গ পৃষ্ঠা ৪
- Bengali Word গন্দম English definition [Persian] (noun) the forbidden fruit of the Heaven spoken of in the Qoran.
- Bengali Word গন্ধ English definition (noun) (1) that which is perceived by the faculty of smelling; an odour; a scent; a stench. (2) the sense of smell; smelling: গন্ধ নেওয়া. (3) a pleasant smell; a scent; a perfume; fragrance. (4) presence or trace of something in something: নাম গন্ধ নাই. (5) connection; এ কাজে টাকার কোনো গন্ধ নেই. (6) a hint: বিপদের গন্ধ. গন্ধ ছড়ানো (verb intransitive) emit/give out smell. গন্ধ পাওয়া (verb intransitive) get the smell of. গন্ধ নেওয়া/শোঁকা (verb intransitive) smell. গন্ধকাষ্ঠ (noun) the fragrant wood of certain trees; the sandal wood. গন্ধগোকুল (noun) a variety of pole-cat or civet. গন্ধজল/গন্ধতৈল (noun) perfumed or scented water/oil. গন্ধদ্রব্য (noun) aromatic substance. গন্ধপুষ্প (noun) a fragrant flower. গন্ধবণিক (noun) a Hindu caste dealing in perfumes and spices; a member of this caste. গন্ধরাজ (noun) the gardenia flower. গন্ধহীন (adjective) scentless; unscented.
- Bengali Word গন্ধক English definition (noun) a simple mineral substance of yellow colour which burns with a pale-blue flame; sulphur; brimstone. গন্ধকচূর্ণ (noun) sulphur powder; gunpowder. গন্ধক দ্রাবক, গন্ধকাম্ল (noun) sulphuric acid.
- Bengali Word গন্ধর্ব English definition (noun) (1) heavenly musician (according to Hindu myth). (2) a born musician. গন্ধর্ববিদ্যা (noun) the science and art of music. গন্ধর্ব বিবাহ (noun) love marriage without any formal ceremony. গন্ধর্ববেদ (noun) a treatise on music. গন্ধর্বলোক (noun) the abode of the heavenly musicians. গন্ধর্ব ছুটানো (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) chase one with severe blows and thrashing.
- Bengali Word গনৎকার English definition (noun) (astrology) one who practises palmistry; a palmist; an astrologer; a foreteller.
- Bengali Word গপগপ English definition (interjection) (onomatopoeia) denoting gulping sound. গপগপ করে খাওয়া (verb transitive) gobble up; gulp.
- Bengali Word গবাক্ষ English definition (noun) (1) a ventilator; a window.
- Bengali Word গবাদি English definition (noun) the cow and the domestic animals of the like; the cattle.
- Bengali Word গবেষণা English definition (noun) a diligent investigation of new facts and additional information; research. গবেষণা করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) research; investigate. গবেষক (noun) one who is engaged in research work; a researcher; research scholar.
- Bengali Word গব্য English definition (adjective) (1) act or pertaining to cows. (2) produced of the cow or cow milk: গব্যঘৃত.
- Bengali Word গভর্নমেন্ট English definition [English] (noun) (1) people controlling the administration of public affairs of a state; government. (2) system of polity in a state.
- Bengali Word গভর্নর English definition [English] (noun) the head of government of a province; a governor.
- Bengali Word গভীর English definition (adjective) (1) being far below the surface; extending far down; deep: গভীর সমুদ্র. (2) intricate; complicated; complex: গভীরতত্ত্ব. (3) dense; thick; compact: গভীর অরণ্য. (4) intense; absorbing; profound: গভীর প্রণয়. (5) far-advanced: গভীর রাত্রি. (6) obscure; opaque: গভীর অন্ধকার. গভীর রাতে (adverb) at dead of night. গভীরশ্বসন (noun) deep breathing. গভীরতা (noun) dopth; profundity; intensity; thickness. গভীর পানির মাছ (noun) deep-water fish; (figurative) a very cunning and calculating person.
- Bengali Word গম English definition (noun) a food crop; wheat.
- Bengali Word গমক English definition (noun) modulation of voice in singing.
- Bengali Word গমগম English definition (interjection) (onomatopoeia) denoting reverberation or echo: আসর গমগম করছে, the assembly is agog/ in a state of eager excitement.
- Bengali Word গমন English definition (noun) (1) act of going; departure. (2) manner of walking or stepping; gait. (3) motion; movement. (4) amorous sport; love-making: পরদার গমন. গমন করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) go; move; approach; depart; pass. গমন পথ (noun) route. গমনাগমন (noun) coming and going; frequenting. গমনার্হ, গমনীয় (adjective) fit to be approached; accessible; open to passage; destination. গমনোদ্যত (adjective) about to go/depart/ move. গমনোন্মুখ (adjective) ready to go.
- Bengali Word গম্বুজ English definition (noun) a hemispherical roof of a building; a large cupola; a dome.
- Bengali Word গম্ভীর English definition (adjective) (1) grave; thoughtful; weighty: গম্ভীরস্বর. (2) having an important or grave air: গম্ভীর চাল. (3) serious; momentous: গম্ভীর বিষয়. (4) sullen or sad; gloomy; reserved: গম্ভীর মুখ.
- Bengali Word গম্ভীরা English definition (noun) (1) a kind of folk-song connected with the worship of Shiva. (2) the inside of a Hindu temple.