স পৃষ্ঠা ৯
- Bengali Word সংশয় English definition (noun) doubt; uncertainty; hesitation; irresolution; suspicion; apprehension; scepticism; fear; concern. সংশয়-কর, সংশয় জনক (adjective) causing doubt/risk; dubious. সংশয়স্থ (adjective) being uncertainty; doubtful. সংশয়াকুল (adjective) greatly troubled by doubt/ suspicion/ hesitation; greatly afraid of/ concerned about/ apprehensive of; beset with doubt. সংশয়াত্মক (adjective) dubious; doubtful; uncertain. সংশয়াত্মা (adjective) having a doubtful mind; sceptic; apprehensive. সংশয়ন (adjective) = সংশয়ী সংশয়ান্বিত, সংশয়াপন্ন, সংশয়াবিষ্ট adjective(s) beset with doubt; doubtful about; suspicious; apprehensive; afraid; hesitating; uncertain; sceptical. সংশয়পনোদন (noun) removal of doubt/ suspicion. সংশয়ালু (adjective) disposed to doubt; doubtful/ sceptical about.
- Bengali Word সংশয়িত English definition (adjective) irresolute; doubtful about সংশয়িতা (feminine) = সংশয়িত. সংশয়িতব্য (adjective) to be called in. doubt; dubious; problematical.
- Bengali Word সংশয়ী English definition (adjective) given to doubt/ suspicion; doubtful; dubious; tearful; apprehensive; sceptical by nature.
- Bengali Word সংসক্ত English definition (adjective) (1) adhered/ stuck together; sticking fast; closely connected; united; coherent; cohering; adhering; closely connected; related. (2) (physics) tenacious. সংসক্ত হওয়া (verb intransitive) adhere/ stick together; stick fast; cohere.
- Bengali Word সংসক্তি English definition (noun) (1) cohesion. (2) adherence; attachment; connection; relation; contact; intimacy; intercourse. (3) addiction/ devotion to. (4) chemical affinity.
- Bengali Word সংসদ, সংসৎ English definition (noun) (1) assembly; parliament. (2) association; council; meeting; congress; session. সংসদ সচিব (noun) parliamentary secretary. সংসদ-সদস্য (noun) member of the parliament.
- Bengali Word সংসরণ English definition (noun) (1) going about; walking/ wandering through; passing through. (2) highway; principal road.
- Bengali Word সংসর্গ English definition (noun) (1) association; contact; connection; intercourse. (2) sexual union/ intercourse; cohabitation. (3) commingling; commixture; conjunction. (4) society; company; fellowship. সংসর্গ করা (verb intransitive) associate/ mix with; mingle with; cohabit; have sexual intercourse with; be intimate with; fraternize with . সংসর্গ ছাড়া (verb intransitive) give up company; dissociate oneself from. সংসর্গজ (adjective) produced by union/ contact. সংসর্গ দোষ (noun) fault/ evil consequence of association (with bad people). সংসর্গ লিপ্সা (noun) longing for somebody’s company; sexual desire. সংসর্গাভাব (noun) (logic) universal negation.
- Bengali Word সংসর্প, সংসর্পণ English definition noun(s) (1) creeping; gliding; sneaking. (2) equable/ gentle motion. (3) expansive.
- Bengali Word সংসর্পী English definition (adjective) creeping; moving gently along; floating/ swimming about; extending.
- Bengali Word সংসার English definition (noun) (1) the world; secular life; worldly life; mundane existence. (2) domestic life; family. (3) earthly attachment and interests. (4) marriage. (5) housekeeping; household; married couple. সংসার করা (verb intransitive) (1) lead domestic life; manage domestic affairs. (2) (of men) marry; take a wife; get married. (3) (of women) act as one’s housewife; live with. সংসার চালানো = সংসার করা (১). সংসার ত্যাগ করা (verb intransitive) renounce the world. সংসার পাতা (verb intransitive) set up a household (especially by marrying). সংসার অরণ্য, সংসার-কানন noun(s) world/ domestic life compared to a forest. সংসার কামনা (noun) desire for the joys of the world/ earthly enjoyments/ conjugal life; desire to, lead domestic life; desire to set up a household. সংসার কারা(গার) (noun) world/ married life as a prison. সংসার গুরু (noun) world’s guru; god of love. সংসার চক্র (noun) world compared to a wheel. সংসার জ্ঞান (noun) worldly wisdom; practical. knowledge. সংসার ত্যাগ (noun) renunciation of the world. সংসারত্যাগী (adjective) one who has renounced the world. সংসার ধর্ম (noun) domestic life/ duties; family life. সংসার পথ (noun) road of the world. সংসার পার (noun) next world. সংসার বন্ধন (noun) bonds/ fetters of the world. সংসার বাসনা = সংসার কামনা. সংসার মরু (noun) world as a desert. সংসার যাত্রা (noun) earthly/ daily life; domestic life; livelihood. সংসারলীলা (noun) mortal/ worldly/ human life. সংসার সমুদ্র (noun) ocean-like world. সংসার সুখ (noun) joys of the world; happiness of domestic life. সংসারারণ্য = সংসার অরণ্য. সংসারার্ণব = সংসার সমুদ্র. সংসারাশ্রম (noun) order/ state of a householder. সংসারাশ্রমে প্রবেশ করা (verb intransitive) settle down to married life; marry and settle down; start to live the life of a householder; enter the world. সংসারাসক্ত (adjective) engrossed in earthly pleasures and interests. সংসারাসক্তি (noun) attachment to worldly pleasures and interests.
- Bengali Word সংসারী English definition (adjective) leading a family life; worldly; attached to mundane existence; mundane. সংসারী লোক (noun) family man. ঘোর সংসারী (adjective) (1) = সংসারাসক্ত ( সংসার). (2) deeply concerned with family and worldly interests.
- Bengali Word সংসিক্ত English definition (adjective) well sprinkled / moistened.
- Bengali Word সংসিদ্ধ English definition (adjective) (1) fully / thoroughly performed/ accomplished. (2) dressed; prepared. (3) attained; won. (4) innate, instinctive; natural. (4) one who has attained beatitude.
- Bengali Word সংসিদ্ধি English definition (noun) (1) complete accomplishment/ fulfilment; perfection; success. (2) perfect state; beatitude; final emancipation. (3) healing; cure; recovery. 4 natural state/ quality; nature.
- Bengali Word সংসূচিত English definition (adjective) indicated; shown; displayed.
- Bengali Word সংসৃতি English definition (noun) course; revolution; passage (through).
- Bengali Word সংসৃষ্ট English definition (adjective) (1) related; associated/ connected with; involved in; belonging to; affiliated (with). (2) mixed of various kinds.
- Bengali Word সংসৃষ্টি English definition (noun) (1) union; combination; association; intercourse. (2) (rhetorical) association of two distinct metaphors in close proximity in one sentence.
- Bengali Word সংস্করণ English definition (noun) (1) edition. (2) (rare) correction; revision.