স পৃষ্ঠা ৮
- Bengali Word সংরূঢ় English definition (adjective) grown; sprung up; sprouted.
- Bengali Word সংরোধ English definition (noun) complete obstruction/opposition; hindrance; stop; restraint; prevention; restriction; confinement.
- Bengali Word সংলগ্ন English definition (adjective) (1) closely attached; being in contact with; adhering; sticking to/in; adjoining; clinging to. (2) (mathematics) adjacent. সংলগ্ন হওয়া (verb intransitive) cling to; attach to; adhere to; be adjacent/ fixed to; adjoin.
- Bengali Word সংলাপ English definition (noun) dialogue; conversation; friendly discussion.
- Bengali Word সংলিপ্ত English definition = সংলগ্ন
- Bengali Word সংশপ্তক English definition (noun) an army which is determined to fight to the last.
- Bengali Word সংশিত English definition (adjective) (1) ready; prepared for/ resolved upon. (2) made ready; well-prepared; all right; accomplished; completed. (3) decided; firmly adhered to; rigid (as a vow). সংশিত ব্রত (adjective) firmly adhering to a vow; faithful to an obligation; honest; virtuous.
- Bengali Word সংশুদ্ধ English definition (adjective) completely purified/ cleansed; pure; clean.
- Bengali Word সংশুদ্ধি English definition (noun) perfect purification/ purity; cleaning (the body); acquittal; acquittance; correction; rectification.
- Bengali Word সংশোধক English definition (adjective) purifying; cleaning; rectifying; correcting; revising. (noun) purifier; cleaner; reformer; rectifier; corrector; reclaimer from evil ways.
- Bengali Word সংশোধন English definition (noun) (thorough) purification/ rectification/ correction/ reformation/ revision/ amendment. সংশোধন করা (verb transitive) purify; rectify; correct; reform; revise, amend; cleanse thoroughly. সংশোধন অধিকারী (noun) revising authority. সংশোধনবাদ (noun) (politics) revisionism. সংশোধনবাদী (noun) revisionist. সংশোধনাগার (noun) reformatory; house of correction.
- Bengali Word সংশোধনীয় English definition (adjective) to be purified/ purged/ cleansed/ corrected/ revised/ amended/ reformed; reformable; amendable; corrigible; rectifiable; revisable.
- Bengali Word সংশোধিত English definition (adjective) completely cleaned and purified; amended; reformed; corrected; rectified; revised; modified.
- Bengali Word সংশোধ্য English definition = সংশোধনীয়
- Bengali Word সংশ্রিত English definition (adjective) joined/ united with ; leaning against; clinging to; resorted to; sought for refuge/ protection; clung to; embraced.
- Bengali Word সংশ্রুত English definition (adjective) well heard; learnt.
- Bengali Word সংশ্রয় English definition (noun) (1) conjunction; combination; connection; association. (2) refuge; shelter; asylum. (3) reference/ relationship to. (4) system.
- Bengali Word সংশ্রয়ী English definition (adjective) having recourse to; seeking protection.
- Bengali Word সংশ্লিষ্ট English definition (adjective) (1) clasped/ pressed together; contiguous; coherent; closely connected with; attached; related with; associated/ associating with. (2) concerned; involved/ included in: সংশ্লিষ্ট ব্যক্তি. (3) synthetic. (4) affiliated. সংশ্লিষ্ট করা (verb transitive) associate; include; affiliate; involve; attach; connect. সংশ্লিষ্ট আধিকারিক (noun) attached officer.
- Bengali Word সংশ্লেষ English definition (noun) (1) junction; union; connection; close contact with; adhesion; attachment; association; relation; involvement. (2) synthesis. (3) (botany) conjugation. সংশ্লেষণ (noun) (1) synthesis. (2) joining ; connecting; bond; cement. সংশ্লেষণী (adjective) synthetic.