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বর্ণমালা অনুক্রমে শব্দ খুঁজুন

  • Bengali Word খ্যাপাEnglish definition= খেপা
  • Bengali Word খ্রিষ্ট, খ্রিস্টEnglish definition(noun) Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity. খ্রিষ্টধর্ম (noun) Christianity, the religion founded by Jesus Christ. খ্রিষ্টধর্মাবলম্বী (noun), (adjective) (one) following Christianity; a Christian. খ্রিষ্টপূর্ব (adjective) (era) before Christ.
  • Bengali Word খ্রিষ্টান, খ্রিস্টানEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) Christian.
  • Bengali Word খ্রিষ্টাব্দ, খ্রিস্টাব্দEnglish definition(noun) Christian era.
  • Bengali Word খ্রিষ্টীয়, খ্রিস্টীয়English definition(adjective) of or relating to Christ/Christianity; Christian.
  • Bengali Word খড়English definition(noun) 1 the dry stalk of grain, pulse, etc; straw. 2 grass cut and dried for fodder; hay. খড়কুটা/খড়কুটো (noun) 1 bits of dry grass; dry leaves or straw. 2 insignificant, trivial or trashy things. খড়ের আগুন that which quickly flares up and easily subsides; (figurative) person of violent temper. খড়েৱ ঘর a hut roofed with straw; a thatched hut.
  • Bengali Word খড়খড়িEnglish definitionblind or shutters for doors and windows made of thin slats of wood; Venetian blind.
  • Bengali Word খড়মEnglish definition(noun) wooden sandal. খড়ম-পেটা (adjective) beaten with wooden sandal.
  • Bengali Word খড়িEnglish definition(noun) 1 a white calcareous earth or carbonate of lime; chalk. 2 alluvial clay with which pious Hindus mark their forehead. 3 calculation; a character denoting a number; a figure. 4 fire-wood; fuel. 5 dry scales or flakes on the skin; scurf. খড়ি ওঠা suffer from scurf or dandruff. হাতে খড়ি হাত.
  • Bengali Word খড়িমাটিEnglish definition(noun) a white calcareous earth or carbonate of lime; chalk.
  • Bengali Word খড়োEnglish definition(adjective) made of straw. খড়ো ঘর (noun) a thatched hut.
  • Bengali Word খড়্গEnglish definition(noun) 1 a short curved sword; a scimitar; a falchion. 2 a sword. খড়্গহস্ত (adjective) wielding a sword; ready to strike with a sword.
  • Bengali Word খয়রাEnglish definition(noun) 1 a species of small fish. 2 a species of bird.
  • Bengali Word খয়রাতEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 almsgiving; charity: দান খয়রাত. 2 charitable gift; donation. খয়রাত করা (verb transitive) 1 give in charity. 2 (figurative) (sarcastic) say something uncalled for or something not desirable: উপদেশ খয়রাত করা. খয়রাতি (adjective) given or received in charity; charitable; gratuitous. খয়রাতি সাহায্য (noun) test relief.
  • Bengali Word খয়েরEnglish definition(noun) preparation from an astringent vegetable extract used with betel leaves; catechu.
  • Bengali Word খয়ের-খাঁEnglish definition(noun) a mean flatterer; a servile hanger-on of great people; a sycophant; a parasite.
  • Bengali Word খয়েরিEnglish definition(adjective) of the colour of catechu; dark-brown; dark-tan.