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বর্ণমালা অনুক্রমে শব্দ খুঁজুন

  • Bengali Word পঙ্‌ক্তিEnglish definition(noun) row; set; series; line; group. পঙ্‌ক্তিদূষক (noun) (adjective) (any person) improper to associate with. পঙ্‌ক্তিভোজন (noun) community-dining; community dinner. পঙ্‌ক্তিমালা (noun) lines; verses.
  • Bengali Word পচEnglish definition(noun) rotting; putrefaction; decay; decomposition. পচ ধরা (verb intransitive) begin to rot/ decay/ putrefy/ decompose/ spoil; fester; become septic.
  • Bengali Word পচনEnglish definition(noun) 1= noun) rotting; putrefaction; decay; decomposition. 2 sepsis. 3 cooking. পচন ধরা = পচ ধরা ( পচ). পচন নিবারক (adjective) antiseptic. পচনশীল (adjective) 1 likely to go bad/decay quickly; perishable. 2 rotting; decaying; decomposing; putrescent. 3 (getting) septic.
  • Bengali Word পচপচ English definition(noun) (onomatopoeia) expressing the sound of walking on mud.
  • Bengali Word পচাEnglish definition(verb intransitive) 1 rot; putrefy; decay; decompose; go bad; spoil. 2 become septic; tester. 3 become hackneyed. (adjective) 1 rotten; putrid; putrefied; decayed; decomposed; spoiled; gone bad. 2 addled: পচা ডিম. 3 septic; festering. 4 (figurative) hackneyed; stale: পচা খবর. 5 ugly bad; shabby: পচা চেহারা, পচা কাপড়-চোপড়. পচাকাল (verb intransitive) vile/ putrefying weather; rainy season. পচাগলা (adjective) putrefied; decomposed. পচা ভাদ্র/পচা ভাদ্দর (noun) humid and sweltering month of Bhadra. পচাই (noun) a liquor distilled from rice; arrack. পচানি (noun) putrefaction; morbid discharge; purulence; sepsis; festering. পচানো (verb intransitive) 1 rot; putrefy; decompose; spoil. 2 make septic. পচ্য (adjective) to be cooked; digestible.
  • Bengali Word পচালEnglish definition(noun) volubility; blabber; blather idle talk; tittle-tattle; prattle; ramble. পচাল পাড়া (verb intransitive) be voluble; blabber (on); blather (on); tittle-tattle; talk nineteen to the dozen; talk the hind leg off a donkey; ramble on; prattle on.
  • Bengali Word পচ্চীকারীEnglish definition(noun) mosaic.
  • Bengali Word পছন্দEnglish definitionchoice; preference; approval; selection; approbation; liking. (adjective) chosen; liked; favourite; approved; selected. পছন্দ করা (verb transitive) like; choose; select; prefer; approve. পছন্দ মাফিক, পছন্দ সই (adjective) to one’s liking; choice; select; pleasing; desirable.
  • Bengali Word পঞ্চEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) five. পঞ্চক (adjective) relating to/made of five. (noun) set/collection/aggregate of five; pentad; quintet; five percent. পঞ্চকর্ম (noun) five kinds of treatment in medicine. পঞ্চকর্মেন্দ্রিয় (noun) five organs to work with (tongue, hands, feet, rectum and genitals). পঞ্চকষায় (noun) a decoction from the astringent bark of five different tree’s. পঞ্চকোণ (adjective) pentangular; pentagonal. (noun) pentagon. পঞ্চকোণী (adjective) = পঞ্চকোণ. পঞ্চকোষ (noun) five spills supped to invest the soul. পঞ্চগব্য (noun) five products of the cow (milk, coagulated milk, butter, liquid and solid excreta). পঞ্চগুণ (adjective) five times; fivefold. (noun) five attributes/qualities (form, taste, smell, touch, sound). পঞ্চগৌড় (noun) collective name of Gaud, Mithila, Utkal, Kanauj and the region situated on the bank of the river Saraswati. পঞ্চচত্বারিংশ (adjective) forty-fifth. পঞ্চচত্বারিংশৎ (noun), (adjective) forty-five. পঞ্চচত্বারিংশত্তম (adjective) forty-fifth. পঞ্চচত্বারিংশত্তমী (feminine) = পঞ্চ. পঞ্চচূড় (adjective) having five tufts of hair. পঞ্চজন (noun) 1 five elements. 