Bengali Word আপাEnglish definition[Tukish] (noun)(1) elder sister.
(2) word used to address elderly women/unfamiliar ladies/school mistresses.
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Bengali Word আপাকাEnglish definition(adjective) (1) not yet ripe; raw.
(2) not thoroughly ripe.
Bengali Word আপাণ্ডুরEnglish definition(adjective) slightly pale/yellowish/blanched
Bengali Word আপাতEnglish definition(noun) (1) present moment; the time being: আপাত মধুর.
(adjective) apparent: আপাত গতি.
(adverb) seemingly; apparently: আপাত কঠিন.
আপাতত (adverb) for the present/time being.
আপাতদৃষ্টিতে (adverb) at first sight; apparently.
আপাতসুন্দর (adjective) seemingly/apparently nice (but not so in the long run).
Bengali Word আপাদ, আপদEnglish definition(adverb) (1) to the feet.
(2) from the feet.
আপদলম্বিত (adjective) pendent upto the feet; hanging down to the feet.
আপদমস্তক (adverb) from head to foot; from top to bottom.
Bengali Word আপানEnglish definition(noun) wine-shop; bar
Bengali Word আপামরEnglish definition(adverb) down to/including the lowest; all irrespective of high and low.
আপামর জনসাধারণ (noun) people of all classes from the highest to the lowest.
আপাদ (noun) 1 danger; hazard; adversity.
আপামর জনসাধারণ (noun) people of all classes from the highest to the lowest.
আপাতসত্য (adjective) true on the surface; plausible.
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