Bengali Word ইসলামEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun)(1) Islam, the Arabic name for the religion of peace as preached and practised by Prophet Muhammad (sm).
(2) (literally) submitting to the will of/making peace with the Creator.
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Bengali Word ইসলামিয়াত, ইসলামিয়াৎEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) the scriptural law of Islam.
ইসলামি (adjective) (1) relating to Islam: ইসলামি শিক্ষা.
(2) according to Islamic scriptural law: ইসলামি অনুশাসন.
Bengali Word ইসলাহ্English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) correction; reformation.
Bengali Word কালামEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) a message; a revelation. আল্লাহ্র কালাম.
আল্লাহ্র কালাম.
কালামুল্লাহ্ [কালাম + আল্লাহ্] (noun) revelation from Allah; the Holy Qoran.
Bengali Word গোলামEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) a bond-man; a slave.
(2) one who is acting as a tool to another; person most obedient or subservient to another.
(3) (of playing cards) the knave.
কেনা গোলাম (noun) one who is purchased as a slave; a bondman (feminine a slave—girl; a bondswoman).
গোলামখানা (noun) (1) quarters for the slaves; slave quarters.
(2) (figurative) a manufactory for producing men of slave-mentality.
গোলামি (noun) slavery; servitude; drudgery.
গোলামি করা (verb intransitive) drudge for others.
Bengali Word তুলকালামEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) a noisy quarrel; tumultuous brawl; an uproar
Bengali Word দারুল ইসলামEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) lslamic state
Bengali Word নিলামEnglish definition(noun) (Pg) auction; auction sale.
নিলাম করা/ করানো (verb transitive) sell something by auction; put something up to auction; auction something up.
নিলাম কেনা (verb transitive) purchase something at auction.
নিলাম ডাকা (noun) bid at an auction.
নিলামকারক, নিলামদার (noun(s) auctioneer.
নিলামক্রেতা (noun) auction purchaser.
নিলাম খরিদ (noun) purchase at an auction.
নিলামে কেনা = নিলাম কেনা.
নিলামে চড়া (verb intransitive) be up for auction.
নিলামে তোলা (verb transitive) auction; put up for/to auction.
নিলামে বেচা (verb intransitive) sell something by auction; auction off).
নিলামের দোকান (noun) auction-house.
Bengali Word পেন্ডুলামEnglish definition [English] (noun) pendulum
Bengali Word বালামEnglish definition(noun) (1) a large boat used in carrying rice in Barisal district.
(2) boat for carrying a fine variety of rice (called balam).
(3) a fine variety of rice.
Bengali Word মাটাপালামEnglish definition(noun) variety of coarse white fabric
Bengali Word ললামEnglish definition(noun) = ললাটিকা.
(adjective) beautiful; charming; eminent / best of its kind.
Bengali Word সালামEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) peace.
(2) salutation.
(3) good-bye.
সালাম আলাইকুম peace be with you.
সালাম করা (verb transitive) salute.
সালাম দেওয়া salute; send one’s compliments; express the desire to call on a person.
সালাম নেওয়া accept and return salutation (of).
সালাম ফিরানো finish the prayer.
Bengali Word সেলামEnglish definition(noun) = সালাম
আহলে ইসলাম (noun) followers of Islam; the Muslims.
ইসলামি (adjective) 1 relating to Islam: ইসলামি শিক্ষা.
গয়র ইসলামি (adjective) outside the pale of Islam; anti-Islamic.
ধর্মাবলম্বী (adjective) following/ practising a religion:
ইসলাম ধর্মাবলম্বী, follower of Islam.
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