স পৃষ্ঠা ২০
- Bengali Word সতী English definition (noun) (feminine) (1) good and virtuous/ faithful wife; chaste / devoted wife. (2) faithful wife who burns herself with her husband’s corpse. (3) (mythology) Sati, the Daughter of Daksha and wife of Shiva. (adjective) (feminine) (of a wife) intently devoted to one’s husband; chaste. সতী গিরি (noun) (ironical) show / affectation of chastity demonstrated by a wife; (false) pride of chastity / honesty. সতীত্ব (noun) wifely fidelity; chastity of a wife. সতীত্বনাশ (noun) violation of chastity; rape. সতীনাশকরা (verb transitive) rape; violate. সতীত্ব রক্ষাকরা (verb intransitive) preserve one’s chastity. সতীদাহ (noun) Hindu practice of widows burning themselves with their husbands corpses; suttee; sati. সতীধর্ম = সতীত্ব. সতীপনা= গিরি. সতী লক্ষ্মী (noun)(feminine) a verychaste and pleasingwife who brings fortuneto her husband; virtuous wife. সতীসাধ্বী (noun) (feminine) perfectly chaste / faithful wife. সতীসাবিত্রী(noun) (feminine) a wife as chaste and faithful as Sabitri.
- Bengali Word সতীন English definition =সতিন
- Bengali Word সতীর্থ English definition (adjective) having read in the same class;fellow-student;class-fellow
- Bengali Word সতৃণ English definition (adjective) grown with grass; grassy.
- Bengali Word সতৃষ্ণ English definition (adjective) (1) having thirst; thirsty. (2) desirous; yearning; eager; wistful; longing: সতৃষ্ণদৃষ্টি.
- Bengali Word সতেজ English definition (adjective) (1) vigorous; energetic; animated; spirited; reinvigorated; resusciated; blooming; bouncing. (2) (of trees, etc) luxuriant. (3) emphatic; forceful. সতেজে (adverb) vigorously; energetically. animatedly; spiritedly; luxuriantly; emphatically; forcefully.
- Bengali Word সতের English definition (noun), (adverb) seventeen. সতেরই (noun), (adjective) (the) seventeenth (day of a month).
- Bengali Word সত্তম English definition (adjective) very good/ right; most virtuous; the best / first / chief of: কবিসত্তম.
- Bengali Word সত্তর English definition (noun), (adjective) seventy.
- Bengali Word সত্তা English definition (noun) (1) existence; being. (2) eternal existence; reality. (3) excellence. (4) honesty; goodness; integrity; goodness. (5) origin; birth.
- Bengali Word সত্ত্ব English definition (noun) (1) being; existence. (2) entity. (3) reality. (4) true essence; nature; disposition of mind; character. (5) spiritual essence; spirit; mind. (6) vital breath; life; consciousness; strength (of character); firmness; energy; resolution; courage; self-command; good sense; magnanimity. (7) quality of purity/ goodness; (regarded as the highest of the three gunas). (8) material/ elementary substance; matter; thing. (9) living/ sentient being; creature; animal. (10) juice; extract; marrow; preparation made of juice/ essence: আম সত্ত্ব. সত্ত্বগুণ (noun) the quality of purity/ goodness ( 7 above). সত্ত্ববান (adjective) (1) endowed with/ possessed of the true essence. (2) endowed with life; living; existent. (3) energetic; courageous; resolute. সত্ত্বস্বামিত্ব (noun) ownership; proprietary right.
- Bengali Word সত্ত্বেও English definition prep in spite of; despite; notwithstanding.
- Bengali Word সত্বর English definition (adjective) quickly; swiftly; hurriedly; speedily;expeditiously; promptly;fast. সত্বরে = সত্বর.
