WPage 133
- English Word Whites Definition Cloth or garments of a plain white color.
- English Word Whiteside Definition The golden-eye.
- English Word Whitesmith Definition One who works in tinned or galvanized iron, or white iron; a tinsmith.
- English Word Whitesmith Definition A worker in iron who finishes or polishes the work, in distinction from one who forges it.
- English Word Whitester Definition A bleacher of linen; a whitener; a whitster.
- English Word Whitetail Definition The Virginia deer.
- English Word Whitetail Definition The wheatear.
- English Word Whitethorn Definition The hawthorn.
- English Word Whitethroat Definition Any one of several species of Old World warblers, esp. the common European species (Sylvia cinerea), called also strawsmear, nettlebird, muff, and whitecap, the garden whitethroat, or golden warbler (S. hortensis), and the lesser whitethroat (S. curruca).
- English Word Whitetop Definition Fiorin.
- English Word Whitewall Definition The spotted flycatcher; -- so called from the white color of the under parts.
- English Word Whitewash Definition Any wash or liquid composition for whitening something, as a wash for making the skin fair.
- English Word Whitewash Definition A composition of line and water, or of whiting size, and water, or the like, used for whitening walls, ceilings, etc.; milk of lime.
- English Word Whitewash Definition To apply a white liquid composition to; to whiten with whitewash.
- English Word Whitewash Definition To make white; to give a fair external appearance to; to clear from imputations or disgrace; hence, to clear (a bankrupt) from obligation to pay debts.
- English Word Whitewashed Definition of Whitewash
- English Word Whitewasher Definition One who whitewashes.
- English Word Whitewashing Definition of Whitewash
- English Word Whiteweed Definition A perennial composite herb (Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum) with conspicuous white rays and a yellow disk, a common weed in grass lands and pastures; -- called also oxeye daisy.
- English Word Whitewing Definition The chaffinch; -- so called from the white bands on the wing.