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- English Word Ebracteolate Definition Without bracteoles, or little bracts; -- said of a pedicel or flower stalk.
- English Word Ebrauke Definition Hebrew.
- English Word Ebrieties Definition of Ebriety
- English Word Ebriety Definition Drunkenness; intoxication by spirituous liquors; inebriety.
- English Word Ebrillade Definition A bridle check; a jerk of one rein, given to a horse when he refuses to turn.
- English Word Ebriosity Definition Addiction to drink; habitual drunkenness.
- English Word Ebrious Definition Inclined to drink to excess; intoxicated; tipsy.
- English Word Ebulliate Definition To boil or bubble up.
- English Word Ebullience Definition Alt. of Ebulliency
- English Word Ebulliency Definition A boiling up or over; effervescence.
- English Word Ebullient Definition Boiling up or over; hence, manifesting exhilaration or excitement, as of feeling; effervescing.
- English Word Ebullioscope Definition An instrument for observing the boiling point of liquids, especially for determining the alcoholic strength of a mixture by the temperature at which it boils.
- English Word Ebullition Definition A boiling or bubbling up of a liquid; the motion produced in a liquid by its rapid conversion into vapor.
- English Word Ebullition Definition Effervescence occasioned by fermentation or by any other process which causes the liberation of a gas or an aeriform fluid, as in the mixture of an acid with a carbonated alkali.
- English Word Ebullition Definition A sudden burst or violent display; an outburst; as, an ebullition of anger or ill temper.
- English Word Eburin Definition A composition of dust of ivory or of bone with a cement; -- used for imitations of valuable stones and in making moldings, seals, etc.
- English Word Eburnation Definition A condition of bone cartilage occurring in certain diseases of these tissues, in which they acquire an unnatural density, and come to resemble ivory.
- English Word Eburnean Definition Made of or relating to ivory.
- English Word Eburnification Definition The conversion of certain substances into others which have the appearance or characteristics of ivory.
- English Word Eburnine Definition Of or pertaining to ivory.