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বর্ণমালা অনুক্রমে শব্দ খুঁজুন

  • Bengali Word দখিনাEnglish definition(adjective) = দক্ষিণা
  • Bengali Word দগদগEnglish definition(onomatopoeia) expressing burning sensation; sore; inflammation; festering. দগদগ করা (verb intransitive) burn; fester. দগদগানি (noun) burning sensation; festering; inflammation.
  • Bengali Word দগদগেEnglish definition(adjective) fervid; glowing; bunting; inflamed, festering: দগদগে ঘা.
  • Bengali Word দগ্ধEnglish definition(adjective) 1 burnt; scorched; consumed by fire; roasted; parched. 2 red hot: দগ্ধলৌহ. 3 tormented; pained; consumed by grief/hunger; distressed: দগ্ধ হৃদয়. 3 inauspicious; miserable ill: দগ্ধ কপাল, দগ্ধ বিধাতা. 4 disgraced; humiliated: দগ্ধ বদন. দগ্ধা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) (poet) 1 burn; parch; scorch; roast. 2 afflict; distress; torment; pain; badger. (noun) certain inauspicious days: দিনদগ্ধা, মাসদগ্ধা. দগ্ধানো (verb transitive) = দগ্ধা. দগ্ধ হৃদয় (adjective) having a distressed/ disconsolate/ grief-stricken heart; heart-broken. দগ্ধাবশেষ (noun) residue after burning. (adjective) remaining as residue after burning.
  • Bengali Word দগড়English definition(noun) kind of war-drum/kettle-drum.
  • Bengali Word দগড়াEnglish definition(noun) 1 rope-like mark. 2 raised streak on the skin left by a blow with a lash, etc; wale. 3 track (left by a moving vehicle). দগড়া পড়া (verb intransitive) be marked with wale. দগড়া ফেলা (verb transitive) wale.
  • Bengali Word দঙ্গলEnglish definition(noun) 1 tumultuous assembly; crowd; swarm. 2 wrestling arena. 3 wrestling bout. 4 (hunting) party. দঙ্গল বাঁধা (verb intransitive) (form into a) crowd; swarm. দঙ্গল লড়া (verb intransitive) wrestle; have a wrestling bout.
  • Bengali Word দজ্জালEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 one-eyed man; liar; great deceiver. 2 imposter. 3 (of women) spiteful woman; shrew; virago; termagant; furious. (adjective) wicked; refractory; devilish; hell-born; fiendish; bad-tempered; ill-tempered; spiteful; shrewish.
  • Bengali Word দণ্ড ১English definition(noun) 1 stick; staff; rod; pole; cudgel; club; mace. 2 handle (of a ladle, sauce-pan, fly-flap, parasol, etc). 3 a pole as a measure of length (=4 cubits). 4 churning-stick. 5 wallet; pestle. 6 stalk/stern (of a tree). 7 staff of banner. 8 beam of a plough. 9 staff/sceptre (as a symbol of power of sovereignty). 10 control; restraint. 11 embodied power; army; column. 12 the rod as a symbol of judicial authority and punishment; punishment; fine; reprimand; penalty; chastisement; sentence. 13 loss: কে জানত, ব্যবসায়ে এত দণ্ড দিতে হবে? 14 a ramrod. 15 maulstick. 1 6 anything resembling a rod. দণ্ডক (noun) 1 handle (of a parasol). 2 staff of a banner. 3 beam of plough. দণ্ডকর্তা (noun) punisher; judge; governor. দণ্ডকর্ত্রী (feminine). দণ্ড গ্রহণ (noun) 1 acceptance of/submission to punishment. 2 becoming an ascetic. দণ্ড গ্রহণ করা v 1 accept punishment; submit to punishment; kiss the rod. 2 become an ascetic; renounce the world. দণ্ড চুম্বক (noun) bar magnet. দণ্ডদাতা (noun) inflicter of punishment; punisher; judge; avenger. দণ্ডদাত্রী (feminine). দণ্ডদান (noun) infliction of punishment; award of a sentence of punishment. দণ্ড দান করা, দণ্ড দেওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) punish; sentence to punishment; award a sentence of punishment; fine. দণ্ডধর (adjective) armed with/bearing a staff; staff-bearings; sceptred. (noun) 1 punisher; king; judge; ruler; governor. 2 name of Yama, the god of death and punisher of sinners. দণ্ডধার, দণ্ডধারী (adjective) = দণ্ডধর. দণ্ডন (noun) beating; chastising; punishing; (infliction of) punishment. দণ্ড নায়ক (noun) 1 judge; punisher-king. 2 commander of an army. দণ্ডনীতি (noun) administration of justice; judicature; penal system. দণ্ডনীয় (adjective) to be punished; punishable. দণ্ডনীয়া (feminine). দণ্ডপাণি (noun) policeman; judge; punisher. দণ্ডপাল, দণ্ড পালক (noun(s)) 1 gatekeeper; porter. 