2 man; mankind. পঞ্চজনীন (noun) actor; buffoon. পঞ্চজ্ঞানেন্দিয় (noun) five-sense-organs. পঞ্চতপা (adjective) (of an ascetic) sitting between the five fires (in self-modification). পঞ্চতা = পঞ্চত্ব. পঞ্চতিক্ত (noun) five bitter things. পঞ্চত্রিংশ (adjective) thirty-fifth. পঞ্চত্রিংশৎ (noun), (adjective) thirty-five. পঞ্চত্রিংশত্তম (adjective) thirty-fifth পঞ্চত্রিংশত্তমী (feminine) = পঞ্চ. পঞ্চত্ব (noun) 1 fivefoldness; fivefold state/ amount; aggregate/collection of five things. 2 five elements. 3 dissolution in the elements; death. পঞ্চত্ব ঘটা (verb intransitive) give up the ghost; die. পঞ্চত্ব প্রাপ্ত (adjective) dead. পঞ্চত্ব প্রাপ্ত হওয়া = পঞ্চত্ব ঘটা. পঞ্চত্ব প্রাপ্তি (noun) death; demise. পঞ্চদল (adjective) having five petals; quinquepetalous; pentamerous. পঞ্চদল পুষ্প (noun) cinque-foil. পঞ্চদলীয় (adjective) pentameral; pertaining to/consisting of five parties; five-party; quinquepartite. পঞ্চদশ (noun), (adjective) fifteen. (adjective) fifteenth. পঞ্চদশী (adjective) (feminine) fifteenth; fifteen years old. (noun) fifteenth day of a half month; day of full or new moon. পঞ্চদেবতা (noun) five deities/gods. পঞ্চনখ (noun) five-clawed animal. পঞ্চনদ (noun) the Punjab, country of five rivers. পঞ্চনবত (adjective) ninety-fifth. পঞ্চনবতি (noun), (adjective) ninety-five. পঞ্চনবতিতম (adjective) ninety-fifth পঞ্চনবতিতমী (feminine) = পঞ্চ. পঞ্চপাণ্ডব (noun) five Pandava, brothers of the Mahabharata. পঞ্চপাত্র (noun) five vessels used in Hindu religious service; five ancestors to whom oblations are made. পঞ্চ-পিতা (noun) one’s five fathers (viz progenitor, deliverer from fear, father-in-law, preceptor and provider). পঞ্চপুরুষ (noun) five generations. পঞ্চ প্রদীপ (noun) metal lamp with five wicks. পঞ্চপ্রাণ (noun) five vital airs (supposed to be in the body). পঞ্চপ্রেত = পঞ্চভূত. পঞ্চবট (noun) five fig-trees. পঞ্চবর্গ (noun) class group/series of five. পঞ্চবর্ণ (adjective) five-cloured. পঞ্চবর্ষ (adjective) five years old. পঞ্চবান (noun) five arrow of Kama (কাম), the love god; Kama, the god of love. পঞ্চবায়ু = পঞ্চপ্রাণ. পঞ্চবার্ষিক (adjective) five years old; recurring every five years; five-years: পঞ্চবার্ষিক পরিকল্পনা. পঞ্চবিংশ (adjective) twenty-five. পঞ্চবিংশতি (noun), (adjective) twenty-five. পঞ্চবিংশতিতম (adjective) twenty-fifth. পঞ্চবিংশতিতমী (feminine) = পঞ্চ. পঞ্চবিধ (adjective) of five kinds; fivefold. পঞ্চভুজ (adjective) five-armed; pentagonal. (noun) pentagon. পঞ্চভূত (noun) five elements (viz earth, air, fire, water and atmosphere). পঞ্চভূতে মেশা (verb intransitive) be dissolved into the five basic elements according to Hindu mythology; die. পঞ্চভূতময়, পঞ্চভূতাত্মক (adjective) consisting of the five elements (as the human body). পঞ্চভূতাত্মিকা (feminine) = পঞ্চ. পঞ্চম (adjective) fifth. (noun) 1 the fifth note of the gamut. 