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বর্ণমালা অনুক্রমে শব্দ খুঁজুন

  • Bengali Word গীবতEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) speaking ill of others; calumny; slander.
  • Bengali Word গুঁজাEnglish definition(verb transitive) gulp (down); gobble (up/ down); have a bite to eat.
  • Bengali Word গুঁজামিলEnglish definition(verb transitive) gulp (down); gobble (up/ down); have a bite to eat.
  • Bengali Word গুঁজিEnglish definition(noun) 1 a wedge; a stake. 2 a hair-pin. গুঁজি দেওয়া (verb transitive) plug up a leak in an old thatch by inserting new straw.
  • Bengali Word গুঁতা, গুঁতোEnglish definition(noun) a sudden thrust or poke; a push with something sharp in order to move something or somebody. গুঁতা গুঁতি (noun) pushing and counter-pushing. গুঁতানো (verb transitive) strike or push against (something or somebody).
  • Bengali Word গুঁড়াEnglish definition(noun) 1 anything in the form of powder. 2 fragments. 3 anything of small size: গুঁড়া মাছ. (adjective) reduced to powder; powdered; pulverized. গুঁড়া করা (verb intransitive) reduce to powder; pulverize; pound.
  • Bengali Word গুঁড়াগাঁড়াEnglish definition(noun) fragments; crumbs; odds and ends.
  • Bengali Word গুঁড়ি ১English definition(noun) 1 anything in the form of powder: চালের গুঁড়ি. 2 very small; fine particle: গুঁড়ি গুঁড়ি বৃষ্টি. গুঁড়ি গুঁড়ি বৃষ্টি (noun) drizzling. গুঁড়ি গুঁড়ি বৃষ্টি হওয়া drizzle.
  • Bengali Word গুঁড়ি ২English definition(noun) the trunk of stock or a true.
  • Bengali Word গুচ্ছEnglish definition(noun) a number of things of the same kind growing or being close together; a cluster; a bunch; a bundle.
  • Bengali Word গুছানোEnglish definition(verb transitive) set in order; arrange neatly. (adjective) neatly arranged/ managed: গুছানো সংসার, a tidy household.
  • Bengali Word গুজবEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) rumour; hearsay. গুজব ছড়ানো/রটানো (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) spread rumour. গুজব আছে যে ... there is a rumour that ....
  • Bengali Word গুজরতিEnglish definition(noun) smaller variety of cardamom grown mostly in Gujrat and hence the name.
  • Bengali Word গুজরনEnglish definition(noun) a low sweet sound; whispering. গুঞ্জরিত (adjective) resonant with a humming sound.
  • Bengali Word গুজরাটি English definition(noun) 1 a native of Gujrat in India. 2 language of Gujrat. (adjective) of Gujrat.
  • Bengali Word গুজরানEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) 1 means of keeping alive; living: এই বেতনে গুজরান চলে না. 2 act of spending/ passing (as time).
  • Bengali Word গুজরানোEnglish definition(verb intransitive), (verb transitive) spend or pass: দিন গুজরানো.
  • Bengali Word গুজশতাEnglish definition[Persian] (adjective) 1 of an earlier period; former. 2 next before the present; last. গুজশতা সাল last year.
  • Bengali Word গুজারEnglish definition(noun) act of spending/ passing (as time).
  • Bengali Word গুজারেশEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) polite prayer; representation; submission; petition.
  • Bengali Word গুঞ্জনEnglish definition(noun) 1 a buzzing noise; a humming sound. 2 act of whispering; low murmuring sound.
  • Bengali Word গুটানোEnglish definition(verb transitive) 1 roll up: মাদুর গুটানো. 2 coil (something) into a ball: সুতা গুটানো. 3 wind up; close down: কারবার গুটানো. 4 double up or fold: পা গুটানো. 5 pull up; haul up: জাল গুটানো.  adjectives rolled up; wound up; folded; hauled up.
  • Bengali Word গুটি ১, গুটিকাEnglish definition(noun) 1 a medicine in the form of a little ball; a pill; a tablet. 2 any globular object; a globule; a pilule. 3 (in chess or similar game) a piece; a pawn. 4 a fruit in its early stage of growth: আমের গুটি. 5 an eruption on the skin; a vesicle; a blister: বসন্তের গুটি. 6 the covering of the silkworm; a cocoon: গুটি পোকা. গুটি পোকা (noun) the silkworm.
  • Bengali Word গুটি ২English definitionprep used as an article in referring to a number of things: গুটি চারেক আম. গুটিকত, গুটিকতক, গুটি কয়েক (adjective) a small number of; a few.
