EPage 19
- English Word Eccentric Definition A circle described about the center of an elliptical orbit, with half the major axis for radius.
- English Word Eccentric Definition A disk or wheel so arranged upon a shaft that the center of the wheel and that of the shaft do not coincide. It is used for operating valves in steam engines, and for other purposes. The motion derived is precisely that of a crank having the same throw.
- English Word Eccentrical Definition See Eccentric.
- English Word Eccentrically Definition In an eccentric manner.
- English Word Eccentricities Definition of Eccentricity
- English Word Eccentricity Definition The ratio of the distance of the center of the orbit of a heavenly body from the center of the body round which it revolves to the semi-transverse axis of the orbit.
- English Word Eccentricity Definition The distance of the center of figure of a body, as of an eccentric, from an axis about which it turns; the throw.
- English Word Eccentricity Definition The ratio of the distance between the center and the focus of an ellipse or hyperbola to its semi-transverse axis.
- English Word Eccentricity Definition The state of being eccentric; deviation from the customary line of conduct; oddity.
- English Word Ecchymose Definition To discolor by the production of an ecchymosis, or effusion of blood, beneath the skin; -- chiefly used in the passive form; as, the parts were much ecchymosed.
- English Word Ecchymoses Definition of Ecchymosis
- English Word Ecchymosis Definition A livid or black and blue spot, produced by the extravasation or effusion of blood into the areolar tissue from a contusion.
- English Word Ecchymotic Definition Pertaining to ecchymosis.
- English Word Eccle Definition The European green woodpecker; -- also called ecall, eaquall, yaffle.
- English Word Ecclesia Definition The public legislative assembly of the Athenians.
- English Word Ecclesia Definition A church, either as a body or as a building.
- English Word Ecclesiae Definition of Ecclesia
- English Word Ecclesial Definition Ecclesiastical.
- English Word Ecclesiarch Definition An official of the Eastern Church, resembling a sacrist in the Western Church.
- English Word Ecclesiast Definition An ecclesiastic.