শ পৃষ্ঠা ৫
- Bengali Word শম ১ English definition (noun) (1) good. (2) happiness.
- Bengali Word শম ২ English definition (noun) (1) tranquility; calm; peace; rest; equanimity; quietism. (2) absence of passion; abstraction from eternal objects through intense meditation; conquest of desire. (3) cessation; desistance; mitigation; alleviation; pacification; alloyment; extinction. (4) alleviation/ cure of a disease; convalescence. (5) final happiness; emancipation from all the illusions of existence. শম ক (adjective) pacifying; mitigating. (noun) pacifier peace-maker. শমতা = শম.
- Bengali Word শমন ১ English definition [English] (noun) summons.
- Bengali Word শমন ২ English definition (noun) (1) calming; tranquillizing; soothing; allaying; extinguishing; appeasing; pacification. (2) peace of mind; tranquillity; calm. (3) malediction. (4) reviling. (5) (the god of) death; Yama. (6) killing; slaying; immolation. শমনী (feminine) night. শমদ্বার (noun) death’s door; death. শমভান, শমসদন noun(s) abode of death; death’s door. শমসদনে গমন করা (verb intransitive) die; give up the ghost; join one’s ancestors. শমসদনে প্রেরণ করা (verb transitive) kill; strike dead; dispatch; smite
- Bengali Word শমনীয় English definition (adjective) to be tranquillized; consolable; soothing.
- Bengali Word শমশের English definition [Persian] (noun) sword.
- Bengali Word শমস্-উল-উলামা, শামসুল উলামা English definition noun(s) the sun of the learned ( a little conferred on very learned people).
- Bengali Word শমিত English definition (adjective) (noun) appeased; allayed. (2) relieved; cured. (3) relaxed; intermitted. (4) repressed; restrained. (5) callused; quelled.
- Bengali Word শমী ১ English definition (adjective) tranquil; pacific; incapable of any emotion; calm; restrained; one who has subdued/ mastered passions; continent. শমিনী (feminine).
- Bengali Word শমী ২ English definition (noun) kind of tree; prosopis spicigera. শমীগর্ভ (noun) fire. শমী ধান্য (noun) sami grain; any pulse/ grain growing in pods.
- Bengali Word শম্পা English definition (noun) lightning.
- Bengali Word শম্বর English definition (noun) (1) kind of deer. (2) name of demon. (3) kind of fish. শম্বর সূদন (noun) destroyer of Shambara; god of love. শম্বারি (noun) enemy of Shambara; god of love.
- Bengali Word শম্বু, শম্বূ English definition (noun) bivalve shell.
- Bengali Word শম্বুক, শম্বূক English definition (noun) (1) = শম্বু. (2) snail. (3) shell; conch. শম্বুক গতি (noun) snail-like pace/ movement; snail’s pace; procrastination; slowness; sluggishness. (adjective) sluggish; slow; snail-paced. শম্বুক গতিতে (adverb) at a snail’s pace.
- Bengali Word শম্ভূ English definition (noun) Shiva.
- Bengali Word শময়িতা English definition (noun) (1) alleviator; tranquillizer. (2) killer; destroyed. শময়িত্রী (feminine).
- Bengali Word শয্যা English definition (noun) (1) bed; bedding; couch; cot; sofa. (2) lying; reposing; sleeping. (3) resting place. শয্যা করা (verb intransitive) make the beds. শয্যানেওয়া (verb intransitive) take to one’s bed; become bedridden. শয্যাপাতা (verb intransitive) make a bed. শয্যাকণ্টক, শয্যা কণ্টকী noun(s) an illness in which one fell, as if one’s bed is a bed of thorns. শয্যা কাল (noun) sleeping-time. শয্যাগত (adjective) gone to bed; lying on a couch; bedridden; confined to bed শয্যাগতা (feminine). শয্যাগৃহ (noun) bed-chamber. শয্যাচ্ছাদন (noun) bed covering; counterpane; sheet; bedspread; bedsheet. শয্যা তল (noun) bed; couch. শয্যাপার্শ্ব, শয্যা প্রান্ত noun(s) end of a bed; bedside. শয্যা রচনা (noun) preparation of a bed. রচনা করা (verb intransitive) make a bed. শয্যাশায়ী = শয্যাগত শয্যাশায়িনী (feminine). শয্যা সঙ্গী, শয্যা সহচর noun(s) bed-fellow; husband; paramour. শয্যা সঙ্গিনী, শয্যাসহচরী (feminine) wife; concubine. শয্যাস্তরণ = শয্যাচ্ছাদন.
- Bengali Word শর ১ English definition (noun) (1) arrow; shaft; dart. (2) sort of reed/ grass; Saccharum sura (used for arrows). শরক্ষেপ range of an arrow-shot. শরক্ষেপ(ণ)/ শর নিক্ষেপ করা (verb intransitive) shoot an arrow. শরজ. শরজন্মা (noun) born in a clump of reed; Kartikeya. শর জাল (noun) dense mass/ multitude of arrows. শরধি (noun) quiver. শরবন (noun) thicked/ clump of reeds. শরবর্ষণ (noun) shower of arrows. শরবর্ষণ করা (verb intransitive) shower arrows. শরবিদ্ধ (adjective) hit pierced with arrows. শর বৃষ্টি = শর বর্ষণ. শরব্য (noun) butt/ mark for arrows; target. শরমল্ল (noun) archer. শয্যা (noun) couch formed of arrows (especially for a dead/ wounded warrior); (figurative) battle-field. শর সন্ধান (noun) taking aim with an arrow. শর সন্ধান করা (verb intransitive) take aim with an arrow; shoot an arrow. শরাঘাত (noun) arrow-shot; wound caused by an arrow. শরাঘাত করা (verb intransitive) strike/ wound with an arrow. শরাভ্যাস (noun) practice with bow and arrow; practice of archery. শরারোপণ (noun) planting an arrow on a bow. শরাশ্রয় (noun) quiver. শরাসন (noun) bow. শরাহত (adjective) wounded by an arrow.
- Bengali Word শর ২ English definition = সর
- Bengali Word শরচ্চন্দ্র English definition (noun) the autumnal moon.