গ পৃষ্ঠা ৮
- Bengali Word গাঁথা English definition (verb intransitive) (1) string together; wreathe (as a garland). (2) lay bricks (to construct a building). (3) arrange artistically and in an orderly manner. ছন্দ গাঁথা.
- Bengali Word গাং, গাঙ English definition (noun) a river; a stream. গাংচিল (noun) a river gull. গাং শালিক (noun) the horn-bill. গাং পেরুলে কুমিরকে কলা to laugh at a danger when it is no more.
- Bengali Word গাই ১, গাই গরু English definition (noun) the cow. গাই দোহন করা (verb intransitive) milk a cow. দুধেল গাই (noun) a milch cow.
- Bengali Word গাই ২ English definition (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) (1) I sing. (2) I praise: যার খাই তার গাই. গাইয়ে (noun) one who sings; a singer. গাই বাজিয়ে (noun) a musician. (adjective) adept in music.
- Bengali Word গাউন English definition [English] (noun) (1) outer garment worn by western women; a gown. (2) long loose garment used by men in certain professions: উকিলের গাউন.
- Bengali Word গাওয়া English definition (adjective) (1) act or pertaining to cows.
- Bengali Word গাওয়া English definition (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) (1) to sing (a song). (2) to praise: গুণ গাওয়া. গেয়ে বেড়ানো (verb transitive) spread; circulate; make public.
- Bengali Word গাছ ১ English definition (noun) (1) a tree; a plant. (2) a creeper; a herb: শিম গাছ. (3) a tree-like object (as the grinding tree of an oilman). (adjective) tall or getting taller day by day: মেয়েটি দিন দিন গাছ হয়ে উঠছে. গাছগাছড়া, গাছগাছালি; (noun) (plural) (1) trees and plants. (2) shrubs and herbs. গাছপালা (noun) (plural) trees and plants; vegetation.
- Bengali Word গাছ ২, গাছা, গাছি English definition equivalent to English article ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the': লাঠিগাছ; একগাছা দড়ি; মালাগাছি.
- Bengali Word গাছড়া English definition (noun) wild shrubs; low bush.
- Bengali Word গাজন English definition (noun) festival in connection with the worship of Hindu deity Shiva at the end of the month of Chaitra. অনেক সন্ন্যাসীতে গাজন নষ্ট (figurative) too many cooks spoil the broth.
- Bengali Word গাজর English definition (noun) a kind of vegetable; carrot.
- Bengali Word গাজি English definition [Arabic] (noun) one who fights in the way of Allah/for the defence of religion.
- Bengali Word গাটাপার্চা English definition [English] (noun) soft rubber like material used for covering electric wires, etc.
- Bengali Word গাণনিক English definition (noun) an accountant; a keeper of accounts.
- Bengali Word গাণিতিক English definition (adjective) (1) versed in mathematics. (2) related to mathematics.
- Bengali Word গাণ্ডে পিণ্ডে English definition (adverb) up to the throat; to one’s fill.
- Bengali Word গাত্র English definition (noun) (1) the physical structure of a human being; the body. (2) the flank or side of a building or the like: পর্বত গাত্র. গাত্রদাহ, গাত্রজ্বালা (noun) (1) burning sensation on the skin/ body. (2) (figurative) heart-burning; jealousy; ill-will; malice. spite; grudge. গাত্রজ্বালা করা (verb intransitive) have burning sensation on the body; (figurative) be jealous/envious of; have grudge against (one). গাত্রবেদনা, গাত্রশুল (noun) pain in the body; muscular pain. গাত্রমার্জনী (noun) that which is used for drying the skin alter washing; a towel; a napkin. গাত্রহরিদ্রা (noun) the ceremony connected with wedding when the bride and the groom are besmeared with a paste of green turmeric before the nuptial bath.
- Bengali Word গাত্রাবরণ, গাত্রাবরণী English definition (noun) (1) a wrapper for the body. (2) clothes; garment. (3) a coat of mail.
- Bengali Word গাত্রোত্থান English definition (noun) getting up from bed or from a lying or sitting position. গাত্রোত্থান করা (verb intransitive) rise/ get up; stand.