গ পৃষ্ঠা ২
- Bengali Word গজাল English definition (noun) a large-size nail. গজাল মারা (verb intransitive) drive a nail.
- Bengali Word গজেন্দ্র English definition (noun) the superb one among elephants; the leader of a herd of wild elephants. গজেন্দ্র গমন (noun) (of a person’s movement) like the gait of an elephant.
- Bengali Word গঞ্জ English definition (noun) a market-place; an entrepot of trade.
- Bengali Word গঞ্জন English definition (noun) act of scolding/reproaching (a subordinate). গঞ্জনা (noun) reproach; scolding; upbraiding. গঞ্জনা দেওয়া (verb transitive) put (one) to shame by taking to task; reproach; scold; upbraid.
- Bengali Word গঞ্জায়িশ English definition [Persian] (noun) capacity to accommodate; accommodation.
- Bengali Word গঞ্জিকা English definition (noun) ganja, a narcotic drug prepared from the flowering top of hemp plant; an intoxicant. গঞ্জিকা সেবন করা (verb intransitive),(verb transitive) smoke ganja or hemp. গঞ্জিকাসেবী (adjective) given to smoking ganja. (noun) a habitual smoker of hemp.
- Bengali Word গট গট English definition (interjection) (onomatopoeia) suggesting proud footstep that produces sound on the ground. গট গট করে চলা walk with firm steps that gives an impression of arrogance.
- Bengali Word গঠন English definition (noun) act of making or forming: দল গঠন. (2) construction; constitution: দেহের গঠন. (3) shape; form; appearance: সুন্দর গঠন. গঠন করা (verb transitive) form; construct; build; make; create. গঠনভঙ্গি, গঠনশৈলী (noun) (noun) the style or the manner of construction. গঠনসৌষ্ঠব (noun) the beauty or elegance of a construction. গঠিত (adjective) formed; shaped; constructed; built.
- Bengali Word গড্ডলিকা English definition (noun) (1) (feminine) the female sheep that walks at the head of a flock. (2) flock of sheep blindly following the ewe at the head. গড্ডলিকা প্রবাহ (noun) an instance of doing what somebody else has done without looking to its merit or demerit just as a flock of sheep blindly follows suit behind the bell-wether.
- Bengali Word গণ English definition (noun) (plural) (1) soft indicating a number more than one: বালকগণ, the boys; কৃষকগণ, the farmers. (2) the common people; the masses: গণআন্দোলন. (3) a class; a company; a group; a faction; a party. গণঅভ্যুত্থান (noun) an upheaval among the masses; a mass rising; a mass revolt. গণআন্দোলন (noun) a political movement taking root among the masses; a mass movement. গণআদালত (noun) people’s court. গণতন্ত্র (noun) a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the elected representatives of all classes of people for the benefit of all classes; democracy. 2 a state run on democratic method; a republic. গণতন্ত্রী, গণতান্ত্রিক (adjective) following the democratic ways and principles; democratic. গণভোট (noun) a vote of a whole people; plebiscite. গণশক্তি (noun) the united strength of the people; the people collectively; the sovereignty of the people.
- Bengali Word গণক English definition (noun) (1) one who is versed in the art of foretelling future events from the stars; an astrologer. (2) one who tells fortunes by the hand; a palmist. (3) one who or that which calculates.
- Bengali Word গণন, গণনা English definition (noun) (1) counting; reckoning; enumeration: সংখ্যা গণন. (2) calculation; computation: লাভক্ষতি গণন. (3) act of judging (as); judgement; decision: দোষী বলে গণন. (4) act of considering/regarding (as): শত্রু বলে গণন. (5) (astrology) reading; predicting; foretelling: ভাগ্য গণন. গণন করা (verb transitive) count; compute; regard; calculate. গণনকারী (noun) an enumerator. গণনার্হ (adjective) worthy of being reckoned/counted; worth-considering; to be reckoned with. গণনীয় (adjective) countable; calculable.
- Bengali Word গণিকা English definition (noun) a prostitute ; a harlot. গণিকালয় (noun) house of ill-fame; a brothel.
- Bengali Word গণিত English definition (noun) the science of mathematics comprising arithmetic, geometry, algebra, etc (also গণিতবিদ্যা). গণিতজ্ঞ (adjective) versed in mathematics. (noun) a mathematician. গণিত বিষয়ক (adjective) mathematical.
- Bengali Word গণিমত English definition [Arabic] (noun) spoils of war captured from an enemy; war booty. মালে গণিমত (noun) goods and chattels captured as booty.
- Bengali Word গণেশ English definition (noun) Ganesha, the Hindu deity of success and wealth.
- Bengali Word গণ্ড English definition (noun) (1) the side of the face below the eyes on each side; the cheek: গণ্ডদেশ. (2) a morbid swelling in any part of the body; a tumour: গলগণ্ড. (3) any roundish organ in a part of the body secreting some fluid; a gland: গণ্ডমালা. (4) a mound; a mass (as of a rock): গণ্ডশৈল. (adjective) big; large: গণ্ডগ্রাম. গণ্ডকূপ (noun) a small natural depression in the cheek or chin; a dimple. গণ্ডগ্রাম (noun) (1) a large and populous village. (2) an outlying backward village. গণ্ডদেশ (noun) the cheek; the chin. গণ্ডমূর্খ (adjective) most foolish/ignorant; grossly stupid. (noun) a big fool; an egregious/arrant fool; a blockhead. গণ্ডশৈল (noun) a mass of rock; a hillock. গণ্ডস্থল = গণ্ডদেশ.
- Bengali Word গণ্ডা English definition (noun) (1) an aggregate of four: এক গণ্ডা বাচ্চা. (2) one’s due from someone: পাওনা গণ্ডা. গণ্ডা গণ্ডা (adverb) in large numbers.
- Bengali Word গণ্ডার English definition (noun) a large heavy-hoofed animal with a thick hide creased into folds, and with one or two horns on the nose; the rhinoceros. গণ্ডারের চামড়া (adjective) (abusive) thick-skinned.
- Bengali Word গণ্ডি English definition (noun) (1) a line encircling an area; a boundary line. (2) bounds; limit. (3) an area encircled by a line and immunized by a charm. গণ্ডি দেওয়া (verb transitive) draw a cordon all round.