2 superintendent of judicature. দণ্ড প্রণাম (noun) prostration of the body at full length (like a stick). দণ্ড প্রণালী (noun) criminal procedure. দণ্ড প্রণেতা (noun) judge; punisher. দণ্ড প্রদান = দণ্ডদান. দণ্ডবৎ (adjective) 1 like a stick. 2 (with prostrating the body) in a straight line. (noun) lying prostrate in worship/respect. দণ্ডবৎ করা (verb intransitive) prostrate oneself in worship/respect (to/before). দণ্ডবৎ হওয়া (verb intransitive) lie prostrate in worship/rest. খুরে খুরে দণ্ডবৎ (ironical) bow down to your/his/her hoofs (calling the person a beast and get rid of him/her). দণ্ড বিধাতা = দণ্ডদাতা. দণ্ড বিধাত্রী (feminine). দণ্ড বিধান (noun) award/ determination of punishment; penal code. দণ্ডবিধি (noun) penal code; criminal/penal law or code or procedure. দণ্ডব্যূহ (noun) arraying army in columns. দণ্ডমুখ (noun) leader of a column; captain; general. দণ্ডমুণ্ড (noun) all sorts of punishment (ranging from the most lenient ones to capital punishment). দণ্ডমুণ্ডের কর্তা (noun) one who has the absolute power of punishing; king; judge. দণ্ডমূলক (adjective) penal. দণ্ডযোগ্য (adjective) punishable. দণ্ডস্বরূপ (adverb) by way of punishment; as a penalty. দণ্ডা (verb transitive) 1 beat; strike with a rod. 2 punish; inflict punishment. দণ্ডাঘাত (noun) blow with a stick; beating up with a rod. দণ্ডাদণ্ডি (noun) fighting with sticks/staffs; serious quarrel. দণ্ডাধিকরণ (noun) criminal court. দণ্ডাধীন (adjective) 1 subject to punishment; liable to be punished. 2 sentenced to punishment. 3 subject to government/rule. দণ্ডার্থ (adjective) penal. দণ্ডার্হ (adjective) deserving punishment; punishable. দণ্ডাহত (adjective) struck with stick.
  • Bengali Word দণ্ড ২English definition(noun) a measure of time (= 24 minutes). দণ্ড ঢক্কা (noun) a drum or gong on which the hours are struck. এক দণ্ডে (adverb) in a trice/moment/jiffy; in a short time. দণ্ডে দণ্ডে (adverb) every now and then; frequently; oftentimes; at every moment; repeatedly; incessantly.
  • Bengali Word দণ্ডকারণ্যEnglish definition(noun) the Dandaka forest in the Deccan India.
  • Bengali Word দণ্ডায়মানEnglish definition(adjective) standing (up); in the standing posture. দণ্ডায়মান হওয়া (verb intransitive) stand up.
  • Bengali Word দণ্ডিEnglish definition(noun) sacred thread of the Hindus measuring four cubits in length.
  • Bengali Word দণ্ডিকEnglish definition(adjective) carrying a stick.
  • Bengali Word দণ্ডিতEnglish definition(adjective) sentenced to a punishment; penalized; subjected to financial loss/fine. 2 punished.
  • Bengali Word দণ্ডীEnglish definition(adjective) carrying/armed with a stick/staff; sceptered. (noun) 1 king; judge. 2 door-keeper; policeman. 3 Yama, the god of death and punishment. 4 a Brahmin at the 4th stage of his life.
  • Bengali Word দণ্ড্যEnglish definition(adjective) punishable.
  • Bengali Word দত্তEnglish definition(adjective) 1 given. 2 granted; awarded; conferred; bestowed. 3 presented; extended. 4 placed. 5 paid. দত্তা (feminine) = দত্ত. (noun) given away in marriage; betrothed. দত্তক (পুত্র) (noun) adopted son. দত্তহারী, দত্তাপহারক, দত্তাপহারী (adjective(s)) (committing the offence of) taking back what has been given away by oneself. দত্তাপহরণ (noun) (offence of) taking back what has been given by oneself. দত্তাপহৃত (adjective) given and taken back again. দত্তাবধান (adjective) attentive.
  • Bengali Word দদ্রুEnglish definition(noun) ringworm. দদ্রুঘ্ন, দদ্রুনাশন (adjective(s), (noun(s) curative (medicine) of ringworm.
  • Bengali Word দধিEnglish definition(noun) = দই . দধিজ (noun) fresh butter. দধিভাণ্ড (noun) vessel for holding yoghurt. দধি মঙ্গল (noun) ritual of feeding a Hindu bride in the small hours peivious to the wedding day. দধিমণ্ড (noun) whey. দধিমন্থ (noun) beverage obtained by churning yoghurt; buttermilk. দধিমন্থন (noun) churning yoghurt into buttermilk. দধিসার (noun) butter.
