LPage 35
- English Word Lampers Definition See Lampas.
- English Word Lampic Definition Pertaining to, or produced by, a lamp; -- formerly said of a supposed acid.
- English Word Lamping Definition Shining; brilliant.
- English Word Lampless Definition Being without a lamp, or without light; hence, being without appreciation; dull.
- English Word Lamplight Definition Light from a lamp.
- English Word Lamplighter Definition One who, or that which, lights a lamp; esp., a person who lights street lamps.
- English Word Lamplighter Definition The calico bass.
- English Word Lampoon Definition A personal satire in writing; usually, malicious and abusive censure written only to reproach and distress.
- English Word Lampoon Definition To subject to abusive ridicule expressed in writing; to make the subject of a lampoon.
- English Word Lampooned Definition of Lampoon
- English Word Lampooner Definition The writer of a lampoon.
- English Word Lampooning Definition of Lampoon
- English Word Lampoonry Definition The act of lampooning; a lampoon, or lampoons.
- English Word Lamprel Definition See Lamprey.
- English Word Lamprey Definition An eel-like marsipobranch of the genus Petromyzon, and allied genera. The lampreys have a round, sucking mouth, without jaws, but set with numerous minute teeth, and one to three larger teeth on the palate (see Illust. of Cyclostomi). There are seven small branchial openings on each side.
- English Word Lampreys Definition of Lamprey
- English Word Lampron Definition See Lamprey.
- English Word Lampyrine Definition An insect of the genus Lampyris, or family Lampyridae. See Lampyris.
- English Word Lampyris Definition A genus of coleopterous insects, including the glowworms.
- English Word Lanarkite Definition A mineral consisting of sulphate of lead, occurring either massive or in long slender prisms, of a greenish white or gray color.