ন পৃষ্ঠা ৫৬
- Bengali Word নীরজ ২ English definition (adjective) free from dust. (2) having no pollen. নীরজা (adjective) (of girls) whose menstruation has not yet begun to function.
- Bengali Word নীরদ English definition (noun) cloud. নীরদ বরণ (adjective) dark as a cloud; blue-black; dark-grey.
- Bengali Word নীরন্ধ্র English definition (adjective) having no holes/openings; close; thick; dense; compact; uninterrupted; firmly closed; closely woven; closed on all sides.
- Bengali Word নীরব English definition (adjective) soundless; noiseless; silent; quiet; hushed; speechless; mute. নীরব করা (verb transitive) silence; hush; quiet; gag; muzzle. নীরব থাকা (verb intransitive) remain silent; tongue-tied. নীরব হওয়া (verb intransitive) be silent; hold one's-tongue; quiet down; hush; be hushed; fall silent. নীরবতা (noun) silence; noiselessness; quiet; hush; taciturnity; calm; stillness. নীরবে (adverb) silently; noiselessly; quietly; stealthily. নীরবে সহ্য করা (verb transitive) bear/tolerate silently/ patiently; bear without complaint.
- Bengali Word নীরস English definition (adjective) (1) without juice; sapless; dry; dried up; withered. (2) flavourless; tasteless; insipid: নীরস পানীয়. (3) dull; inane; jejune; uninteresting; tedious; dreary; insipid: নীরস আলোচনা. (4) humourless; boring; tiresome: নীরস লোক/ নীরস সমালোচক. (5) prosaic; dull; vapid; colourless; drab; arid; stereotyped; lifeless; stale; threadbare: নীরস সমালোচনা. (6) cheerless; unexciting; dull; monotonous; prosaic; humdrum: নীরস জীবন. (7) gloomy; cheerless; dreary; bleak; dismal: নীরস আবহাওয়া. (8) glum; mirthless; sullen; dour; joyless: নীরস হাসি/নীরস মুখ. নীরসতা (noun) lack of juice/sap; dullness; unsavouriness; insipidity; vapidity; tediousness; boredom; tedium; monotony; prosiness; cheerlessness; gloom; gloominess; sullenness; inanity; dreariness; flatness.
- Bengali Word নীরাজন(া) English definition 1 lustration of arms (a ceremony performed by kings before taking the field); waving lights before an idol as an act of adoration.
- Bengali Word নীরোগ English definition (adjective) free from disease/ illness; healthy; well; in health.
- Bengali Word নীল English definition (adjective) (1) dark-blue; blue; azure. (2) dyed with indigo. (noun) (1) deep-blue colour; blue; azure. (2) indigo (plant). (3) sapphire. (4) the mountain Nila. (5) peacock. (6) blue-necked jay. নীলকণ্ঠ (adjective) blue-necked. (noun) (1) name of Shiva (as having a blue throat from swallowing the poison produced at the churning of the ocean). (2) peacock. (3) species of gallinule/water-hen. নীলকমল (noun) blue lotus/ water-lily. নীলকর (noun) indigo planter. নীলকান্ত(মণি) (noun) sapphire. নীলকান্তি (noun) azure. নীল কুঠি (noun) indigo-factory. নীল গাই (noun) large Indian antelope; nilgai; nilgau. নীলপদ্ম = নীলকমল. নীল নীল (noun) worship of Shiva on the penultimate or the last day of the Bengali year. নীলপ্রভ (adjective) having a blue lustre/ radiance. নীলবর্ণ (noun), (adjective) blue; azure. নীলবসন (adjective) dressed in blue/ dark-blue clothes. নীল বসনা (feminine) = নীলবসন. নীল মক্ষিক (noun) kind of blue fly/ bee. নীলমণি (noun) sapphire. নীল লোহিত (noun) (1) dark blue and red; purple; dark-red. (2) Shiva. (adjective) purple; dark-red. নীলষষ্ঠী (noun) = নীল পূজা. নীলা (noun) sapphire. নীলাংশুক (noun) blue garment. নীলাকাশ (noun) blue sky. নীলাচল (noun) = নীল (3). নীলাঞ্চল (noun) blue end/ border of a sari/garment. নীলাঞ্জন (noun) blue antimony. নীলাব্জ = নীল কমল. নীলাভ (adjective) bluish. নীলাভা (noun) bluishness; blue tinge/ tint. নীলাভ্র (noun) dark cloud. নীলাম্বর (noun) (1) piece of blue cloth. (2) blue sky. (adjective) dressed in a blue garment/ sari. নীলাম্বরী (noun) blue sari. নীলাম্বু, নীলাম্বুধি (noun(s)) ocean; sea; high seas; expanse of blue water. নীলাম্বুবিস্তার (noun) wide expanses of the ocean.
- Bengali Word নীলডাউন English definition (adjective) knelt down. নীলডাউন হওয়া (verb intransitive) kneel down.
- Bengali Word নীলাম English definition = নিলাম
- Bengali Word নীলিকা English definition (noun) (1) indigo plant. (2) kind of eye-disease.
- Bengali Word নীলিমময় English definition (adjective) blue; azure. নীলিমময়ী (feminine) = নীলিমময়.
- Bengali Word নীলিমা English definition (noun) blueness; azure.
- Bengali Word নীলী English definition (noun) (1) indigo plant/ dye. (2) blue.
- Bengali Word নীলোপল English definition (noun) sapphire.
- Bengali Word নীলোৎপল English definition (noun) blue lotus/ water-lily.
- Bengali Word নীহার English definition (noun) snow; ice; dew; fog; mist. নীহারস্ফোট (noun) avalanche.
- Bengali Word নীহারিকা English definition (noun) nebula. নীহারিকাবাদ (noun) nebular theory.
- Bengali Word নীড় English definition (noun) nest; resting-place; abode.
- Bengali Word নীয়মান English definition (adjective) being carried (off)/ borne/ conducted/ led. নীয়মানা (feminine) = নীয়মান.