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বর্ণমালা অনুক্রমে শব্দ খুঁজুন

  • Bengali Word গাজনEnglish definition(noun) festival in connection with the worship of Hindu deity Shiva at the end of the month of Chaitra. অনেক সন্ন্যাসীতে গাজন নষ্ট (figurative) too many cooks spoil the broth.
  • Bengali Word গাজরEnglish definition(noun) a kind of vegetable; carrot.
  • Bengali Word গাজিEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) one who fights in the way of Allah/for the defence of religion.
  • Bengali Word গাটাপার্চাEnglish definition[English] (noun) soft rubber like material used for covering electric wires, etc.
  • Bengali Word গাণনিকEnglish definition(noun) an accountant; a keeper of accounts.
  • Bengali Word গাণিতিকEnglish definition(adjective) 1 versed in mathematics. 2 related to mathematics.
  • Bengali Word গাণ্ডে পিণ্ডেEnglish definition(adverb) up to the throat; to one’s fill.
  • Bengali Word গাত্রEnglish definition(noun) 1 the physical structure of a human being; the body. 2 the flank or side of a building or the like: পর্বত গাত্র. গাত্রদাহ, গাত্রজ্বালা (noun) 1 burning sensation on the skin/ body. 2 (figurative) heart-burning; jealousy; ill-will; malice. spite; grudge. গাত্রজ্বালা করা (verb intransitive) have burning sensation on the body; (figurative) be jealous/envious of; have grudge against (one). গাত্রবেদনা, গাত্রশুল (noun) pain in the body; muscular pain. গাত্রমার্জনী (noun) that which is used for drying the skin alter washing; a towel; a napkin. গাত্রহরিদ্রা (noun) the ceremony connected with wedding when the bride and the groom are besmeared with a paste of green turmeric before the nuptial bath.
  • Bengali Word গাত্রাবরণ, গাত্রাবরণীEnglish definition(noun) 1 a wrapper for the body. 2 clothes; garment. 3 a coat of mail.
  • Bengali Word গাত্রোত্থানEnglish definition(noun) getting up from bed or from a lying or sitting position. গাত্রোত্থান করা (verb intransitive) rise/ get up; stand.
  • Bengali Word গাথকEnglish definition(noun) 1 a composer of songs or verses. 2 a singer; a musician.
  • Bengali Word গাথাEnglish definition(noun) 1 a poem; a couplet; a verse. 2 a short narrative poem; a popular song; a ballad. 3 a narration in commendation; eulogy; panegyric: যশোগাথা.
  • Bengali Word গাদEnglish definition(noun) 1 that which settles at the bottom of a liquid matter; sediment; lees. 2 impurities which rise to the surface of liquors; scum; refuse.
  • Bengali Word গাদা ১English definition(verb transitive) fill methodically with contents; pack; cram load/ ram (as a gun). গাদা বন্দুক (noun) a fire-arm loaded through the muzzle; a muzzle loader.
  • Bengali Word গাদা ২English definition1 (noun) a body of matter; a mass; a lump; a heap; a pile; a stack: খড়ের গাদা. 2 a number of persons or things; a throng; a crowd : এক গাদা লোক. গাদা গাদা (adverb) in large quantities; in heaps. (adjective) heaps of. গাদাগাদি (noun) state of being crowded. গাদাগাদি করা (verb transitive) fill by pressing together; fill to excess. (verb intransitive) press in numbers; throng.
  • Bengali Word গাদা ৩English definition(noun) the back portion of a fish: গাদার মাছ, a slice from the back of a fish.
  • Bengali Word গাধEnglish definition(adjective) (of a mass of water) shallow; not deep.
  • Bengali Word গাধাEnglish definition(noun) 1 well-known animal akin to the horse. 2 (figurative) a very stupid person. 3 a reproach; a rebuke. গাধাবোট (noun) 1 a boat heavily loaded and slow-moving like an ass. 2 (figurative) a sluggish person noted for his dilatoriness. গাধার খাটুনি (noun) very hard labour but requiring no intelligence; drudgery. গাধা পিটুনি (noun) heavy and merciless beating. গাধামি (noun) making an ass of oneself; acting foolishly.
  • Bengali Word গানEnglish definition(noun) 1 a vocal music; a song. 2 a lyric; a poem. 3 a musical play; an open-air opera. 4 the sweet note of a bird: পাখির গান. গানবাজনা (noun) music. ওস্তাদি গান (noun) classical music. চুটকি গান (noun) a light tripping song with dancing rhythm, like khemta, etc. গানের দল (noun) an opera party; a party of professional singers.
  • Bengali Word গান মেটালEnglish definition[English] (noun) a mixture of metals containing copper, tin lead, and zinc used for making chains, etc; a gunmetal.
  • Bengali Word গান্ধর্বEnglish definition(adjective) 1 of or relating to Gandharvas. 2 system of love marriage recognized in Hindu tradition, in which the willing couple get wedded by exchanging garlands and without observing the customary rites. গান্ধর্ব বিদ্যা (noun) the science or art of music. গান্ধর্ব বিধান (noun) the Hindu custom of Gandharva marriage.
  • Bengali Word গান্ধারEnglish definition(noun) 1 (music) the 3rd note in the natural scale. 2 the ancient name of Kandahar in Afghanistan. 3 a musical note. 4 of or made in Gandhara country. 5 a native of Gandhar. গান্ধারী (feminine) the princess of Gandhara and mother of Duryodhana and others of the Mahabharata.
  • Bengali Word গান্ধি, গান্ধিপোকাEnglish definition(noun) a kind of cornfly emitting severe odour.
  • Bengali Word গান্ধীEnglish definition(noun) 1 a merchant community of Gujrat in India. 2 the famous Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, father of modern lndia.
  • Bengali Word গাফেলEnglish definition[Arabic] (adjective) 1 not attentive; unmindful. 2 unconcerned; disinterested; callous. 3 guilty of neglect; failing in duty; negligent; inactive; indolent. গাফেলতি (noun) negligence; inaction; laziness; indolence; inattention; failure.
  • Bengali Word গাবEnglish definition(noun) a type of tree bearing a fruit with a thick skin and having juice which is used as a coating matter.
  • Bengali Word গাভিনEnglish definition(adjective) (of beasts) big with young. গাভিন হওয়া (verb intransitive) be big with a young.
  • Bengali Word গাভীEnglish definition(noun) the cow. গাই দোহন করা (verb transitive) milk a cow. দুধেল গাই (noun) a milch cow
  • Bengali Word গামছাEnglish definition(noun) a napkin made by hand loom. গামছা বাঁধা (adjective) (of curd) very thick and well-formed so much so that it can be tied in a গামছা: গামছা বাঁধা দই. গলায় গামছা দেওয়া apply humiliating measures to force one to pay off a debt, etc; humiliate one.
  • Bengali Word গামলাEnglish definition(noun) a deep round container for holding water, etc; a bowl.