Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ
- Bengali Word আজাজিল,আযাযীলEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) Satan; devil
- Bengali Word আজাড়English definition (adjective) unloaded; emptied.
(noun) leisure; opportunity.
- Bengali Word আজাদ, আযাদEnglish definition [Persian] (adjective) free; independent.
আজাদি (noun) freedom; independence.
- Bengali Word আজান, আযানEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) muezzin’s call to congregational prayers.
আযান দেওয়া (verb intransitive) call to prayer.
- Bengali Word আজানু, আজানুলম্বিতEnglish definition (adverb) reaching up to the knees; down to the knees
- Bengali Word আজাব, আযাবEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) punishment; suffering
- Bengali Word অনাদিEnglish definition (adjective) (1) without a beginning; having no cause or origin; self-existent.
(2) old; ancient; eternal.
অনাদিকাল (noun) time immemorial.
- Bengali Word অনাবাদিEnglish definition (adjective) uncultivated; not cultivable /arable; fallow
- Bengali Word ইত্যাদিEnglish definition (adverb) and so on; and so forth; and others; et cetera
- Bengali Word ইশাদিEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) one who gives evidence in anything; a witness
- Bengali Word গবাদিEnglish definition (noun) the cow and the domestic animals of the like; the cattle
- Bengali Word তমাদিEnglish definition = তামাদি
- Bengali Word তামাদিEnglish definition [Arabic] (noun) lapse of the scheduled time; the state of being time-barred.
(adjective) barred by limitation; time-barred.
তামাদি হওয়া (verb intransitive) be barred by limitation.
- Bengali Word দায়াদিEnglish definition (noun) (feminine) (1) = দায়াদ (1).
(2) daughter.
(3) kinswoman.
(adjective) inherited; obtained by inheritance.
- Bengali Word প্রাদিEnglish definition (noun) collective name of twenty Sanskrit prefixes.
প্রাদি সমাস (noun) (grammar) system of forming compounds by adding any one of the Sanskrit prefixes.
- Bengali Word লাদিEnglish definition = নাদি
- আজাদি (noun) freedom; independence.
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