Bengali Word আবাদEnglish definition[Persian] (noun)(1) cultivation, tillage: ধানের আবাদ.
(2) cultivated land; land developed for cultivation.
(3) human habitation; process of settling people in a new place; a settlement.
আবাদ করা (verb transitive)(1) cultivate; till.
(2) prepare land for the raising of crops/settlement of human habitation.
আবাদি (adjective)(1) fit for cultivation; arable.
(2) cultivated; tilled.
Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
Bengali Word আবাEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) kind of open-breast long shirt
Bengali Word আবাগে,আবাগাEnglish definition(adjective), (noun) unlucky; unfortunate
Bengali Word আবাবিল, আবাবীলEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) species of small birds spoken of in the Qoran as having destroyed the invading army of Abraha. The Holy Book used the word only in the sense of “swarms of birds". It has no singular form
The Holy Book used the word only in the sense of “swarms of birds". It has no singular form.
Bengali Word আবারEnglish definition(adverb) (1) again; once more.
(2) moreover; further; besides: জ্বর আবার আমাশয়.
(interjection) expressing uncertainty/distrust/negation: ব্যাঙের আবার সর্দি, সে আবার কি করবে?
Bengali Word আবালEnglish definition [Arabic] (adjective) (1) underage; destitute of judgement; helpless.
(2) adolescent; teenaged.
(noun) foolish/ignorant person.
(adverb) down to (including) the boys.
আবালবৃদ্ধ (noun) the
young and the old.
আবালবৃদ্ধবণিতা (noun) men, women and children; (figurative) one and all.
Bengali Word আবাল্যEnglish definition(adverb) from childhood/infancy
Bengali Word আবাসEnglish definition(noun) residence; abode; dwelling place; habitation
Bengali Word আবাসিকEnglish definition(adjective) residential; resident; residing: আবাসিক ছাত্র.
আবাসিক বিদ্যালয় (noun) school where the students have to stay compulsorily at the attached hostels; residential school.
Bengali Word আবাহনEnglish definition(noun) (1) invocation; call.
(2) invitation.
আবাইিত (adjective).
আবাহনী (adjective) invocatory; relating to invocation/invitation.
(noun) song of welcome.
Bengali Word অজ্ঞেয়বাদEnglish definition(noun) (philosophy) the belief or doctrine that nothing can be known about God or of anything except material things: agnosticism
Bengali Word অনাস্বাদEnglish definition(noun) absence of taste; tastelessness.
(adjective) void of good taste; tasteless.
অনাস্বাদিত (adjective) not tasted; unenjoyed.
অনাস্বাদিতপূর্ব (adjective) not tasted/enjoyed before.
Bengali Word অনুবাদEnglish definition(noun) act of rendering (something) from one language to another; translation.
অনুবাদক (noun) translator.
অনুবাদিত অনূদিত.
অনুবাদী (adjective) (1) translating.
(2) musical note other than বাদী, বিবাদী and সংবাদী.
(3) corresponding; similar.
Bengali Word অপবাদEnglish definition(noun) bad name; ill-repute; defamation; slander; calumny.
অপবাদ দেওয়া (verb transitive) defame; slander; make false accusation.
অপবাদক (adjective) defaming; slandering.
(noun) one who defames; slanderer; accuser.
Bengali Word অবিসংবাদEnglish definition(noun) absence of opposition/ hostility; unanimity; amicability.
Bengali Word আস্বাদEnglish definition(noun) (1) taste; savour; relish.
আস্বাদন act of tasting/enjoying/experiencing.
আস্বাদনীয় (adjective) to be tasted; enjoyable.
আস্বাদিত (adjective) what has been tasted/eaten/enjoyed/relished/experienced.
Bengali Word একাত্মবাদEnglish definition(noun) (philosophy) the Vedantic doctrine of universal Spirit; the doctrine that the universe is the immanence of Brahma; pantheism.
একাত্মবাদী (noun) believer in this doctrine; a monist.
Bengali Word কর্মবাদEnglish definition(noun) (philosophy) belief in action as the chief end of life (in contrast to mere thought); the doctrine of action. কর্মবাদী (adjective), (noun) believing in action as the chief end of life; (one) professing the doctrine of action
কর্মবাদী (adjective), (noun) believing in action as the chief end of life; (one) professing the doctrine of action.
Bengali Word কাকুবাদEnglish definition(noun) words of entreaty; humble and earnest prayer
Bengali Word উগ্রবাদEnglish definition(noun) extremism.
the holding of extreme political or religious views; fanaticism.
Bengali Word জনাপবাদEnglish definition(noun) public reproach; public censure or reproof; scandal; slander
Bengali Word দুঃসংবাদEnglish definition(noun) bad/evil news
Bengali Word নিরপবাদEnglish definition(adjective) blameless
Bengali Word নিরাস্বাদEnglish definition(adjective) tasteless; insipid; unsavoury
Bengali Word পরবাদEnglish definition(noun) (1) talk of others; popular rumour/ report; slander.