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বর্ণমালা অনুক্রমে শব্দ খুঁজুন

  • Bengali Word জোকার ১English definition(noun) sound made by Hindu women with their tongues on festive occasions. জোকার দেওয়া (verb intransitive) make this sound.
  • Bengali Word জোকার ২English definition[English] (noun) 1 one who jokes; a joker; a jester. 2 the fifty-third card in a pack used in some games as highest trump.
  • Bengali Word জোখEnglish definition= জোক
  • Bengali Word জোগানEnglish definition= যোগান
  • Bengali Word জোগাড়English definition= যোগাড়
  • Bengali Word জোচ্চুরিEnglish definition= জুয়া
  • Bengali Word জোছনাEnglish definition(noun) (poet) moonlight.
  • Bengali Word জোঝা, জুঝাEnglish definition(verb transitive) fight with; struggle for. জোঝাজুঝি (noun) fighting with each other.
  • Bengali Word জোটEnglish definition(noun) 1 union; confederacy: জোট বাঁধা. 2 assemblage; collection. জোট করা (verb transitive) collect; assemble; unite. জোট পাকানো (verb intransitive) unite together; combine in a body; form a pact. জোট বেঁধে, এক জোটে (adverb) in a body; all together; unitedly.
  • Bengali Word জোটাEnglish definition(verb transitive) be available/ collected/earned: অন্ন জোটা. 2 come or gather together; assemble; collect: ছেলেরা জুটেছে. 3 be present; appear: এসে জোটা. 4 get; gain; obtain: একটা চাকরি জুটে গেল. জোটানো (verb transitive) cause to come together/assemble; make (something) available
  • Bengali Word জোত ১English definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 landed estate held on proprietary basis. 2 landed property used for agricultural purpose. জোত জমা (noun) landed property; real estate. জোত জমি (noun) (history) landed estate held by a tenure-holder under a zemindar. জোতদার [Arabic + Persian] (noun) (history) the owner of a proprietary agricultural farm; a tenure-holder under a zemindar.
  • Bengali Word জোত ২English definition(noun) ropes or straps that fasten a bullock or a draught animal to the yoke; rope-reins.
  • Bengali Word জোতা, জুতাEnglish definition(verb transitive) yoke or harness an animal to a cart or plough or a grinding tree.
  • Bengali Word জোত্র/জোত্তরEnglish definition(noun) 1 an opportunity; means: রোজগারের জোত্র, means of earning. 2 provision; preparation: খাওয়ার জোত্র.
  • Bengali Word জোনাকি, জুনি পোকাEnglish definition(noun) the firefly; the glow-worm.
  • Bengali Word জোন্দা, জোঁদাEnglish definition(adjective) 1 extremely sour. 2 very powerful.
  • Bengali Word জোব্বা, জুব্বাEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) long-skirted loose outer garment.
  • Bengali Word জোরEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) 1 strength; power; might. 2 force; pressure; violence: জোর করে নেওয়া, take forcibly. 3 loudness: গলার জোর. 4 firmness: মনের জোর. 5 integrity; probity: চরিত্রের জোর. 6 stress of the voice on a syllable; accent: উচ্চারণে জোর. (adjective) 1 loud; harsh; high: জোর গলা. 2 strict; urgent: জোর তলব. 3 unexpectedly good: জোর বরাত. 4 quick; swift: জোর কদম. 5 turbulent; violent; tumultuous: জোর আন্দোলন. জোর করা (verb transitive) force; coerce; compel; put pressure. জোর করে, জোরে (adverb) perforce; forcibly; by force; by means of coercion. জোর দেওয়া (verb transitive) emphasize; place emphasis on. জোর কলম (adjective) (of literary style) forceful and vigorous. জোর গলায় (adverb) at the top of one’s voice; boldly; emphatically. জোর তলব (noun) 1 urgent summons (for personal attendance). 2 pressing demand (of taxes, etc). জোর বরাত (noun) very good tuck. জোর হুকুম(noun) strict order. জোরজবরদস্তি (noun) coercion; application of force; pressure. জোরজবরদস্তি করা (verb transitive) coerce; put pressure on; force. জোরজুলুম (noun) oppression; violence; tyranny. জোরজুলুম করা (verb transitive) oppress; tyrannize; use violence. জোর যার মুলুক তার (prov) a mighty person has his sway over everything; (prov) might is right. জোরে জোরে (adverb) 1 quickly (as in walking). 2 loudly (as in speaking). জোরে শোরে (adverb) severely; fiercely; violently. জোরসে (adverb) with force; with pressure; with severity.
  • Bengali Word জোরাজুরিEnglish definition(noun) 1 insistence; persistency. 2 use of force; coercion. 3 application of force against each other; mutual display of force.
  • Bengali Word জোরালোEnglish definition(adjective) 1 forceful; emphatic; appealing: জোরালো আহ্বান. 2 strong; firm; forcible; convincing; earnest: জোরালো দাবি. জোরালোভাবে (adverb) firmly; emphatically; strongly.
  • Bengali Word জোরুEnglish definition= জরু
  • Bengali Word জোলা ১, জোলEnglish definition(noun) a narrow canal or ditch. জোলান (noun) marsh land.
  • Bengali Word জোলা ২English definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 a Muslim weaver. 2 (figurative) a fool; an idiot. জোলানী (feminine) = জোলা ২.
  • Bengali Word জোলাপ, জোলার, জুলারEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) medicine having the power of purging; cathartic medicine; purgative. জোলাপ নেওয়া (verb intransitive) take a purgative.
  • Bengali Word জোলায়খা, জোলেখাEnglish definition(noun) wife of ancient Egyptian minister Aziz Meser, and famous in romantic literature as the love-lady of Yusuf: ইউসুফ জোলায়খা.
  • Bengali Word জোশEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) 1 heat; warmth. 2 strength; energy. 3 ardent zeal; enthusiasm: ইসলামি জোশ. 4 an ecstasy of mind, as if from spiritual influence; elevation of fancy.
  • Bengali Word জোহর, যোহর English definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 afternoon. 2 afternoon prayers.
  • Bengali Word জোহরা ১, যোহরা ১ English definition[Arabic] (noun) morning star; Venus (seen in the eastern sky); evening star; Vesper (seen the western sky).
  • Bengali Word জোহরা ২, যোহরা ২English definition[Arabic ] (adjective) 1 bright; far complexioned. 2 surname of the celebrated daughter of the prophet of Islam. Fatimah: ফাতিমাতুয্‌ যোহরা.
  • Bengali Word জোড়, যোড়English definition(noun) 1 joining of two or more things; a joint: জোড়ের মুখ. 2 a couple; a pair: মানিকজোড়. 3 a pair of upper and lower garments ; a piece of sari and scarf: বেনারসি জোড়. (adjective) 1 clasped; folded: জোড় হাত. 2 even: জোড় সংখ্যা. জোড় করা (verb transitive) join; clasp; fold (as one’s hands). জোড় বাঁধা (verb transitive) unite or join in pairs. জোড় বাঁধানো (verb intransitive) cause to unite. জোড় ভাঙা (verb transitive) sever; separate; disunite. জোড় মেলানো (verb transitive) find one to pair with; pair. জোড় কলম (noun) a horticultural graft. জোড় হাতে, করজোড়ে (adverb) with folded hands. জোড়ে জোড়ে (adverb) by/in pairs. জোড়ের পায়রা constant companion; bosom friend.