  • Bengali Word দধীচিEnglish definition(noun) (mythology) name of a saint who devoted himself to death that Indra might slay the demon Vritra with the thunderbolt fabricated out of bones; Dadhici.
  • Bengali Word দধ্যম্লEnglish definition(noun) rennet.
  • Bengali Word দনাEnglish definition(noun) kind of tree; Artemisia indica.
  • Bengali Word দনুEnglish definition(noun) (mythology) name of a daughter of Dhaksha (দক্ষ). দনুজ (noun) son/descendant of Danu; a demon. দনুজা (feminine) = দনু. দনুজদলনী (noun) (feminine) destroyer of demons; Durga.
  • Bengali Word দন্তEnglish definition(noun) 1 tooth. 2 tusk; ivory: হস্তী দন্ত. 3 fang: সর্পদন্ত. 4 pin used in playing a lute. 5 point of an arrow. দন্তকাষ্ঠ (noun) small piece of wood used for cleaning the teeth. দন্তকিড় (ড়ি) মিড়ি (noun) gnashing the teeth. দন্তঘর্ষ (noun) chattering of the teeth. দন্তাঘাত (noun) bite. দন্ত চিকিৎসক (noun) dentist. দন্ত চিকিৎসা (noun) dentistry. দন্তধাব (ন) (noun) cleaning the teeth. দন্তধাবনী (noun) tooth brush; piece of wood for cleaning the teeth. দন্তপঙ্‌ক্তি, দন্তপাটি, দন্তপাতি (noun) row of teeth. দন্ত পাবন, দন্ত প্রক্ষালন = দন্ত ধাবন. দন্তপেশি (noun) gums. দন্ত বল্ক (noun) enamel of the teeth. দ ন্ত বিকাশ (noun) showing the teeth; (derogatory) smile; simper দন্ত বিকাশ করা (verb intransitive) (derogatory, facetious) smile; simper; show the teeth; bare one’s teeth. দন্তবীজ (noun) pomegranate. দন্তবেষ্ট(ক) (noun) gums. দন্তভঙ্গ (noun) fracture of the teeth. দন্তমঞ্জন (noun) 1 cleaning/brushing the teeth. 2 tooth-powder; toothpaste; dentifrice. দন্তমল (noun) impurity/tartar of the teeth. দন্ত মাংস (noun) gums. দন্ত মার্জন = দন্তমঞ্জন (2). দন্তমূল (noun) root of the tooth. দন্তমূলীয় (adjective) belonging to the root of the tooth; (phonetics) alveolar. দন্তরুচি (noun) brilliance/brightness of the teeth. দন্তরোগ (noun) dental disease. দন্ত শর্করা (noun) tartar of the teeth. শুদ্ধি = দন্তধাবন. দন্তশূল (noun) tooth-ache; odontalgia. দন্তশোধন = দন্তধাবন. দন্ত সংঘর্ষ (noun) gnashing the teeth. দন্তস্ফুট (noun) 1 piercing with teeth; biting. 2 (figurative) comprehension; grasp. দন্তস্ফুট করা (verb transitive) 1 bite. 2 comprehend; penetrate; fathom. দন্তস্ফুট করতে না পারা make nothing of; not make head or tail of; be beyond one; be baffled/ puzzled. দন্তহীন (adjective) toothless; edentate. দন্তহীন প্রাণী (noun) an edentate. দন্তহীন প্রাণীবর্গ (noun) the Edentata. দন্তাগ্র top/point of a tooth. দন্তাঘাত (noun) bite. দন্তাদন্তি (noun) fighting with the teeth. দন্তাবল (noun) elephant. দন্তায়ুধ (adjective) tusked. (noun) boar; hog. দন্তাল (adjective) having large teeth/tusks.
  • Bengali Word দন্তকEnglish definition(noun) 1 projection in a rock. 2 a pin projecting from the wall; hook.
  • Bengali Word দন্তাEnglish definition(adjective) toothed; tusked; rodent. (noun) elephant.
  • Bengali Word দন্তালিকাEnglish definition(noun) horse’s bridle.
  • Bengali Word দন্তুরEnglish definition(adjective) toothed; tusked; dentate; having large/dreadful teeth. দন্তুরপ্রাণী (noun) rodent. দন্তুরপ্রাণীবর্গ (noun) the Rodentia.
  • Bengali Word দন্তোদ্‌গম, দন্তোদ্‌ভেদEnglish definition(noun) appearance of the teeth; dentition; teething. দন্তোদ্‌গম হওয়া (verb transitive) 1 teethe; cut a tooth. 2 (of teeth) push out through the gum.