অ পৃষ্ঠা ৯
- Bengali Word অগ্র English definition (adjective) (1) the first or foremost; chief: অগ্রনায়ক. (2) before in time; born before: অগ্রজ. (noun) (1) the upper part; the top; the summit; the peak; the apex. (2) an end or extremity: সূচ্যগ্র. (3) the front; the fore-part. (4) an aim; a purpose: একাগ্র. অগ্রগণ্য (adjective) fit to be considered on a priority basis; most important. অগ্রগতি, অগ্রগমন (noun) (1) onward movement; advancement. (2) progress; promotion; development. অগ্রগামী (adjective) moving to the front; going before; leading. অগ্রগামিনী (feminine) = অগ্রগামী. অগ্রজ (adjective) (1) elder brother. (2) born earlier; senior in age; older. অগ্রজা (feminine) = অগ্রজ. অগ্র জিহ্বা (noun) the small piece of fleshy matter at the root of the tongue, which prevents food from entering the windpipe; the uvula; the epiglottis. অগ্রনী (adjective) leading; prominent; important; principal. (noun) a leader; a pioneer. অগ্রদানী (noun) a fallen Brahmin who receives offerings at the obsequies of a Hindu deceased. অগ্রদূত (noun) (1) a leader; a pioneer. (2) a fore-runner; a precursor; a harbinger. (3) (military) an escort. অগ্রনেতা (noun) a leader; an army commander. অগ্র পথিক (noun) one who goes before in point of time or place; a guide; a precursor. অগ্র পশ্চাৎ (adverb) (1) from beginning to end; alpha and omega. (2) (figurative) good and bad; right and wrong. (3) (figurative) the past and the future. অগ্রবর্তী (adjective) situated at the front; that which is leading. অগ্রবর্তিনী (feminine) = অগ্রবর্তী . অগ্রভাগ (noun) (1) the top or the peak. (2) an extremity or end. (3) the first part or share. অগ্র মহিষী (noun), (feminine) the queen-consort. অগ্রসর = অগ্রগামী. অগ্রসূচনা (noun) a presage; a foreboding; a preface; a foreword. অগ্রস্থ, অগ্রস্থিত (adjective) situated in the front/on the top/at the end.
- Bengali Word অগ্রহণীয় English definition (adjective) not fit to be supported or agreed to; unacceptable.
- Bengali Word অগ্রহায়ণ, অঘ্রান English definition (noun) the eighth month of the Bengali calendar.
- Bengali Word অগ্রাধিকার English definition (noun) priority; the right to have or do something before others.
- Bengali Word অগ্রাহ্য English definition (adjective) (1) not fit to be accepted or approved. (2) fit to be slighted or ignored. (3) rejected; not approved.
- Bengali Word অগ্রিম English definition (adjective) (1) advance; paid or payable in advance. (2) first; chief. (3) eldest. অগ্রিমক (noun) the part of cost or charge paid as advance or earnest money. অগ্রিম চুক্তি (noun) forward contract.
- Bengali Word অগ্রিয়, অগ্রীয় English definition (adjective) (1) chief; best; first. (2) concerning the front or top. (3) advance. অগ্রিয় প্রদান (noun) part payment made in token of a bargain; payment on account.
- Bengali Word অগ্রে English definition (adverb) (1) in advance; in the first place. (2) before; in front: বিচারকের অগ্রে.
- Bengali Word অগ্র্য English definition (adjective) (1) former. (2) firsrt. (3) best.
- Bengali Word অঘ English definition (noun) irreligiousness; a sin. (2) blemish, scandal. (3) sorrow; misery.
- Bengali Word অঘটন English definition (noun) (1) unlikely or unusual incident. অঘটন যদি ঘটেই. (2) non-occurrence. অঘটন ঘটনপটিয়সী (adjective) (feminine) skilled in making the impossible possible. অঘটন অঘটনীয় (adjective) not likely to occur. অঘটিত (adjective) what has not occurred.
- Bengali Word অঘর English definition (noun) family of tower status and so unfit for matrimonial connection.
- Bengali Word অঘা, অঘাচণ্ডী, অঘারাম English definition (adjective) (1) (colloq) grossly stupid or ignorant. (2) good for nothing; worthless.
- Bengali Word অঘাট, আঘাট English definition (noun) (1) a place by a watercourse not fit to be used as a landing stage. (2) out of the way place.
- Bengali Word অঘোর ১ English definition (adjective) (1) deep; profound: অঘোর নিদ্রা. (2) terrible, awful: অঘোর বাদল. অঘোরে পড়ে থাকা (verb intransitive) lie unconscious. অঘোরে (adverb)deeply; profoundly; unconsciously.
- Bengali Word অঘোর ২ English definition (adjective) not terrible; calm; quiet. (noun) god Shiva of the Hindus. অঘোর-মন্ত্র. অঘোরপন্থী (noun) a sect of Shiva worshippers practising abominable rites.
- Bengali Word অঘোষ English definition (adjective) (phonetics) unvoiced; voiceless. অঘোষ বর্ণ (noun) the consonant sounds that do not produce usual vibration in the vocal cords (eg. ক খ চ ছ ট ঠ ত থ প ফ).
- Bengali Word অঘ্রাত English definition (adjective) (1) unsmelt: অনাঘ্রাত ফুল. (2) what has not been enjoyed; unenjoyed. (3) undefiled; unstained. অনাঘ্রাতা (feminine) = অঘ্রাত.
- Bengali Word অঘ্রান English definition (noun) the eighth month of the Bengali calendar.
- Bengali Word অঙ্ক, অংক English definition (noun) (1) (mathematics) a sum. a n arithmetical problem: অংক কষা. (2) (mathematics) number; digit; figure. (3) counting; calculation. (4) the lap: মাতৃঅঙ্ক. (5) an act of a play: একাঙ্ক নাটিকা. (6) blemish; spot: কলঙ্ক. (6) an ornament; decoration. অংক কষা (verb transitive) to do or work out a sum; to count or calculate. অঙ্কগত (adjective) (1) lying on or in the lap (of). (2) in possession or under control (of). অঙ্কদেশ (noun) (1) the lap. (2) the surface of the belly; the ventral surface. অঙ্কপাত (noun) (1) placing figures or numbers. (2) doing sums. (3) marking with signs; impression: আমার উপদেশ তার মনে কোনো অঙ্কপাত করেনি, my advice made no impression on his mind. অঙ্কপাতন (noun) (mathematics) system of signs or symbols representing numbers as in algebra; notation. অঙ্ক বাচক (adjective) cardinal: অঙ্ক বাচক সংখ্যা, cardinal numbers, eg 4, 5, 6 (contrasted with ordinal numbers. eg 4th, 5th, 6th) অঙ্কবিদ, অঙ্কবিৎ, অঙ্কবেত্তা, অঙ্ক শাস্ত্রবিৎ, অঙ্ক শাস্ত্রবেত্তা (noun) mathematician. অঙ্কবিদ্যা, অঙ্কশাস্ত্র (noun) mathematics. অঙ্কলক্ষ্মী (noun) wife; the mistress of a house. অঙ্কলগ্ন (adjective) (1) placed on the lap. (2) proximate; close (to). অঙ্কশায়ী (adjective) lying on the lap; (figurative) enamoured. অঙ্কশায়িনী (feminine) = অঙ্ক, অংক. অঙ্কস্থিত (adjective) (1) situated on the lap. (2) very close (to). (3) under control or in possession.