- Bengali Word আলী, আলিEnglish definition(noun) [Arabic] 1 component word of a Muslim's name. (2) the fourth Caliph of Islam and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (sm).
- Bengali Word আলীহুকুমEnglish definition= আলি ১
- Bengali Word আলি ১, আলীEnglish definition[Arabic] (adjective) great; noble; generous. আলিশান (adjective) (1) huge; enormous; gigantic. (2) high-minded; noble; sublime. (3) high-born; honourable; respectable; venerable. আলিহুকুম (noun) general/unrestricted order; carté-blanché.
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
- Bengali Word আলি ১, আলীEnglish definition [Arabic] (adjective) great; noble; generous.আলিশান (adjective) (1) huge; enormous; gigantic. (2) high-minded; noble; sublime. (3) high-born; honourable; respectable; venerable. আলিহুকুম (noun) general/unrestricted order; carté-blanché.
- জনাবে আলী, জনাবে আলা (noun) your excellency; gentleman; sir.