Bengali Word খেয়ানতEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun)(1) treacherous arrogation of money or other property placed under one’s custody; misappropriation.
(2) embezzlement of cash; breach of trust.
আমানত খেয়ানত করা (verb intransitive) appropriate by breach of trust; embezzle; misappropriate.
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Bengali Word আগুয়ানEnglish definition(adjective) forward; leading; going ahead.
আগুয়ান হওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) advance; go ahead; take the lead.
Bengali Word আলওয়ানEnglish definition(noun) woollen wrapper; shawl
Bengali Word খতিয়ানEnglish definition [Arabic, Hindi] (noun) (1) book containing details of rent-roll, rent realization, etc.
(2) book in which debit and credit items are entered in a summary form; ledger book.
খতিয়ান করা (verb intransitive) pass into the ledger .
Bengali Word গরীয়ানEnglish definition(adjective) (1) more important; more venerable; larger; richer.
(2) full of glory; glorious; honourable; renowned; celebrated; brilliant.
(3) most adorable.
গরীয়সী (feminine) = গরীয়ান.
Bengali Word গাড়ওয়ানEnglish definition(noun) person who drives a hackney carriage; a coachman
Bengali Word গাড়োয়ানEnglish definition(noun) person who drives a hackney carriage; a coachman
Bengali Word গার্জিয়ানEnglish definition [English] (noun) (1) one in charge of an orphan or ward.
(2) one in whose care children are brought up; a parent; a guardian.
Bengali Word আলোয়ানEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) woollen wrapper; shawl
Bengali Word জওয়ানEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) (1) a young man.
(2) a strong and stout person.
(adjective) (1) grown to manhood/youthful.
(2) strong; stout; robust. জওয়ানি (noun) (1) youth; youthful age.
(2) state or quality of being young.
(3) the spirit arid vigour befitting a young man.
Bengali Word জোয়ানEnglish definition [Persian] (noun) (1) a person grown to manhood; adult.
(2) (military) a soldier.
(adjective) full of youth; strong and stout: জোয়ান লোক.
জোয়ানকি (noun) youth.
(adjective) youthful.
জোয়ানি (noun) youthfulness; youth; calf-time.
আমানত খেয়ানত করা (verb intransitive) appropriate by breach of trust; embezzle; misappropriate.
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