অ পৃষ্ঠা ৭
- Bengali Word অক্ষোভ English definition (noun) absence of distraction, perturbation or agitation. (adjective) not aggrieved or disgruntled; placid.
- Bengali Word অক্ষৌহিণী English definition (noun) (1) (mythology) an army consisting of 2,18,700 combatants. (2) (figurative) a vast army.
- Bengali Word অক্ষয় English definition (adjective) (1) undecaying; undying; immortal; eternal. (2) inexhaustible. অক্ষয় কীর্তি (noun) (1) any glorious deed that physically exists for ever. (2) everlasting fame. অক্ষয় ভাণ্ডার (noun) inexhaustible stock. অক্ষয় তৃতীয়া (noun) the third day of the lunar half of the month of Vaishakh, sacred to the Hindus. অক্ষয় লোক (noun) the eternal abode of the blessed; heaven.
- Bengali Word অক্সিজেন English definition (noun) oxygen, an elementary gas.
- Bengali Word অখণ্ড English definition (adjective) (1) unbroken; undivided; in one piece: অখণ্ড সংকলন. (2) unquestioned; undisputed; supreme: অখণ্ড প্রতিপত্তি. (3) thick; intense; compact; dense: অখণ্ড অন্ধকার. (4) untouched; unused; intact: অখণ্ড মূলধন. (5) (mathematics) integral; forming a necessary part of a whole; not fractional: অখণ্ড সংখ্যা. অখণ্ডতা (noun) integrality; indivisibility; unity. অখণ্ডনীয় (adjective) irrefutable; indisputable: অখণ্ডনীয় যুক্তি. (2) indivisible. অখণ্ডনীয়তা (noun) indisputability.
- Bengali Word অখণ্ডিত English definition (adjective) (1) (of a hoof) unsevered; undivided: অখণ্ডিতক্ষুর, uncloven hoof. (2) unrefuted: অখণ্ডিত মত.
- Bengali Word অখর্ব English definition (adjective) not short; tall.
- Bengali Word অখল English definition (adjective) simple and direct; artless; naive; Ingenuous.
- Bengali Word অখাত, আখাত English definition (adjective) (of watercourses) undug; not made by digging; not excavated; natural.
- Bengali Word অখাদ্য English definition (adjective) (1) inedible; not fit to be eaten. (noun) (1) unwholesome food. (2) forbidden food.
- Bengali Word অখিল English definition (adjective) (1) entire; whole. (2) vast; huge. (noun) the universe: the world. অখিল প্রিয় (adjective) loved and respected all over the world.
- Bengali Word অখুশি English definition (adjective) not satisfied; displeased. (noun) dissatisfaction; displeasure.
- Bengali Word অখ্যাত English definition (adjective) (1) not famous; obscure. (2) negligible; insignificant. (3) despicable; contemptible. অখ্যাতনামা (adjective) not famous by name; unknown; obscure.
- Bengali Word অখ্যাতি English definition (noun) ill-repute; infamy; disgrace, scandal. অখ্যাতিকর (adjective) disgraceful; scandalous.
- Bengali Word অগণন English definition (adjective) too many to counted; countless; innumerable.
- Bengali Word অগণনীয় English definition (adjective) (1) not countable; innumerable. (2) insignificant; trivial; fit to be ignored.
- Bengali Word অগণিত English definition (adjective) (1) too many; innumerable. (2) what has not been counted.
- Bengali Word অগণ্য English definition (adjective) (1) uncountable; innumerable. (2) trifling; trivial; insignificant; negligible.
- Bengali Word অগতি English definition (noun) (1) helpless person: অগতির গতি, the only resort of the helpless; the only way out. (2) adversity; distress; misery; wretchedness. (3) want of proper performance of a dead man's obsequies. (adjective) motionless; immobile; static. অগতিক (adjective) disadvantageous; awkward. (noun) helpless/unfavourable/awkward situation; a tight corner.
- Bengali Word অগত্যা English definition (adverb) as an unavoidable consequence; having no alternative course left.