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  • Bengali Word গোপনEnglish definition(noun) act of hiding (something) from others; concealing.(adjective) what is hidden or unrevealed; concealed; secret; confidential. গোপন কথা (noun) confidential talk; secret communication. গোপন করা (verb transitive) hide; conceal; keep (something) secret. সত্য গোপন করা (verb intransitive) keep back or suppress truth. গোপনতা (noun) secrecy; privacy. গোপনীয় (adjective) to be kept secret; confidential; private; secret. গোপনে (adverb) (1) in private; in concealment. (2) secretly; privately; confidentially; surreptitiously.

Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ

  • Bengali Word গোপাল ১English definition (noun) (1) a cow-keeper; a cow boy.
    (2) a milkman; a dairyman by caste. (3) the boyhood name of Sri Krishna. (4) the name of the first king of the Pal dynasty of Bengal. আদুরে গোপাল (noun) an over-indulged son. গোপালক (noun) a milkman. গোপালন (noun) act of looking after cows; keeping or feeding cows.
  • Bengali Word গোপাল ২English definition (noun) a herd of cows
  • Bengali Word গোপালভোগEnglish definition (noun) a variety of delicious mango
  • Bengali Word গোপিকা, গোপিনী, গোপীEnglish definition (noun) a milk-woman; a milk-maid.
    গোপিকা বল্লভ (noun) appellation given to Sri Krishna in the Purana. গোপীচন্দন (noun) a kind of yellowish clay found in Brindabana, which is used by Baishnavas as a holy paste for painting their faces and limbs.
  • Bengali Word গোপীযন্ত্রEnglish definition (noun) a kind of one-stringed musical instrument
  • Bengali Word অগোপনEnglish definition (adjective) not hidden or concealed; open.
    অগোপনীয় (adjective) what cannot or should not be concealed.
  • Bengali Word বিলোপ, বিলোপনEnglish definition (noun) (1) extinction; death.
    (2) destruction; abolish; ruin; annihilation. (3) disappearance; passing away. বিলোপ/ বিলোপসাধন করা (verb transitive) destroy; nullify; render null; ruin; blot out; abolish; abrogate; obliterate; annihilate. বিলোপপ্রাপ্ত হওয়া (verb intransitive) cease to exist; be/ become extinct; die out; disappear; vanish; fade; dissolve; pass away; perish; be abolished/ abrogated/ destroyed.
  • Bengali Word সঙ্গোপন, সংগোপনEnglish definition (noun) perfect secrecy; complete hiding/ concealment.
    সঙ্গোপনে, সংগোপনে (adverb) secretly; furtively; covertly; surreptitiously; underhand; under cover; in strict privacy; in/ with great secrecy.
  • Bengali Word সংগোপন, সংগোপিতEnglish definition = সঙ্গোপন.
    = সঙ্গোপিত (respectively).
  • অগোপনীয় (adjective) what cannot or should not be concealed.
  • আত্ম গোপন (noun) concealment of one’s identity; self-disguise.
  • জিংগোপনা (noun) jingoism.
  • সঙ্গোপনে, সংগোপনে (adverb) secretly; furtively; covertly; surreptitiously; underhand; under cover; in strict privacy; in/ with great secrecy.