EPage 48
- English Word Eglantine Definition The sweetbrier (R. rubiginosa).
- English Word Eglatere Definition Eglantine.
- English Word Egling Definition The European perch when two years old.
- English Word Eglomerate Definition To unwind, as a thread from a ball.
- English Word Ego Definition The conscious and permanent subject of all psychical experiences, whether held to be directly known or the product of reflective thought; -- opposed to non-ego.
- English Word Egoical Definition Pertaining to egoism.
- English Word Egoism Definition The doctrine of certain extreme adherents or disciples of Descartes and Johann Gottlieb Fichte, which finds all the elements of knowledge in the ego and the relations which it implies or provides for.
- English Word Egoism Definition Excessive love and thought of self; the habit of regarding one's self as the center of every interest; selfishness; -- opposed to altruism.
- English Word Egoist Definition One given overmuch to egoism or thoughts of self.
- English Word Egoist Definition A believer in egoism.
- English Word Egoistic Definition Alt. of Egoistical
- English Word Egoistical Definition Pertaining to egoism; imbued with egoism or excessive thoughts of self; self-loving.
- English Word Egoistically Definition In an egoistic manner.
- English Word Egoity Definition Personality.
- English Word Egomism Definition Egoism.
- English Word Egophonic Definition Belonging to, or resembling, egophony.
- English Word Egophony Definition The sound of a patient's voice so modified as to resemble the bleating of a goat, heard on applying the ear to the chest in certain diseases within its cavity, as in pleurisy with effusion.
- English Word Egotheism Definition The deification of self.
- English Word Egotism Definition The practice of too frequently using the word I; hence, a speaking or writing overmuch of one's self; self-exaltation; self-praise; the act or practice of magnifying one's self or parading one's own doings. The word is also used in the sense of egoism.
- English Word Egotist Definition One addicted to egotism; one who speaks much of himself or magnifies his own achievements or affairs.