ন পৃষ্ঠা ৫৪
- Bengali Word নিহিলিস্ট English definition [English] (noun) nihilist.
- Bengali Word নিহ্নব English definition (noun) (1) denial; concealment; secrecy; lie; perjury; contradiction. (2) suspicion; mistrust. (3) atonement; expiation; amends for. নিহ্নববাদী (adjective) lying; prevaricating. (noun) liar; perjurer; prevaricator.
- Bengali Word নিড়বিড় English definition (noun) (onomatopoeia) procrastination; dilly-dallying; dilatoriness; dallying; excessive slowness. নিড়বিড়ে (adjective) procrastinating; dilatory; sluggish; dilly-dallying; dawdling.
- Bengali Word নিড়ানি, নিড়েন English definition (noun) (1) weeding tool; hoe. (2) act of weeding out; weeding.
- Bengali Word নিড়ানো English definition (verb transitive) weed (out). (adjective) weeded.
- Bengali Word নিয়ত ১, নিয়ৎ English definition [Arabic] (noun(s) intention; will; purpose; design; aim; wish. নিয়ত করা/নিয়ত বাঁধা (verb intransitive) (1) repeat the prayer formula. (2) intend; be determined; resolve (on/ upon).
- Bengali Word নিয়ত ২ English definition (adjective) (1) fixed; established; settled; sure; regular; invariable; positive; definite. (2) constant; steady; unchanging; continuous; perpetual: নিয়ত চিন্তা, নিয়ত বায়ু, constant wind. (3) restrained; checked; controlled; curbed; suppressed; restricted. (4) disciplined; self governed; abstemious; temperate. (adverb) always; ever; constantly; continuously; often. নিয়তবৃত্ত (noun) (conics) director cirle. নিয়তব্রত (adjective) constant in the observance of vows; regular in Observances; pious; religious. নিয়তাচার = নিয়তব্রত. নিয়তাত্মা (adjective) self-controlled; self-restrained; abstemious; self-disciplined; continent. নিয়তাশন, নিয়তাহার (adjective(s) abstemious in food; temperate. (noun) abstemiousness; temperance.
- Bengali Word নিয়তি English definition (noun) (1) fixed order of things; necessity. (2) destiny; fate; predestination; luck. (3) inevitable occurrence. (4) self-command; self-restraint. (5) regulation; control. নিয়তি নির্দিষ্ট (adjective) foreordained; predestined; foredoomed; ordained by fate; fated; decreed by providence. নিয়তি নির্দেশ (noun) providence; God's will; fate.
- Bengali Word নিয়তেন্দ্রিয় English definition (adjective) self-controlled; abstemious.
- Bengali Word নিয়ন্তা English definition (adjective) who or what holds in/ restrains/ governs/ controls/ tames/ destines/ directs/ determines. (noun) controller; tamer; deciding factor; decision maker. নিয়ন্ত্রী (feminine) = নিয়ন্তা.
- Bengali Word নিয়ন্ত্রক English definition (adjective) controlling; regulating; deciding. (noun) controlled; regulator.
- Bengali Word নিয়ন্ত্রণ English definition (noun) control; restraint; regulation; rule; determination; restraining; governing; checking; restricting. নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা (verb transitive) control; restrain; regulate; govern; check; restrict; determine. নিয়ন্ত্রণ-ব্যবস্থা (noun) control system. নিয়ন্ত্রণাধীন (adjective) controlled; under control; regulated.
- Bengali Word নিয়ন্ত্রিত English definition (adjective) (1) restrained; checked; fettered. (2) controlled; regulated; determined. (3) governed by; depending on.
