglish definition(noun) inner region; the realm of the mind; spiritual world
Bengali Word বহির্জগৎEnglish definition(noun) outer/external world; material world; visible/phenomenal world
আপ ভালা তো জগৎ ভালা to the pure all things are pure.
ইহজগৎ, ইহলোক, ইহসংসার (noun(s)) this world; the earth; the material world.
কাব্য জগৎ (noun) the realm of poetry; the society of poets.
গ্রহজগৎ (noun) the planetary world; the solar system.
চিত্রজগৎ (noun) the world of motion picture; cinema world.
[জগৎ + অম্বা] (noun) 1 the mother of the world, an appellation of Hindu goddess Durga.
[জগৎ + ঈশ, ঈশ্বর] (noun) the Lord of the world; God.
[জগৎ + গুরু] (noun) the teacher of the world; God.
[জগৎ + বাসী] (adjective), (noun) dwelling on earth; people inhabiting the earth.
[জগৎ + বিখ্যাত] (adjective) celebrated throughout the world.
[জগৎ + নাথ] (noun) 1 the Lord of the universe; God.
[জগৎ + নিবাস] (noun) 1 one who is the receptacle or container of the universe.
[জগৎ + মণ্ডল] (noun) 1 the earth; the world .
[জগৎ + ময়] (adjective) pervading the whole universe; existing everywhere at the same time; ubiquitous.
[জগৎ + মাতা] (noun) (feminine) the Supreme Being viewed as Mother of the world according to Hindu philosophy.
[জগৎ + মোহন] (adjective)(noun) one who captivates or charms the whole world.
জীবজগৎ (noun) the animal kingdom; the animate world.
জ্ঞানজগৎ (noun) the realm of knowledge and learning.
ত্রিজগৎ the three worlds, namely, heaven, earth and underworld; the universe.
বস্তুজগৎ (noun) the material world.
বাহ্যজগৎ (noun) external world; material world.
মনোজগৎ (noun) realm/ sphere of the mind; realm of intellect/ imagination/ ideas/ thoughts/ fancy.
মরজগৎ (noun) world of death; (mortal) world.
সভ্যজগৎ (noun) 1 civilized society/world.
সর্বজগৎ (noun) the whole world; universe.
সাহিত্য জগৎ (noun) world of letters; literary world.
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