অ পৃষ্ঠা ৫
- Bengali Word অকৃতী English definition (adjective) unworthy; unfit; undeserving.
- Bengali Word অকৃত্য English definition (adjective) unfit or improper to be done. (noun) an improper act; a wrong-doing; a misdeed. অকৃত্যকারী (adjective) a wrong-doer; a mischief-maker.
- Bengali Word অকৃত্রিম English definition (adjective) (1) real; not pretended; pure; true; genuine; unadulterated: অকৃত্রিমপ্রণয়, অকৃত্রিম বন্ধু. (2) natural; not artificial. (3) frank; sincere; not feigned: অকৃত্রিম হাসি. অকৃত্রিমতা (noun) sincerity; frankness; genuineness; absence of artificiality.
- Bengali Word অকৃপণ English definition (adjective) (1) not niggardly; liberal; openhanded; generous. (2) extravagant; prodigal; lavish in expenditure. (3) abundant; plentiful; profuse. অকৃপণ প্রশংসা (noun) commendations without reserve. অকৃপণতা (noun) liberality; generosity.
- Bengali Word অকেজো English definition (adjective) (1) unfit for any work; disabled. (2) not in working order; unserviceable; useless.
- Bengali Word অকেলাস English definition (adjective) not crystallized.
- Bengali Word অকেশ English definition (adjective) hairless; bald. অকেশী, অকেশা (feminine) = অকেশ.
- Bengali Word অকৈতব English definition (adjective) showing clearly the thoughts and feelings; open; frank; simple; undeceitful.
- Bengali Word অকোপ English definition (noun) absence of anger. (adjective) free of anger or rage.
- Bengali Word অকৌশল English definition (noun) (1) want of skill or tact; lack of dexterity or adroitness. (2) ill-feeling; quarrel; bad blood.
- Bengali Word অক্কা English definition (noun) (derogatory) death. অক্কা পাওয়া (verb intransitive) to die. অক্কা প্রাপ্তি, অক্কা লাভ (noun) death; demise.
- Bengali Word অক্টোপাস English definition (noun) (1) an eight-armed ferocious sea mollusc; octopus. (2) (figurative) anything having wide power of causing harm.
- Bengali Word অক্টোবর English definition (noun) October, the tenth month of the Christian calendar.
- Bengali Word অক্ত ১ English definition (adjective) (used as suffix) smeared, covered or marked with oily or sticky substance: কর্দমাক্ত, তৈলাক্ত, লবণাক্ত.
- Bengali Word অক্ত ২ English definition (noun) suitable time
- Bengali Word অক্রম English definition (noun) absence of serial order; disorder. অক্রমিক (adjective) without continuity; disordered; unofficial.
- Bengali Word অক্রিয় English definition (adjective) (1) (of persons) without work; unemployed. (2) not enterprising; lethargic; inactive. (3) out of order; inoperative; not working. অক্রিয়তা, অক্রিয়ত্ব (noun) inaction; inactivity; indolence. অক্রিয়কর্মা (adjective) given to mischief-making. (noun) an evil-doer; a mischief-maker.
- Bengali Word অক্রিয়া English definition (noun) (1) absence of work or employment; inaction. (2) an improper act; a wrong-doing; a misdeed. অক্রিয়া নিষ্ঠা, অক্রিয়ান্বিত, অক্রিয়ারত, অক্রিয়াসক্ত (adjective) given to mischief-making. অক্রিয়াচরণ (noun) misbehaviour; improper conduct.
- Bengali Word অক্রীত English definition (adjective) (1) not purchased. (2) not for purchase.
- Bengali Word অক্রুর English definition (adjective) not crooked or cruel; frank; straightforward. (noun) (mythology ) Akrura, an uncle of Sri Krishna.