শ পৃষ্ঠা ৬
- Bengali Word শরণ English definition (noun) (1) shelter; place of shelter/ refuge / rest; hut; house; abode; resort; retreat. asylum; home; habitation. (2) refuge; recourse; protection. (3) protector. শরণ নেওয়া (verb intransitive) take shelter; come/ go for shelter; go to somebody for protection; seek refuge with ; have recourse to.
- Bengali Word শরণাগত, শরণাপন্ন English definition (adjective) come for protection/ shelter. noun(s) one who comes for refuge/ protection; refuge; fugitive. শরণাগতা, শরণাপন্ন (feminine). শরণার্থী (adjective) seeking refuge/ protection. (noun) refugee.
- Bengali Word শরণ্য English definition (adjective) (1) affording shelter; yielding help/ protection. (2) needing shelter/ protection; seeking refuge with. (noun) one/ what affords protection/ defence; refuge. শরণ্যা (feminine) the goddess Durga. শরণ্যতা (noun) (condition of) affording protection.
- Bengali Word শরদ English definition [Persian] (noun) kind of stringed musical instrument.
- Bengali Word শরদিন্দু English definition (noun) autumnal moon. শরদিন্দু নিভ (adjective) like the autumnal moon. শরদিন্দুনিভানন (adjective) having a face resembling the autumnal moon. শরদিন্দু নিভাননা (feminine) = শরদিন্দুনিভানন. শরদিন্দুবিনিন্দিত (adjective) more beautiful than the autumnal moon.
- Bengali Word শরবত, শরবৎ English definition [Arabic] (noun) beverage; cold drink; sherbet.
- Bengali Word শরবতী English definition (noun) variety of lemon.
- Bengali Word শরভ English definition (noun) (1) kind of deer. (2) a fabulous animal said to be stronger than a lion. (3) young elephant. (4) locust. (5) grasshopper. (6) camel.
- Bengali Word শরম English definition [Persian] (noun) shame; modesty; bashfulness; coyness. শরম করা / শরম লাগা (verb intransitive) feel shame; be ashamed/ abashed; feel ashamed; blush; be bashful. শরমার্ত (adjective) perplexed with shame; abashed; flushed with shame; bashful.
- Bengali Word শরমিন্দা English definition [Persian] (adjective) ashamed; blushing; bashful; modest.
- Bengali Word শরা ১ English definition (noun) shallow earthen plate/ lid; earthen ware vessel; flat cover; platter.
- Bengali Word শরা ২ English definition [Arabic] (noun) law; laws of equity; the divine code of life; dogma. শরা শরিয়ত (noun) Islamic law/ code of life; revealed law; laws and statutes; justice.
- Bengali Word শরাকত, শিরকত, শুরাকাত English definition [Arabic] noun(s) partnership; society; company.
- Bengali Word শরাফত, শরাফৎ English definition [Arabic] (noun) nobility; civility; good manners; politeness.
- Bengali Word শরাব English definition [Arabic] (noun) wine; spirit; spirituous liquor. শরাফত খানা (noun) tavern; distillery; public house. শরাফতখোর (noun) drunkard; alcoholic; tippler. শরাফতখোরি (noun) drunkenness; imbibing; alcoholism; drinking wine/ alcohol.
- Bengali Word শরাবন তহুরা English definition [Arabic] (noun) pure drink; divine wine.
- Bengali Word শরাবি, শরাবী English definition [Arabic] (adjective) intoxicated. (noun) drunkard.
- Bengali Word শরিক English definition [Arabic] (noun) partner; associate; participant; accomplice; ally. (adjective) joint; united. শরিক হওয়া (verb intransitive) be a partner; partake; join; participate. শরিকান [Arabic] (noun) (plural) partners. শরিকানা (noun) share (of a joint-owner or partner); part; joint-ownership; partnership.
- Bengali Word শরিকি, শরিকানি English definition [Arabic] (adjective) jointly owned.
- Bengali Word শরিফ, শরীফ English definition [Arabic] (adjective) noble; eminent; honourable; highborn; gentle; holy; sacred; aristocratic. (noun) chief of tribe/ caste; aristocrat.