2 name of an Indian musical mode. পঞ্চমকার (noun) five essentials of tantra rituals (viz wine, meat, fish, intertwining of the fingers and sexual union — মদ্য, মাংস, মৎস্য, মুদ্রা, মৈথুন) পঞ্চম স্বর (noun) = পঞ্চম. পঞ্চমহাপাতক (noun) five mortal sins/ crimes according to Hindu scriptures (viz killing a Brahmin, drinking alcohol, theft, committing adultery with the wife of a preceptor and associating with anyone guilty of these crimes). পঞ্চমী (adjective) (feminine) fifth. (noun) fifth day of the lunar fortnight. পঞ্চমুখ (noun) 1 five faces/mouths. 2 an appellation of Shiva. (adjective) 1 five-faced; five-headed. 2 eloquent; profuse in: পঞ্চমুখে প্রশংসা. পঞ্চমুখী (adjective) (feminine) 1 five-faced. 2 pentapetalous. 2 having five surfaces: পঞ্চমুখী হীরা. 3 having five parts/sections; five-pronged pentamerous. 4 having five bores/holes: পঞ্চমুখী রুদ্রাক্ষ. পঞ্চমুখী পুষ্প (noun) cinque-foil. পঞ্চমূল (noun) group of five roots/ plants with tuberous roots; a decoction made of these roots. পঞ্চরং, পঞ্চরঙ্গ (noun(s) (in chess) one of the systems of checkmating. পঞ্চরত্ন (noun) collection of five jewels/precious stones (viz gold, diamond, sapphire, ruby, pearl or coral). পঞ্চরসা (noun) embic myrobalan. পঞ্চরাত্র(ক) (noun) period of five rights (days). (noun) lasting five days. পঞ্চরাশিক (noun) (arithmetic) rule of 5; rule of proportion with 5 terms. পঞ্চশর = পঞ্চবাণ. পঞ্চশস্য (noun) five species of grain (viz paddy, kidney-bean/ oat, barley, sesame and pigeon-pea. পঞ্চশাখ (adjective) five-branched; five-fingered. পঞ্চশিখ = পঞ্চচূড়. পঞ্চসুগন্ধ (noun) collection of five kinds of aromatic vegetable substances (viz cloves, nutmeg, camphor, aloe wood and kakkol (কক্কোল). পঞ্চাক্ষর (noun) five syllables.  (adjective) pentasyllabic. পঞ্চাগ্নি (noun) 1 five sacred fires. 2 five mystic fires supposed to be present in the body. পঞ্চাঙ্ক (adjective) consisting of five acts; five-act. পঞ্চাঙ্ক (noun) five members of the body; five parts of a tree; five modes of devotion; aggregate of five parts. (adjective) five limbed; five-part. পঞ্চাঙ্গপ্রণাম (noun) obeisance made with five members of the body (viz arms, knees, head, voice and look). পঞ্চাঙ্গুল (noun) five fingers. (adjective) measuring five fingers. পঞ্চাতপা = পঞ্চতপা. পঞ্চাত্মক (adjective) consisting of five elements; fivefold. পঞ্চানন (noun) 1 = মুখ. 2 lion. পঞ্চানন্দ (noun) 1 variety of pleasures. 2 fun; amusement; pleasantry. পঞ্চান্ন (noun), (adjective) fifty-five. পঞ্চামৃত (noun) 1 five kinds of divine food (viz milk, coagulated/sour milk, butter, honey and sugar). 2 custom of feeding Hindu women with the above-mentioned food items. পঞ্চাম্ল (noun) aggregate of five acid plants (viz jujube, pomegranate, sorrel, spondias and citron). পঞ্চাশ (-য ফলা) (noun), (adjective) fifty. পঞ্চাশত্তম (adjective) fiftieth. পঞ্চশত্তমী (feminine) = পঞ্চ. পঞ্চাশবার (adverb) 1 fifty times. 2 (figurative) many times; time without number. পঞ্চাশীতি (noun), (adjective) eighty-five. পঞ্চাশীতিতম (adjective) eighty-fifth পঞ্চাশীতিতমী (feminine) = পঞ্চ. পঞ্চাস্র (adjective) five-handed. (noun) pentagon.
  • Bengali Word পঞ্চালিকা, পঞ্চালী ১English definition(noun(s) doll; puppet.
