দ পৃষ্ঠা ৪২
- Bengali Word দোরকা English definition = দো
- Bengali Word দোরমা English definition = দোলমা
- Bengali Word দোররা English definition [Persian] (noun) scourge made of twisted thongs; sort of whip to punish offenders with.
- Bengali Word দোরস্ত English definition = দুরস্ত
- Bengali Word দোর্দণ্ড English definition (noun) long arm. (adjective) (1) terrible; fierce; fiery: দোর্দণ্ডতাপ, দোর্দণ্ডক্রোধ. (2) mighty; powerful; iron-handed. দোর্দণ্ড প্রতাপ (adjective) terribly mighty/ powerful; strong; iron-handed (noun) terrible might.
- Bengali Word দোর্মা English definition = দোলমা দোল (noun) swing(ing); oscillating; oscillation; dangling movement. (2) Hindu festival (in the month of Phalgun) when images of the boy Krishna are swung); the Holi festival. দোর্মা খাওয়া (verb intransitive) swing; oscillate; dangle; ride on the swing; have a swing; rock. দোর্মা খাওয়ানো/ দেওয়া (verb transitive) cause to swing; give somebody a swing; rock; dangle; oscillate. দোর্মা-দুর্গোৎসব (noun) the principal festivals of Hindus (such as the Holi and the worship of Durga); expensive festivals. দোর্মান (noun) (1) swinging; dangling; oscillation. (2) swing. দোর্মান-কাল (noun) period of oscillation. দোর্মান-তল (noun) plane of oscillation. দোর্মানা (noun) swing; rocking cradle. দোর্মানায় চড়া (verb intransitive) ride a swing. দোর্মা পিঁড়ি (noun) seat of a swing. দোর্মা মঞ্চ (noun) the alter on which the rocking cradle of Krishna and Radha is set up. দোর্মা যাত্রা (noun) = দোর্মা (2).
- Bengali Word দোলক English definition (noun) pendulum (of a clock, etc).
- Bengali Word দোলমা English definition (noun) food item prepared by stuffing pato/ (পটোল) with minced meat/ fish.
- Bengali Word দোলা ১ English definition = দুলা ১. দোলানো = দুলানো
- Bengali Word দোলা ২ English definition (noun) (1) litter. (2) rocking cradle. (3) improvised cot to carry a corpse to the crematorium. (4) দোলাই.
- Bengali Word দোলাই English definition (noun) quilt; double sheet.
- Bengali Word দোলায়মান English definition (adjective) (1) swinging; oscillating; dangling; rocking. (2) wavering; vacillating; hesitating. দোলায়মান চিত্ত, দোলায়মান-মতি (adjective) doubtful in mind; wavering; irresolute; diffident.
- Bengali Word দোলায়িত English definition (adjective) (1) caused to swing/ oscillate/ dangle; swing; oscillated; hung. (2) caused to waver/ vacillate/ hesitate; wavering; hesitating. দোলায়িত চিত্ত (adjective) দোলায়মানচিত্ত. (noun) vacillating mind.
- Bengali Word দোলিকা, দোলী English definition (noun(s) small litter.
