দ পৃষ্ঠা ৪০
- Bengali Word দেয় English definition (adjective) to be given/granted; worth-giving; fit/proper for a gift; to be paid/returned; due; payable.
- Bengali Word দেয়ক English definition (noun) fee.
- Bengali Word দেয়া ১ English definition (noun) (1) sky. (2) cloud. দেয়ার ডাক/ দেয়া গর্জন (noun) roar/rumble of clouds.
- Bengali Word দেয়া ২ English definition (verb intransitive) = দেওয়া ২
- Bengali Word দেয়ান English definition (noun) (colloquial) = দেওয়ান ১
- Bengali Word দেয়াল English definition (noun) wall. দেয়াল তোলা/দেয়াল দেওয়া (verb intransitive) raise/build a wall. দেয়াল দিয়ে ঘেরা/ দেয়াল বন্ধ করা (verb transitive) wall up. দেয়ালগিরি (noun) tapestry/cloth to adorn a wall. দেয়াল-পঞ্জি (noun) wall calendar. দেয়ালেরও কান আছে walls have ears.
- Bengali Word দেয়ালা English definition (noun) smile and cry of a dreaming baby.
- Bengali Word দেয়ালি, দেয়ালী English definition (noun(s)) = দীপালি ( দীপ)
- Bengali Word দেয়াসিনী English definition (noun) (feminine) votaress; female worshipper, nun; woman versed in mystic incantations.
- Bengali Word দেয়াসী English definition (noun) votary (of certain goddesses).
- Bengali Word দৈ English definition = দই.
- Bengali Word দৈত্য English definition (noun) (1) (mythology) son of Diti; demon. (2) giant; monster; ogre. (3) gigantic man; colossus. দৈত্যকুল (noun) race of demons. দৈত্যকুলে প্রহ্লাদ (figurative) a saint born in the race of sinners; a Christ amongst Jews. দৈত্যগুরু (noun) (mythology) Shukracharya, the preceptor of the Daityas. দৈত্য নিসূদন (noun) destroyer of Daityas; Vishnu. দৈত্যপতি (noun) king of the demons. দৈত্যমাতা (noun) mother of the Daityas; Diti. দৈত্যারি (noun) foe of the Daityas; Vishnu.
- Bengali Word দৈনন্দিন English definition (adjective) (happening) daily; routine: দৈনন্দিন ব্যাপার.
- Bengali Word দৈনিক English definition (adjective) daily; diurnal. (noun) daily (newspaper).
- Bengali Word দৈন্য English definition (noun) wretchedness; miserable state; utter poverty; indigence; misery; distress; affliction. দৈন্যদশা (noun) miserable/ humble/ wretched state; striated circumstances; utter poverty; destitution. দৈন্য দশাগ্রস্ত, দৈন্য দশাপন্ন, দৈন্য দশাপীড়িত (adjective(s) poverty-stricken; in straited circumstances; impoverished; miserable; wretched; indigent; destitute. দৈন্যাবস্থা = দৈন্য দশা.
- Bengali Word দৈব English definition (adjective) (1) belonging to/ coming from the gods; divine; celestial; heavenly. (2) depending on fate; fatal; providential. (3) miraculous. (4) accidental. (noun) (1) divine power/ will; fate; destiny; chance; luck; providence. (2) chance occurrence. দৈবকর্ম (noun) oblation to the gods; religious rite. দৈবক্রমে (adverb) by chance/ providence; accidentally; luckily, miraculously. দৈবগতি (noun) course of destiny; fortune. দৈবগতিকে = দৈবক্রমে. দৈবঘটনা (noun) chance occurrence; accident; providential/miraculous incident; দৈবচয়ন (noun) random selection. দৈব চিন্তক (adjective) reflecting on fate. (noun) astrologer; soothsayer; fortuneteller; diviner. দৈবচিন্তা (noun) fatalism; astrology. দৈবজ্ঞ (adjective) knowing fate/ men’s destiny. (noun) = চিন্তক. দৈবদুর্ঘটনা (noun) accident; mishap. দৈবদুর্বিপাক (noun) unforeseen calamity/ adversity; misfortune. দৈব দোষ evil fate, ill fate/ luck; misfortune. দৈব দোষে (adverb) through ill luck. দৈবধন (noun) heaven-sent treasure; treasure found by chance; windfall; hidden treasure. দৈব নিদিষ্ট, দৈব নির্ধারিত (adjective(s) foreordained; predestined, ordained by God. দৈববল (noun) divine power; God-gifted power. দৈববশত, দৈববশে (adverb(s)) = দৈবক্রমে. দৈববাণী (noun) voice from heaven; oracle; word of God; revelation; prophecy দৈববিড়ম্বনা (noun) irony of fate; misfortune. দৈবযোগ (noun) juncture of fate; fortune; chance. দৈবযোগে (adverb) = দৈবক্রমে. দৈবলব্ধ (adjective) obtained by chance; God-gifted. দৈব লেখক = দৈবজ্ঞ. দৈবশক্তি = বল. দৈব শক্তিসম্পন্ন (adjective) endowed with divine/ God-gifted power. দৈবহত (adjective) stricken by destiny. দৈব্যাৎ (adverb) by chance; by a stroke of luck; luckily; accidentally; suddenly. দৈবাগত (adjective) come by chance. দৈবাদেশ (noun) divine command/ inspiration, commandment, oracle. দৈবাধীন (adjective) subject to/ dependent on fate; fateful; controlled by destiny. দৈবানুগ্রহীত (adjective) favoured by destiny/ the gods. দৈবানুকূল্য, দৈবানুগ্রহ (noun) grace of God; divine favour. দৈবানুগ্রহে (adjective) through the grace of God. দৈবায়ত্ত = দৈবধীন.
- Bengali Word দৈবিক English definition (adjective)= দৈব
- Bengali Word দৈবী English definition (adjective) (feminine) of দৈব
- Bengali Word দৈবোপহত English definition (adjective) struck by fate.
- Bengali Word দৈব্য English definition (adjective) divine.