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  • Bengali Word গড়াEnglish definition(verb transitive) (1) make; mould: পুতুল গড়া. (2) cause formation of something; form: দল গড়া. (3) set up; found: স্কুল গড়া. (4) bring up; rear: সন্তান গড়া; cause improvement by hard work; develop: দেশ গড়া. (adjective) built; constructed; made; developed.

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  • Bengali Word গড়ানোEnglish definition (verb transitive) (1) cause to be made: গহনা গড়ানো.
    (2) (of water) roll down; flow on: তারপর পদ্মা মেঘনা দিয়ে বহু জল গড়িয়েছে, much water has rolled down the Padma and Meghna since then; much time has elapsed in the mean time. (3) rest or repose; recline: একটু গড়িয়ে নিই, let me stretch for a while. (4) go forward; advance: ব্যাপারটা অনেক দূর গড়িয়েছে, the matter has run too far.
  • Bengali Word খাগড়াEnglish definition (noun) species of tall grass; reed.
    খাগড়ার কলম (noun) a quill.
  • Bengali Word গড়গড়াEnglish definition (noun) a smoking device in which the smoke is made to come through water by means of a pipe; a hubble-bubble or a hookah
  • Bengali Word ঝগড়াEnglish definition [Hindi] (noun) (1) quarrel; an altercation.
    (2) a noisy disturbance; a brawl; an uproar; a row. (3) a dispute; a controversy; a strife; a contest. ঝগড়া করা (verb intransitive) quarrel; altercate; wrangle. ঝগড়া বাঁধানো (verb intransitive) set by the ears; stir up a quarrel; set at strife. ঝগড়া মেটানো (verb intransitive) make up a quarrel; settle a dispute. ঝগড়াঝাঁটি, ঝগড়া ফসাদ (noun) (usual(ly) plural) quarrel; strife; dispute; dissension.
  • Bengali Word তাগড়াEnglish definition [Hindi] (adjective) of massive built; tall and robust; stalwart; stout; gigantic: তাগড়া জোয়ান
  • Bengali Word দগড়াEnglish definition (noun) (1) rope-like mark.
    (2) raised streak on the skin left by a blow with a lash, etc; wale. (3) track (left by a moving vehicle). দগড়া পড়া (verb intransitive) be marked with wale. দগড়া ফেলা (verb transitive) wale.
  • Bengali Word দাগড়াEnglish definition = দগড়া
  • Bengali Word বাগড়, বাগড়াEnglish definition (noun) (colloquial) obstacle; hindrance; hitch; impediment.
    বাগড়া দেওয়া create a hitch; take the wind out of somebody’s sail; make difficulties for; complicate matter’s; impede.
  • Bengali Word মন-গড়াEnglish definition = মনঃকল্পিত ( মনঃ)
  • Bengali Word লেঙ্গড়াEnglish definition = লেংড়া
  • Bengali Word চেঙ্গরা, চেঙ্গড়া, চ্যাংড়াEnglish definition (noun) an irresponsible young lad; a person speaking confidently without knowledge; a flippant person.
    (adjective) youthful; childish; flippant. চেঙ্গরামি (noun) boyishness; puerile joke; puerility.
  • Bengali Word ঝগড়াটেEnglish definition (adjective) quarrelsome; contentious; cantankerous
  • Bengali Word বিগড়ানো, বিগড়ানEnglish definition (verb transitive), (verb intransitive) (1) go/put out of order; break down: ইঞ্জিন বিগড়ানো.
    (2) corrupt; (3) oil; deprave; debanch: কচি ছেলেটাকে আর কেন বিগড়াচ্ছ? (3) be depraved/ spoiled; go to the bad. (4) confuse; fuddle; bewilder; confound: বুদ্ধি বিগড়ানো. (5) be confused/ fuddled/ befogged. (6) make/ become disloyal/ unfriendly/ refractory/ disaffected; fall out; balk; dig one’s heels; fight shy of; not pull one’s weight: বন্ধু/ দলের লোক/ বড়ো সাহেব বিগড়েছে. (7) upset; be upset; sour: মন/ মেজাজ বিগড়ানো. মত বিগড়ানো (verb transitive) change one’s mind. বিগড়ে দেওয়া (verb transitive) spoil; Corrupt; put out of order; fuddle etc. বিগড়ে যাওয়া (verb intransitive) be depraved/ spoiled/ fuddled; go out of order.
  • Bengali Word হড়গড়ানে, হড়গড়েEnglish definition adjective(s) slipping; sloping; sough; uneven; up and down
  • Bengali Word হড়গড়ানোEnglish definition (verb intransitive) slip; roll down; stumble
  • উলু খাগড়া (noun) 1 variety of reed.
  • এককথায় দু কথায় (adverb) in the course of talking: এককথায় দুকথায় ঝগড়া বেঁধে গেল.
  • কাঠ গড়া (noun) enclosure in a law court in which an accused/ a witness stands while facing trial/ giving evidence; a witness-box.
  • কিল দাগড়া one whose back bears the marks of repeated beating.
  • খাগড়ার কলম (noun) a quill.
  • ঘর-গড়া (adjective) home-made.
  • চাল বিগড়ানো (verb intransitive) (of a fraudulent move) get foiled; be unsuccessful.
  • ঝগড়া করা (verb intransitive) quarrel; altercate; wrangle.
  • দগড়া পড়া (verb intransitive) be marked with wale.
  • (adjective) heavy; thick; hard; gross; terrible: ধুম ঝগড়াঝাটি.
  • নল খাগড়া (noun) reed.
  • নসিব বিগড়ানো (noun) be unlucky/ unfortunate.
  • বউ গড়া (noun) a ceremony to welcome the bride to her father-in-law’s house.
  • বাগড়া দেওয়া create a hitch; take the wind out of somebody’s sail; make difficulties for; complicate matter’s; impede.
  • মধ্যে পড়া (verb intransitive) intervene: মধ্যে পড়ে তিনি ঝগড়া মিটিয়ে দিলেন.
  • মন গড়া (verb intransitive) be mentally prepared; brace oneself.
  • মুখ বিগড়ানো (verb intransitive) have a bad taste in the mouth; develop expensive tastes.
  • রগড়ানো (verb transitive) rub; grate; grind; massage; chafe; fret; curry (a horse, etc).
  • রুটি গড়া (verb intransitive) make bread (by kneading, rolling); make loaves; cook bread.