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বর্ণমালা অনুক্রমে শব্দ খুঁজুন

  • Bengali Word ফাঁপরEnglish definition(noun) 1 embarrassment; perplexing difficulty; scrape; vexation; trouble. 2 perplexity; bafflement. 3 emptiness: বুকের ফাঁপর. ফাঁপরে পড়া (verb intransitive) be perplexed; be in/ get oneself into a fix; get into an embarrassing situation/ a light corner.
  • Bengali Word ফাঁপাEnglish definition(verb intransitive) 1 swell; inflate; distend. 2 increase; grow. 3 prosper; flourish; thrive: লোকটা ফেঁপে উঠেছে. (adjective) 1 swelled; irritated; distended; flatulent. 2 hollow; empty. ফাঁপন (noun) swelling. ফাঁপা ঢেঁকির শব্দ বড়ো (prov) An empty vessel sounds much. ফেঁপে ওঠা (verb intransitive) prosper; make a fortune. পেট ফাঁপা (verb intransitive) 1 have flatulence. 2 be unable to keep something secret. ফাঁপানো (verb transitive) 1 inflate; cause to swell. 2 extol; puff up.
  • Bengali Word ফাঁফরEnglish definition= ফাঁপর
  • Bengali Word ফাঁস ১English definition(noun) 1 rope; cord; string; line. 2 trap; snare. 3 noose; slip-knot; loop; a rope for hanging criminals; halter. 4 strangling; death by hanging. ফাঁস দেওয়া (verb transitive) strangle. ফাঁসে যাওয়া (verb transitive) die by hanging; be hanged.
  • Bengali Word ফাঁস ২English definition(noun) divulgence (of secrets). (adjective) 1 loose; slack. 2 disclosed; divulged. ফাঁস করা (verb transitive) 1 baffle; spoil; mar. 2 divulge; reveal inadvertently; leak; give the game away; let the cat out of the bag.
  • Bengali Word ফাঁসা ১English definition(verb transitive) 1 be torn: কাপড়টা ফেঁসে গেল. 2 get detached; crack; come away: হাঁড়ির তলা ফেঁসেছে. 3 miscarry; fail; come to nothing; flop: সব পরিকল্পনা ফেঁসে গেল. 4 be divulged; come to light.
  • Bengali Word ফাঁসা ২English definitionivi (derogatory) be trapped; get into a scrape/ trap. ফেঁসে যাওয়া (verb intransitive) 1 get involved. 2 be torn; crack.
  • Bengali Word ফাঁসানো, ফাঁসানEnglish definition(verb transitive) 1 tear; rend; detach; cause to come away. 2 let down; foil. 3 implicate in; get one into a scrape. 4 divulge; bring to light.
  • Bengali Word ফাঁসিEnglish definition(noun) 1 noose; rope; cord; halter. 2 hanging; death or killing or suicide by hanging; sentence to death by hanging. ফাঁসিকাঠ (noun) gallows. ফাঁসি দেওয়া (verb transitive) hang; strangle; sentenced to death by hanging. ফাঁসি যাওয়া (verb intransitive) be hanged. ফাঁসির আসামি (noun) convict sentenced to death by hanging. ফাঁসির দড়ি (noun) rope for hanging; halter.
  • Bengali Word ফাঁসুড়েEnglish definition(noun) highwayman who strangles travelers an robs them; thug.
  • Bengali Word ফাঁড়English definition(noun) (colloquial) 1 stomach; belly. 2 middle section of a pot, vase, etc. 3 breadth.
  • Bengali Word ফাঁড়াEnglish definition(noun) bad luck; probability of some danger or even death according to astrology; injury; damage. ফাঁড়া উতরানো/ফাঁড়া কাটানো (verb intransitive) get out of danger or a risk of death.
  • Bengali Word ফাঁড়িEnglish definition(noun) outpost; police outpost; watch-post. ফাঁড়িদার (noun) watchman; sentinel. ফাঁড়িদারি (noun) the office of a watchman.
  • Bengali Word ফাই-ফরমাশEnglish definition(noun) odd jobs; errands. ফাই খাটা (verb intransitive) to carry out odd jobs; to run errands; to go on errands for somebody.
  • Bengali Word ফাইলEnglish definition[English] (noun) file. ফাইল করা (verb intransitive) file; to put (papers) in a file.
  • Bengali Word ফাউন্টেন পেনEnglish definition[English] (noun) fountain-pen.
  • Bengali Word ফাওEnglish definition(noun) an extra or anything obtained gratis. (adjective) 1 extra. 2 trivial; insignificant.
  • Bengali Word ফাওড়াEnglish definition(noun) spade with a long handle.
  • Bengali Word ফাক্কাEnglish definition(noun) foam; froth; scum.
  • Bengali Word ফাগ, ফাগুEnglish definition(noun) (poetic) red powder (usually of the root of wild ginger coloured with sappan wood) which Hindus throw at one another during the Holi (হোলি) festival.
  • Bengali Word ফাগুনEnglish definition(poetic) = ফাল্গুন
  • Bengali Word ফাজলামি, ফাজলামোEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) extreme talkativeness; impudence; impertinence; sauciness; pertness; flippancy; frivolity; waggery.
  • Bengali Word ফাজিলEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 scholar. 2 stage in Islamic theological education. (adjective) 1 impudent; impertinent; flippant; priggish. 2 overmuch; excessive. ফাজিল চালাক (adjective) over-forward.
  • Bengali Word ফাটEnglish definition(noun) crack; chink; fissure. ফাট ধরা (verb intransitive) crack; form a crack; crack up.
  • Bengali Word ফাটকEnglish definition(noun) 1 main gate; portal; entrance. 2 gaol; jail; prison. ফাটক হওয়া (verb intransitive) be sentenced to imprisonment; imprisoned, be jailed. ফাটকবন্দী (adjective) jailed; imprisoned.
  • Bengali Word ফাটকি ১English definition= ফটকি
  • Bengali Word ফাটকি ২English definition(adjective) 1 tiny; minuscule, paltry; puny; petty. 2 false; fake; make behave bogus; sham; illusory. ফাটকি-নাটকি (noun) 1 knick-knack sundries; trifles. 2 trifling matter; triviality; small beer.
  • Bengali Word ফাটনEnglish definition(noun) breaking; splitting; cleaving; piercing; rending; cracking; bursting; explosion; fission.
  • Bengali Word ফাটলEnglish definition(noun) fissure; crack; crevice; interstice.
  • Bengali Word ফাটাEnglish definition(verb intransitive) 1 crack; split; go to pieces; fall apart; chap: চামড়া ফাটা; burst; explode; burst open; ফোঁড়া ফাটা. (adjective) cracked; split; rent; fractured; chapped; exploded; bad: ফাটা কপাল bad luck. ফাটানো (verb transitive) crack; spit; rend; burst (open); explode; smash. ফাটাফাটি (noun) violent scuffle; melee; brawl; stiff affray a rowdy quarrel.