  • Bengali Word পঞ্চালী ২English definition(noun) a style of singing.
  • Bengali Word পঞ্চায়েত, পঞ্চায়তEnglish definition(noun(s) court of arbitration consisting of five or more members; village council; jury. পঞ্চায়েতি, পঞ্চায়তি (noun(s) work/ arbitration of a panchayet/ village council; councillorship (of a panchayet). পঞ্চায়েতি, পঞ্চায়তি (adjective(s) relating to a village panchayet/ village council.
  • Bengali Word পঞ্চেন্দ্রিয়English definition(noun) five sense-organs.
  • Bengali Word পঞ্চোপচারEnglish definition(noun) five oblations.
  • Bengali Word পঞ্জরEnglish definition(noun) 1 cage; aviary; dove-cot; net. 2 ribs; skeleton; thorax; flank. 3 body. পঞ্জরাস্থি (noun) rib-bone; rib.
  • Bengali Word পঞ্জাEnglish definition(noun) 1 five of playing-cards/ dice. 2 = পাঞ্জ.
  • Bengali Word পঞ্জাবিEnglish definition= পাঞ্জাবি
  • Bengali Word পঞ্জি, পঞ্জিকা, পঞ্জীEnglish definition(noun(s) almanac; calendar; register; journal; diary. পঞ্জিকর, পঞ্জিকাকার (noun(s) maker of almanac.
  • Bengali Word পঞ্জেরিEnglish definition= পাঞ্জেরি
  • Bengali Word পট ১English definition(noun) (onomatopoeia) expressing sudden sharp sound; snap; crack. পট করে (adverb) 1 with a snap/ cracking sound: পট করে খোলা, crack (open). 2 quickly; suddenly. পটপট, পটাপট (noun(s)) crackle; crackling: আতশবাজির পটপট. (adjective) (crackling/ snapping) in quick succession; quickly.
  • Bengali Word পট ২English definition(noun) 1 cloth; screen; veil; canvas; garment. 2 painting; canvas; painted piece of cloth; picture. 3 scene; curtain: দৃশ্যপট. পটকার (noun) painter; weaver. পটবাস (noun) tent. পটভূমিকা (noun) background; backdrop. পটমঞ্জরী (noun) name of an Indian musical mode. পটমণ্ডপ (noun) tent; canopied pavilion.
  • Bengali Word পটকনোEnglish definition= পটকানো
  • Bengali Word পটকাEnglish definition(adjective) sickly; frail; delicate; fragile; rickety; slightly-built. (noun) 1 cracker; squib; fire works. 2 bladder of a fish.
  • Bengali Word পটকানিEnglish definition(noun) throw(ing) to the ground; violent throw. পটকানি খাওয়া (verb intransitive) thrown down. পটকানি দেওয়া = পটকানো.
  • Bengali Word পটকানোEnglish definition(verb transitive), (verb intransitive) 1 fling/dash to the ground; knock down; defeat; vanquish; overpower. 2 be overpowered. 3 be down/laid up in bed; go down with. 4 die; kick the bucket. পটকে দেওয়া (verb transitive) = পটকানো (1)
  • Bengali Word পটপটানোEnglish definition(verb intransitive) babble; chatter; prattle (away).
  • Bengali Word পটপটি ১English definition(noun) 1 mania for cleanliness/purity; fastidiousness; faddiness; fad. 2 exaggeration; tall talk; bragging: থামাও তো তোমার যত পটপটি!
  • Bengali Word পটপটি ২, পটপটীEnglish definition(noun) (onomatopoeia) 1 tiny fire-work; small cracker. 2 kind of crackling toy; cracker. 3 crackling sound; crackle. 4 bladder (of a fish). 5 kind of small creeper. 6 a swish (of a whip .
  • Bengali Word পটপটি ৩, পটপটীEnglish definition(noun) an Ayurvedic medicine.
  • Bengali Word পটলEnglish definition(noun) 1 heap; mass; multitude: জলধর পটল. 2 veil; cover. 3 membrane (especially of the eyes). 4 section; chapter. 5 root; thatch. basket; box; chest. 6 = পটোল. পটল তোলা (verb intransitive) die; kick the bucket; croak. পটলপ্রান্ত (noun) edge of a roof.