গ পৃষ্ঠা ১০
- Bengali Word গামা English definition (noun) the famous wrestler of this name. (adjective) chempion in wrestling.
- Bengali Word গামা রশ্মি English definition (noun) (plural) (physics) rays of very short wave-length emitted by radio-active substances; gamma rays.
- Bengali Word গামী English definition (suffix) indicating movement forwards a destination or the manner of movement: ঢাকাগামী, ধীরগামী, দ্রুতগামী. গামিনী (feminine) = গামী.
- Bengali Word গাম্ভীর্য English definition (noun) (1) quality of being solemn/ impressive; solemnity; gravity; impressiveness: গাম্ভীর্যপূর্ণ পরিবেশ. (2) affected importance; sobriety; reserve.
- Bengali Word গারদ English definition [Hindi] (noun) (1) sentence of imprisonment. (2) a prison; a jail; a lock-up.
- Bengali Word গারো English definition (noun) (1) aborigines of Garo Hills in India. (2) tribal people of this name living in northern parts of Bangladesh.
- Bengali Word গার্গী English definition (noun) daughter of the sage Garga, celebrated as one of the most erudite in ancient India.
- Bengali Word গার্জিয়ান English definition [English] (noun) (1) one in charge of an orphan or ward. (2) one in whose care children are brought up; a parent; a guardian.
- Bengali Word গার্টার English definition [English] (noun) a band to hold up a stocking; a garter.
- Bengali Word গার্হস্থ্য, গার্হস্থ English definition (noun) the state or condition of a householder; domestic life. (adjective) of domestic life/ the householder; domestic.
- Bengali Word গাল ১ English definition = গণ্ড. গালগল্প (noun) idle story; chit-chat. গালগল্প করা (verb intransitive) talk fancies about one’s importance; gossip; chit-chat. গাল ফোলানো (verb intransitive) be offended/dissatisfied. এক গাল হাসি (noun) a hearty laugh. গালে চড় দেওয়া (verb intransitive) slap in the face. গালে হাত দেওয়া দেওয়া (verb intransitive) (figurative) be amazed/ surprised.
- Bengali Word গাল ২ English definition (noun) abuse; reproach; rebuke. গাল খাওয়া (verb intransitive) be reproached. গাল দেওয়া (verb intransitive) reproach; rebuke. গালমন্দ (noun) (plural) abuses; reproaches.
- Bengali Word গালা ১ English definition (noun) sealing wax.
- Bengali Word গালা ২ English definition (verb transitive) (1) reduce from a solid to a liquid state by heat; melt. (2) cause to flow out: ভাতের ফেন গালা, strain off excess water after rice is properly boiled.
- Bengali Word গালানো English definition (verb transitive) (1) cause to be melted. (2) strain or squeeze (something): ফোঁড়া গালানো.
- Bengali Word গালি English definition = গাল ২ . গালাগালি, গালাগাল = গালমন্দ গাল২. গালিগালাজ (noun) (plural) speaking of (one) in abusive terms; reviling.
- Bengali Word গালিচা English definition [Persian] (noun) heavy woven material for covering floors and stairs; carpet.
- Bengali Word গাহন English definition (noun) bathing by immersion in a pond or river.
- Bengali Word গাড়ওয়ান English definition (noun) person who drives a hackney carriage; a coachman.
- Bengali Word গাড়ল English definition (noun) (1) abusive word. 2 a ram; a sheep. (3) a stupid person.