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বর্ণমালা অনুক্রমে শব্দ খুঁজুন

  • Bengali Word জীবনাধিকEnglish definition[জীবন + অধিক] (adjective) dearer than one’s life.
  • Bengali Word জীবনান্তEnglish definition[জীবন + অন্ত] (noun) end of life; death. জীবনান্তে (adverb) at the end of life; after death.
  • Bengali Word জীবনান্তকরEnglish definition(adjective) that which contaminates life; fatal.
  • Bengali Word জীবনান্তকালEnglish definition(noun) time of death.
  • Bengali Word জীবনাবধিEnglish definition[জীবন + অবধি] (adverb) during/ throughout one’s life.
  • Bengali Word জীবনাবসানEnglish definition[জীবন + অবসান] (noun) death; demise.
  • Bengali Word জীবনালেখ্যEnglish definition[জীবন + আলেখ্য] (noun) the picture of one’s life.
  • Bengali Word জীবনাহুতিEnglish definition[জীবন + আহুতি] (noun) dedication of life. জীবনাহুতি দেওয়া (verb intransitive) sacrifice life.
  • Bengali Word জীবনীEnglish definition(adjective) that gives strength and energy; life-giving; animating: জীবনীশক্তি, vital power. (noun) a biography. জীবনীকার (noun) biographer.
  • Bengali Word জীবনেতিবৃত্তEnglish definition[জীবন + ইতিবৃত্ত] (noun) a life-history; a biography.
  • Bengali Word জীবনোচ্ছ্বাসEnglish definition[জীবন + উচ্ছ্বাস] (noun) swollen state of life; life full of vitality.
  • Bengali Word জীবনোপায়English definition[জীবন + উপায়] (noun) means of livelihood/sustenance.
  • Bengali Word জীবন্তEnglish definition(adjective) 1 in a live state; alive; living. 2 clear; obvious; vivid; bright : জীবন্ত সত্য. 3 full of life; active: জীবন্ত আগ্নেয়গিরি, active volcano.
  • Bengali Word জীবন্তিকাEnglish definition(noun) 1 (botany) a parasitic plant. 2 a hanger-on; a parasite; a sycophant. 3 a short drama or play; a playlet.
  • Bengali Word জীবন্মুক্তEnglish definition[জীবৎ + মুক্ত] (adjective) freed from earthly attachment while living on earth; spiritually enlightened. জীবন্মুক্তি (noun) liberation from physical bondage; other worldliness.
  • Bengali Word জীবন্মৃতEnglish definition[জীবৎ + মৃত] (adjective) almost dead although living; dispirited; disabled.
  • Bengali Word জীবাণুEnglish definition[জীব + অণু] (noun) a microscopic organism, eg a bacillus or bacterium; a microbe. রোগ জীবাণু (noun) a microscopic organism which causes disease; a bacillus.
  • Bengali Word জীবাত্মাEnglish definition[জীব + আত্মা] (noun) 1 the sentient or embodied soul. 2 the Supreme Soul as existent in individual creatures.
  • Bengali Word জীবান্তকEnglish definition[জীব + অন্তক] (adjective) that destroys life; life-taking; killing. (noun) a hunter.
  • Bengali Word জীবাবশেষEnglish definition[জীব + অবশেষ] (noun) the fossilized remains of a living being dug out of the earth.
  • Bengali Word জীবাশ্মEnglish definition[জীব + অশ্ম] (noun) (geology) the form of the body of a plant or animal petrified and preserved in the strata of the earth’s surface; a fossil.
  • Bengali Word জীবিকাEnglish definition(noun) means of living; livelihood; a trade; a profession; a calling. জীবিকা নির্বাহ (noun) act of maintaining; act of supporting (oneself or family); maintenance. জীবিকা অর্জন (noun) act of earning one’s bread; earning of livelihood. জীবিকা অর্জন করা (verb intransitive) earn a living.
  • Bengali Word জীবিতEnglish definition(adjective) living alive; existent: জীবিত প্রাণী. (noun) existence; life: জীবিতেশ্বর. জীবিতা (feminine) = জীবিত. জীবিতকাল (noun) period/duration of life; lifetime. জীবিতনাথ, জীবিতেশ, জীবিতেশ্বর (noun) 1 husband. 2 lord of one’s heart. 3 lord of one’s life; god.
  • Bengali Word জীবৎEnglish definition(adjective) alive; living; lively. জীবৎকাল, জীবদ্দশা (noun) duration of life; lifetime. জীবৎমানে (adverb) during (ne’s) lifetime.
  • Bengali Word জীমূতEnglish definition(noun) 1 the cloud. 2 the mountain. জীমূতনাদ, জীমূতমন্দ্র (noun(s)) the roar or rumbling of the cloud. জীমূতবাহন (noun) (Hindu mythology) one who is borne by clouds, an appellation of lndra.
  • Bengali Word জীরক, জীরাEnglish definition= জিরা
  • Bengali Word জীর্ণEnglish definition(adjective) 1 emaciated; become lean: রোগজীর্ণ. 2 decayed; dilapidated: জীর্ণ অট্টালিকা. 3 worn-out; জীর্ণগ্রন্থ. 4 digested; dissolved in the stomach: জীর্ণখাদ্য. 5 eaten away; corroded: জীর্ণগরাদে. 6 decrepit; infirm; senile: জীর্ণদেহ. জীর্ণতা (noun). জীর্ণা (feminine) = জীর্ণ. জীর্ণজ্বর (noun) chronic fever. জীর্ণবসন (noun) old and tattered raiment. জীর্ণ-বসন (adjective) in tattered clothes. জীর্ণশীর্ণ (adjective) emaciated and shrivelled; lean and thin. জীর্ণসংস্কার (noun) repairing; mending. জীর্ণসংস্কার করা (verb transitive) repair; recondition; renovate; overhaul.
  • Bengali Word জীয়ন, জিয়নEnglish definition(noun) act of living; life. জীয়ন কাঠি (noun) (figurative) the wand that infuses life. জীয়ন্ত (adjective) living. জীয়ন্তে (adverb) in a state of living; while living. জীয়ন্তে মরা (adjective) dead while yet alive.
  • Bengali Word জীয়লEnglish definition= জিওল
  • Bengali Word জীয়ানোEnglish definition= জিয়ানো