EPage 46
- English Word Eftsoons Definition Again; anew; a second time; at once; speedily.
- English Word Egad Definition An exclamation expressing exultation or surprise, etc.
- English Word Egal Definition Equal; impartial.
- English Word Egality Definition Equality.
- English Word Egean Definition See Aegean.
- English Word Egence Definition The state of needing, or of suffering a natural want.
- English Word Eger Definition Alt. of Egre
- English Word Eger Definition An impetuous flood; a bore. See Eagre.
- English Word Egerminate Definition To germinate.
- English Word Egest Definition To cast or throw out; to void, as excrement; to excrete, as the indigestible matter of the food; in an extended sense, to excrete by the lungs, skin, or kidneys.
- English Word Egesta Definition That which is egested or thrown off from the body by the various excretory channels; excrements; -- opposed to ingesta.
- English Word Egestion Definition Act or process of egesting; a voiding.
- English Word Egg Definition The oval or roundish body laid by domestic poultry and other birds, tortoises, etc. It consists of a yolk, usually surrounded by the "white" or albumen, and inclosed in a shell or strong membrane.
- English Word Egg Definition A simple cell, from the development of which the young of animals are formed; ovum; germ cell.
- English Word Egg Definition Anything resembling an egg in form.
- English Word Egg Definition To urge on; to instigate; to incite/
- English Word Egg squash Definition A variety of squash with small egg-shaped fruit.
- English Word Egg-bird Definition A species of tern, esp. the sooty tern (Sterna fuliginosa) of the West Indies. In the Bahama Islands the name is applied to the tropic bird, Phaethon flavirostris.
- English Word Egg-cup Definition A cup used for holding an egg, at table.
- English Word Egg-glass Definition A small sandglass, running about three minutes, for marking time in boiling eggs; also, a small glass for holding an egg, at table.