- Bengali Word নিয়ম English definition (noun) (1) (fixed) rule; law; regulation; ruling. (2) necessity; obligation. (2) precept; prescription; direction: নিয়ম শাস্ত্রীয়. (3) system; method; discipline: কাজের নিয়ম. (4) stipulation; condition; convention; contract; promise; vow. (5) custom; convention; practice: এটা আমাদের পারিবারিক নিয়ম. (6) routine duty; regular practice: ছেলেকে বকাবকি করা তার একটা নিয়ম হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে. (7) act of voluntary penance/ meritorious piety: নিয়ম পালন. (8) self-discipline; restraint of the mind; self-control; abstemiousness; temperance. (9) restraining; checking; holding back; controlling. (10) limitation; restriction. নিয়ম করা (verb intransitive) (1) lay down a rule; make a law; stipulate. (2) make (it) a rule give judicial/ authoritative decision; rule. নিয়মতন্ত্র (noun) set/code of laws; constitution; system; regularity; constitutionalism. নিয়মতান্ত্রিক (adjective) systematic; regular; constitutional. নিয়মন (noun) (1) restraining; checking; controlling; regulating. (2) regularization. (3) laying down rules; issuing laws. (4) precept; fixed practice/rule. (5) restriction; limitation. (6) stipulating. (7) issuing a ruling. নিয়মনিষ্ঠ (adjective) zealously observing prescribed rites; ardently obedient to rules and systems; regular; disciplined; methodical; well-regulated; scrupulous; ceremonious; rigid; regular in one's habits. নিয়মনিষ্ঠা (noun) rigid observance of prescribed rites; strict obedience to rules and regulations; discipline; regular habits; regularity; methodicalness. নিয়মপত্র (noun) agreement; covenant. নিয়মপর(তন্ত্র), নিয়ম পরায়ণ (adjective(s) observing fixed rules. নিয়ম পালন (noun) observance of rules and regulations/ prescribed rites/ stipulations; regularity in practice. নিয়ম পালন করা (verb intransitive) observe/ abide by rules and regulations; practice religious observances; go by the rule; abide by stipulations and conditions. নিয়মপূর্বক (adverb) according to rules (and regulations); regularly; methodically; systematically; routinely; as a matter of course; invariable; in keeping with (fixed) rules. নিয়মবর্জিত, নিয়ম বহির্ভূত, নিয়ম বিরুদ্ধ (adjective) contrary to rules; irregular; flouting rules/ stipulations; ultra vires; unmethodical; anomalous; illegal. নিয়মভঙ্গ (noun) (1) breach of a stipulation/ contract. (2) breach/ violation/ infringement of a rule. (3) completion/ termination/ breach of a religious rite/ vow. নিয়মভঙ্গ করা (verb intransitive) (1) break/ violate/ infringe a rule/ stipulation. (2) complete/ terminate/ break/ interrupt a religious rite/ vow. নিয়মমতো, নিয়মমাফিক = নিয়মানুযায়ী. নিয়ম-রক্ষা (noun) compliance with/ observance of rules/ rites; adherence to customs/ practices. নিয়ম রক্ষা করা (verb intransitive) observe rules/ rites; keep up/ up hold customs/ practices; comply with rules (and regulations). নিয়ম রক্ষা করে (adverb) in conformity with the rules/ customs. নিয়ম লঙ্ঘন (noun) transgression/ violation of a fixed rule/ obligation/ customs/ practices. নিয়মাধীন (adjective) subject to/bound by rules; regulated; regular; well-regulated. নিয়মানুগ (adjective) regular. নিয়মানুবর্তন, নিয়মানুবর্তিতা = নিয়মনিষ্ঠা. নিয়মানুবর্তী = নিয়মনিষ্ঠ. নিয়মানুযায়ী (adjective) regular; regulated; methodical; systematic; disciplined. (adjective) according to fixed/ fixed rules; in accordance/ conformity with the rules/ practices. নিয়মানুসারে (adverb) = নিয়মানুযায়ী. নিয়মাবলী (noun) (plural) set/code of rules; rules; regulations.
- Bengali Word নিয়মিত English definition (adjective) (1) regular; regulated. (2) prescribed; stipulated. (3) checked; restrained; bound by; controlled. (adverb) in a regular manner; regularly. নিয়মিত করা (verb transitive) regulate; regularize. নিয়মিত সময়ে at the appointed/ stipulated time.
- Bengali Word নিয়মী English definition (adjective) (1) = নিয়মানুবর্তী ( নিয়ম). (2) self-disciplined; abstemious; temperate.
- Bengali Word নিয়ম্য English definition (adjective) to be restrained/ controlled/ checked; controllable.
- Bengali Word নিয়াই English definition (noun) (dialect) = নেহাই
- Bengali Word নিয়ামক English definition (adjective) controlling; regulating; governing; checking; restraining; directing; guiding; regularizing. (noun) (1) regulator; director; controller; registrar. (2) factor. (3) (geometry) directrix. (4) guide; pilot; ruler.
- Bengali Word নিয়ামত, নিয়ামৎ English definition [Arabic] (noun(s)) blessings/ favours of heaven; good things/ comforts of life; delight; joy; wealth. নিয়ামতখানা (noun) home/ abode of affluence; palace; meat safe.