WPage 135
- English Word Whitishness Definition The quality or state of being whitish or somewhat white.
- English Word Whitleather Definition Leather dressed or tawed with alum, salt, etc., remarkable for its pliability and toughness; white leather.
- English Word Whitleather Definition The paxwax. See Paxwax.
- English Word Whitling Definition A young full trout during its second season.
- English Word Whitlow Definition An inflammation of the fingers or toes, generally of the last phalanx, terminating usually in suppuration. The inflammation may occupy any seat between the skin and the bone, but is usually applied to a felon or inflammation of the periosteal structures of the bone.
- English Word Whitlow Definition An inflammatory disease of the feet. It occurs round the hoof, where an acrid matter is collected.
- English Word Whitlow-wort Definition Same as Whitlow grass, under Whitlow.
- English Word Whitmonday Definition The day following Whitsunday; -- called also Whitsun Monday.
- English Word Whitneyite Definition an arsenide of copper from Lake Superior.
- English Word Whitson Definition See Whitsun.
- English Word Whitsour Definition A sort of apple.
- English Word Whitster Definition A whitener; a bleacher; a whitester.
- English Word Whitsun Definition Of, pertaining to, or observed at, Whitsuntide; as, Whitsun week; Whitsun Tuesday; Whitsun pastorals.
- English Word Whitsunday Definition The seventh Sunday, and the fiftieth day, after Easter; a festival of the church in commemoration of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost; Pentecost; -- so called, it is said, because, in the primitive church, those who had been newly baptized appeared at church between Easter and Pentecost in white garments.
- English Word Whitsunday Definition See the Note under Term, n., 12.
- English Word Whitsuntide Definition The week commencing with Whitsunday, esp. the first three days -- Whitsunday, Whitsun Monday, and Whitsun Tuesday; the time of Pentecost.
- English Word Whitten tree Definition Either of two shrubs (Viburnum Lantana, and V. Opulus), so called on account of their whitish branches.
- English Word Whitterick Definition The curlew.
- English Word Whittle Definition A grayish, coarse double blanket worn by countrywomen, in the west of England, over the shoulders, like a cloak or shawl.
- English Word Whittle Definition Same as Whittle shawl, below.