LPage 37
- English Word Lancepesade Definition An assistant to a corporal; a private performing the duties of a corporal; -- called also lance corporal.
- English Word Lancer Definition One who lances; one who carries a lance; especially, a member of a mounted body of men armed with lances, attached to the cavalry service of some nations.
- English Word Lancer Definition A lancet.
- English Word Lancer Definition A set of quadrilles of a certain arrangement.
- English Word Lancet Definition A surgical instrument of various forms, commonly sharp-pointed and two-edged, used in venesection, and in opening abscesses, etc.
- English Word Lancet Definition An iron bar used for tapping a melting furnace.
- English Word Lancewood Definition A tough, elastic wood, often used for the shafts of gigs, archery bows, fishing rods, and the like. Also, the tree which produces this wood, Duguetia Quitarensis (a native of Guiana and Cuba), and several other trees of the same family (Anonaseae).
- English Word Lanch Definition To throw, as a lance; to let fly; to launch.
- English Word Lanched Definition of Lanch
- English Word Lanching Definition of Lanch
- English Word Lanciferous Definition Bearing a lance.
- English Word Lanciform Definition Having the form of a lance.
- English Word Lanciname Definition To tear; to lacerate; to pierce or stab.
- English Word Lancinated Definition of Lanciname
- English Word Lancinating Definition of Lanciname
- English Word Lancinating Definition Piercing; seeming to pierce or stab; as, lancinating pains (i.e., severe, darting pains).
- English Word Lancination Definition A tearing; laceration.
- English Word Lancing Definition of Lance
- English Word Land Definition Urine. See Lant.
- English Word Land Definition The solid part of the surface of the earth; -- opposed to water as constituting a part of such surface, especially to oceans and seas; as, to sight land after a long voyage.