- Bengali Word দোষ English definition (noun) sin; vice; guilt; offence; crime; transgression; bad practice/ tendency: এটা তার একটা দোষ বলতেই হবে. (2) fault; deficiency; flaw; blemish; want; lapse; inconvenience; disadvantage; weak point; demerit; defect; পরের দোষ খোঁজা. (3) badness; sinfulness; wickedness. (4) accusation; reproach; blame: দোষের ভাগী হওয়া. (5) alteration; affection; morbid element; disease (especially of the 3 humours of the body): চোখের/ মাথার দোষ. (6) damage; harm; bad consequence; detrimental effect: এতে কোনো দোষ নেই. (7) sinister influence: গ্রহের দোষ. (8) inauspiciousness: যাওয়ার সময়ে পিছু ডাকা দোষের. দোষ করা (verb intransitive) be at fault; do wrong; offend; commit a sin/ offence/ crime. দোষ খণ্ডানো (verb intransitive) (1) free from/ refute/ rebut a charge; disprove a charge; give the lie to. (2) (astrology) counteract/ undo the sinister influence of a planet. দোষক্ষালন (noun) exculpation; vindication, exoneration; absolution. দোষক্ষালন করা (verb intransitive) (1) exculpate; exonerate; clear of charges; absolve; vindicate. (2) rectify an error/ fault. দোষ খোঁজা (verb intransitive) try to find fault with; look for mistakes. দোষ ঘোচানো = দোষ খণ্ডানো. দোষ দেওয়া (verb intransitive) accuse; blame; censure; hold responsible for; lay/ put the blame (for something) on somebody; recriminate against; find fault with; impute a fault to. দোষ দেখা/দোষ ধরা (verb intransitive) notice a fault/ an error/ a mistake/ a defect; find fault with; pick holes; put the finger at. দোষগুণ (noun) bad and good qualities. দোষগ্রস্ত (adjective) involved in guilt; guilty. দোষ গ্রহণ (noun) fault-finding. দোষগ্রহী (adjective) fault-finding; censorious; captious; quibbling. দোষঘ্ন (adjective) removing the bad humours/ detrimental effect of. দোষজ্ঞ (adjective) knowing the faults of; knowing what is evil/ to be avoided; prudent; discerning. (noun) discerning man; physician; erudite person. দোষণ (noun) imputation of crime; accusation. দোষ দর্শন (noun) fault-finding. দোষদর্শী = দোষগ্রাহী. দোষ স্বীকার (noun) admission of guilt; confession. দোষ স্বীকার করা (verb intransitive) plead guilty to a crime; admit/ acknowledge one’s guilt; confess a crime/ sin/ fault/ guilt. দোষা (verb transitive) = দুষা. দোষাকর (noun) mine/ heap of faults. দোষাক্রান্ত (adjective) defective; faulty; flawed; vicious; morbid. দোষাদোষ (noun) merits and demerits; vices and virtues. দোষান্বেষণ (noun) search for a defect/ fault (in); fault-finding দোষান্বেষণ করা (verb intransitive) = দোষ খোঁজা. দোষান্বেষী = দোষগ্রাহী. দোষাবহ (adjective) (1) = দোষাক্রান্ত. (2) harmful; noxious; blamable. দোষারোপ (noun) imputation of a fault; finding fault with; accusation; recrimination. দোষারোপ করা = দোষ দেওয়া. দোষাশ্রিত (adjective) (1) = দোষাক্রান্ত. (2) given to vices; vicious.
- Bengali Word দোষী English definition (adjective) guilty of an offence; be to blame (for something); sinning; offending. দোষী (সাব্যস্ত) করা (verb transitive) find somebody guilty (of a crime etc.); adjudge guilty; hold responsible for; blame. দোষী সাব্যস্ত হওয়া (verb intransitive) found/ adjudged guilty.
- Bengali Word দোসর English definition (adjective) second; next; equal; accompanying; seconding; associating. (noun) second; companion; associate; accomplice; match; equal; comrade. দোসরা (adjective) (1) second; another; next. (2) (of the days of a month) second. (noun) the second day: বৈশাখের দোসরা.
- Bengali Word দোস্ত English definition [Persian] (noun) friend; chum; (derogatory) crony.
- Bengali Word দোস্তি English definition (noun) friendship.
- Bengali Word দোহ English definition (noun) (1) milking. (2) milk-pail. (adjective) dairy (noun). দোহক (adjective) milking. (noun) milker; extortionist. দোহদ (noun) (1) pregnancy. (2) peculiar longing of a pregnant woman. দোহদদান (noun) ceremony of giving an expectant mother delicacies she longs to eat. দোহদনতী (noun) pregnant woman longing to have peculiar delicacies. দোহদলক্ষণ (noun) signs/ symptoms of pregnancy. দোহন (noun) (1) milking. (2) extortion; exaction; exploitation. দোহন করা = দোয়া ১. দোহনী (noun) milk-pail. দোহনীয় (adjective) to be milked. দোহশালা (noun) dairy (farm). দোহা (verb transitive) = দোয়া ২. দোহানো = দোয়ানো. দোহাল (noun) milker.