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বর্ণমালা অনুক্রমে শব্দ খুঁজুন

  • Bengali Word কদরEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 respect; regard; honour: বিদ্বানের কদর সর্বত্র. 2 power; worth; value. 3 the holy night of 27th Ramzan called ‘Lailatul Kadar’ meaning the Night of power. The night is celebrated by Muslims with great reverence and prayer as being the one on which the Holy Qoran was first revealed to the Prophet. কদর করা (verb transitive) respect; honour; have regard for; appreciate; receive with due honour. কদর দান (Arabic + Persian) (noun) one who appreciates the worth of anything.
  • Bengali Word কদর্থEnglish definition(noun) perverted/ distorted meaning; misinterpretation. কদর্থ করা (verb transitive) pervert or distort the meaning (of); misinterpret.
  • Bengali Word কদর্যEnglish definition(adjective) 1 disagreeable in appearance; ugly: কদর্য চেহারা. 2 base; mean; detestable: কদর্য স্বভাব, কদর্য রুচি. 3 miserly; niggardly. কদর্যতা (noun) ugliness; meanness; miserliness.
  • Bengali Word কদলীEnglish definition(noun) plantain tree or fruit.
  • Bengali Word কদাকারEnglish definition(adjective) ill-shaped; deformed; ugly. ill-shaped; deformed; ugly.
  • Bengali Word কদাচEnglish definition(adverb) at any time; ever. কদাচনা never.
  • Bengali Word কদাচারEnglish definition(noun) abominable habit or practice. কদাচারী (adjective) given to abominable or loathsome habits and practice; wicked; profligate.
  • Bengali Word কদাচিৎEnglish definition(adverb) rarely; scarcely ever; seldom.
  • Bengali Word কদাপিEnglish definition= কদাচ
  • Bengali Word কদুEnglish definition(noun) kind of vegetable marrow; a gourd.
  • Bengali Word কনকEnglish definition(noun) precious metal used for making jewellery; gold. (adjective) having the lustre of gold; bright as gold; golden. কনক চাঁপা (noun) golden-coloured sweet-scented flower or its plant, কনক প্রভ (adjective) bright or shining as gold. কনক প্রভা (noun) the lustre of gold. কনক বরণ (adjective) golden-coloured. কনক মুকুট (noun) crown of gold; golden crown. কনকলতা (noun) creeping plant of golden colour; golden creeper.
  • Bengali Word কনকনEnglish definition(interjection) denoting aching pain, bitterness of cold or biting sensation. কনকনে (adjective) aching; piercing; biting. কনকনে শীত biting cold.
  • Bengali Word কনিষ্ঠEnglish definition(adjective) younger in age; youngest: কনিষ্ঠভ্রাতা, younger brother; সর্ব কনিষ্ঠ, youngest. কনিষ্ঠা (feminine) = কনিষ্ঠ.
  • Bengali Word কনুইEnglish definition(noun) the bend or joint of the arm; elbow.
  • Bengali Word কনেEnglish definition(noun) 1 girl about to be married; a bride. 2 a virgin of marriageable age. 3 a newly-married wife. কনে বউ (noun) 1 a newly-married wife. 2 a child-wife.
  • Bengali Word কন্দ ১English definition(noun) a bulbous root; fleshy part of an underground stem with buds from which new plants will grow; tuber.
  • Bengali Word কন্দ ২English definition[Arabic] (noun) sugar-candy.
  • Bengali Word কন্দরEnglish definition(noun) a mountain-cave; a cavern; (figurative) the inside of a thing: হৃদয় কন্দর.
  • Bengali Word কন্দর্পEnglish definition(noun) Kamadeva, the Hindu god of love. কন্দর্প কান্তি (adjective) handsome as Kandarpa.
  • Bengali Word কন্নাEnglish definition(noun) that which a person is bound to perform; an obligation. ঘর কন্না (noun) work of a housewife; housewifery.
  • Bengali Word কন্যাEnglish definition(noun) 1 a female offspring; a daughter. 2 a virgin; a marriageable girl. 3 the heroine at a marriage festival; a bride: কন্যা পক্ষ. কন্যাদান (noun) act of giving a daughter in marriage. কন্যাদায় (noun) the responsibility of marrying a daughter; the state of being burdened with a marriageable daughter. কন্যাদায়গ্রস্ত (adjective) burdened with the responsibility of disposing a marriageable daughter whose marriage is long overdue.
  • Bengali Word কপচানোEnglish definition(verb transitive) 1 utter or reproduce set words of speech like a parrot (ie without understanding the import of what is said). 2 learn something by rote; memorize something. 3 prattle empty words in order to parade one’s learning.
  • Bengali Word কপটEnglish definition(adjective) 1 given to deceiving; deceitful; hypocritical; insincere: কপট সাধু, কপট বন্ধু. 2 apt to deceive; delusive; false; fraudulent: কপটবেশ. (noun) trickery; chicanery; deceit. কপটতা, কাপট্য (noun).
  • Bengali Word কপর্দকEnglish definition(noun) 1 (figurative) medium of exchange of the smallest denomination; a penny: আমি কপর্দকহীন, I am penniless. 2 the smallest amount of money/ riches: তোমাকে এক কপর্দক ও দেবো না.
  • Bengali Word কপাট, কবাটEnglish definition(noun) 1 a door or the shutters of a door; door-panels: কপাট খোলা, open a door; কপাট লাগানো, shut a door. 2 a veil or cover of anything: মনের কপাট.
  • Bengali Word কপাটি ১, কবাডিEnglish definition(noun) sort of Bangladeshi outdoor game.
  • Bengali Word কপাটি ২English definition(noun) tetanus of the jaw; trismus; lock-jaw: দাঁত কপাটি.
  • Bengali Word কপালEnglish definition(noun) 1 the front part of the face above the eyes; the forehead: সুডৌল কপাল. 2 the bony case of the brain; the cranium; the skull: নর কপাল, skull-bone. 3 luck; mere chance; fortune: কপাল গুণে সে আজ কারখানার মালিক. কপালক্রমে (adverb) by luck/chance; luckily; fortunately. কপাল গুণে (adverb) 1 by good luck; fortunately. 2 unluckily; unfortunately. কপাল খোলা (verb intransitive) be lucky/ favoured with fortune: তার কপাল খুলেছে, fortune has smiled upon him; his stars are in the ascendant. কপাল জোড় (noun) the favour of fortune. কপাল পোড়া (verb intransitive) lose the favour of fortune; be unlucky. কপাল ফেরা (verb intransitive) be on the rise; begin to flourish. ভাঙা কপাল জোড়া লাগে না lose luck is like a broken glass. কপালের ফের (noun) the irony of fate. কপালের লিখন (noun) the decree of fate. হায় কপাল (interjection) oh dear! Dear me!
  • Bengali Word কপালিEnglish definition(noun) the horizontal part of the door or window frame; the lintel.
  • Bengali Word কপালীEnglish definition(noun) a Bengali Hindu caste/ community.