  • Bengali Word গুটিগুঢিEnglish definition(adverb) by slow pace; creeping like snails.
  • Bengali Word গুটিসুটিEnglish definition(adjective) curled up; contracted: গুটিসুটি মেরে বসা. (adverb) with the trunk of the body pressed against the thighs; crouchingly; coweringly. গুটিসুটি মারা (verb intransitive) creep; crouch.
  • Bengali Word গুডবাইEnglish definition[English] (noun) salutation at parting; farewell; good-bye.
  • Bengali Word গুণEnglish definition(noun) 1 special quality that belongs to something; property; characteristic: দ্রব্যগুণ. 2 moral goodness; virtue; a merit; an excellence: গুণবান. 3 a beneficial effect of something: শিক্ষার গুণ, ওষুধের গুণ. 4 evil influence (of association, etc): সঙ্গগুণে অধঃপতন. 5 (philosophy) any of the three primordial qualities in living beings: স্বত্ত্বগুণ, goodness; রজোগুণ, passion; তমোগুণ, darkness. 6 (rhetorical) any of the qualities that constitute the beauty of a literary composition: ওজঃ গুণ vigour, মাধুর্যগুণ elegance, প্রসাদ গুণ lucidity. 7 (mathematics) multiplying or being multiplied; multiplication. 8 (mathematics) one of a number of multiplied instances (2 times, 10 times); চতুর্গুণ, পাঁচগুণ, শতগুণ. 9 the string of a bow: ধনুগুণ. 10 a rope or chain by which a boat is or may be towed; a tow-line; a tow-rope: গুণ টানা. গুণ করা (verb transitive) 1 (mathematics) multiply something by something. 2 charm (one) by sorcery; bewitch. গুণ গাওয়া (verb transitive) speak in praise of; laud; eulogize. গুণ টানা (verb intransitive) putt along (a boat) by a rope or chain; tow. গুণ পাওয়া (verb intransitive) be benefited (by the good action or influence) of. গুণকীর্তন, গুণগান (noun) singing praise of; lauding or praising one. গুণকীর্তন/ গুণগান করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) speak highly of; laud; eulogize. গুণগরিমা, গুণগৌরব (noun) (plural) virtues and glories; one’s goodness and excellence. গুণগ্রহণ (noun) appreciation of one’s goodness. গুণগ্রহণ করা (verb transitive) appreciate one’s goodness and excellence. গুণগ্রাম (noun) (plural) qualities and virtues. গুণগ্রাইিতা (noun) appreciation of goodness and excellence in people. গুণগ্রাহী (adjective) appreciating the goodness and excellence in people. গুণগ্রাহিণী (feminine) = গুণগ্রাহী. গুণজ্ঞ (adjective) = গুণগ্রাহী. গুণধর (adjective) 1 full of good parts; accomplished. 2 (ridi) full of vices; vicious. গুণনিধি (noun) person richly endowed with the goodness of head and heart. গুণন (noun) multiplying or being multiplied; multiplication. গুণনীয় (adjective) (mathematics) what is to be or may be multiplied (by). গুণনীয়ক (noun) (arithmetic) a whole number (except 1) by which a larger number can be divided exactly; a factor. গুণপনা (noun) (plural) attainments; excellences; accomplishment. গুণফল (noun) (mathematics) product of multiplication. গুণবত্তা (noun) possession or presence of good qualities. গুণবাচক (adjective) 1 expressing or indicating a quality. 2 (grammar) adjectival; of or like an adjective; attributive. গুণবাদ (noun) act of praising; laudation. গুণবাদ করা (verb transitive) speak in laudatory terms; praise; eulogize. গুণবান (adjective) skilled; accomplished গুণবতী (feminine) = গুণবান. গুণবৃক্ষ (noun) the mast of a boat to which a tow-rope is tied. গুণবৈষম্য (noun) 1 disparity of qualities/ properties. 2 a combination or presence of contrary qualities. গুণময়, গুণবান, গুণমুগ্ধ (adjective) having admiration for; admiring. গুণমুগ্ধা (feminine) = গুণমুগ্ধ. গুণের সাগর (adjective) 1= গুণনিধি. 2 (ridi) known or notorious activities.
  • Bengali Word গুণাগুণEnglish definition[গুণ + অগুণ] (noun) (plural) merits and demerits; good and bad qualities; virtues and shortcomings.
  • Bengali Word গুণাধারEnglish definition[গুণ+আধার] (noun) a repository of good qualities; a man of parts.