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  • Bengali Word কফ ১English definition(noun) viscid matter of the respiratory passage; the bronchial mucus; phlegm. কফ তোলা (verb intransitive) cough out.
  • Bengali Word কফ ২English definition[(English) cuff, (Arabic) কাফ্‌] (noun) the lower portion of the shirt-sleeve; the strengthened band at the end of a sleeve.
  • Bengali Word কফিEnglish definition[English] (noun) (1) evergreen shrub bearing small berries with highly-flavoured seeds. (2) these berries ground and roasted. (3) beverage made from this.
  • Bengali Word কফিনEnglish definition[English] (noun) the chest in which a dead human body is buried according to Christian rite; a coffin.
  • Bengali Word একফালিEnglish definition(noun) one piece; a long slice or strip: একফালি চাঁদ.
  • Bengali Word ফকফকEnglish definition(noun) (1) (onomatopoeia) imitating the sound of passing of breath through toothless gums. (2) bright: ফকফকে জ্যোৎস্না.

Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ

  • কফ তোলা (verb intransitive) cough out.
  • (noun) breadth; width: চওড়ায় একফুট.
  • ফিনিকফোটা (verb transitive) glow; shine; shimmer.