- Bengali Word সত্য English definition (adjective) (1) true; real; actual; genuine; right; correct. (2) sincere; honest; truthful; faithful; virtuous; good. (3) successful; effectual; valid. (noun) (1) truth; reality; genuineness. (2) solemn assertion; vow; oath; promise. (3) quality of goodness/ purity/ knowledge. (4) (mythology) the first of the four yugas or ages. সত্য করা (verb intransitive) take a solemn vow; take an oath; promise. সত্য বলা (verb intransitive) speak/ tell the truth; speak the right thing. সত্যই (adverb) truly; indeed; verily; certainly. সত্য কথন (noun) speaking the/ of truth; truthfulness. সত্য কথা (noun) truth. সত্য কথা বলা (verb intransitive) speak the truth. সত্য কাম (adjective) truth-loving. (noun) lover of truth. সত্যঙ্কার (noun) (1) promise. (2) making true/ good; ratification of a contract/ bargain. (3) earnest money. সত্যত (adverb) in; truth; truly; really; in truth. সত্যতা (noun) truth; veracity; genuineness; authenticity; reality. সত্য নারায়ণ (noun) name of particular divinity (called Satyapir in Bengal). সত্যনিষ্ঠ (adjective) given up to truth; thoroughly honest; true to one’s word/ vow. সত্যনিষ্ঠা (noun) truthfulness; devotion to truth; integrity. সত্যপথ (noun) path of virtue; right path. সত্যপরায়ণ = সত্যনিষ্ঠ. সত্যপরায়ণতা = সত্যনিষ্ঠা. সত্য পালন করা (verb intransitive) keep/ fulfil one’s promise/ vow. সত্যপীর = সত্যনারায়ণ. সত্য-প্রতিজ্ঞ (adjective) true/ faithful to a promise. সত্যপ্রিয় (adjective) devoted to truth; truth-loving. সত্য বাক্য (noun) true speech; veracity; truth. (adjective) true in speech. সত্যবাদিতা (noun) truthfulness. সত্যবাদী (adjective) speaking the truth; truthful. সত্যবাদিনী (feminine) = সত্যবাদী. সত্যবান (adjective) truthful; veracious. সত্যব্রত (noun) vow of truthfulness. (adjective) devoted to a vow oftruth; strictly truthful. সত্যভঙ্গ(noun) breach of vow/promise/ trust. সত্যভঙ্গকারী(adjective) treacherous;unfaithful. (noun) traitor. সত্যমূলক(adjective) based ontruth; true. সত্যযুগ(noun) =সত্য(4). সত্যরক্ষা(noun) keeping apromise/ ones word. সত্যলোক(noun) (mythology) the highest of the seven words. সত্যসত্য (adverb) really; indeed; verily; in truth. সত্য সন্ধ (adjective) true to engagements; keeping one’s agreement/ promise; faithful; truthfulness. সত্যাকৃতি (noun) conclusion/ ratification of an agreement/ bargain. সত্যাখ্যাত (adjective) verified. সত্যাখ্যান (noun) verification. সত্যাখ্যান করা (verb transitive) verify. সত্যাগ্রহ (noun) (1) earnest endeavour for the establishment of the reign of truth. (2) (politics) passive resistance; Satyagraha. সত্যাগ্রহকরা (verb intransitive) offer passive resistance. সত্যাগ্রহী (noun) determined champion of truth/ the reign of truth; one offering passive resistant. সত্যাচরণ (noun) guileless conduct. সত্যানুরাগ (noun) devotion to/ love for truth. সত্যানুরাগী (adjective) devoted to truth; truth-loving. সত্যানুরাগিণী (feminine) = সত্যানুরাগী. সত্যানুসন্ধান (noun) search for truth. সত্যানুসন্ধায়ী (adjective) searching for truth. সত্যানৃত (noun) (1) truth and falsehood. (2) commerce; trade. সত্যাপন (noun) verification; ratification; speaking/ observing the truth. সত্যাপনকরা (verb transitive) verify; affirm; take an oath. সত্যবলতেকি to speak the truth. সত্যাসত্য (noun) = সত্যানৃত. আপাতসত্য (adjective) true on the surface; plausible. (noun) verisimilitude; plausibility. তিন সত্য (noun) an oath/ promise thrice uttered to make it inviolable.
- Bengali Word সত্যি English definition (noun), (adjective) (colloquial) = সত্য. সত্যিকার, সত্যিকারের (adjective) true; real; genuine. সত্যিকারভাবে (adjective) truly; really.
- Bengali Word সত্র English definition (noun) (1) great soma sacrifice. (2) alms house;asylum; hospital. (3) session, (of legislativeassembly,higher court, etc). (4) wood; forest. সত্রকালে(adverb) in sessions. সত্রস্থ= (adjective) insession.দণ্ডসত্র(noun) sessions.
- Bengali Word সত্রাস English definition (adjective) terrified; terror-stricken. সত্রাসে(adverb) with terror or fear;in a fright.
- Bengali Word সদ English definition (adjective) (in compounds) = সৎ ১. সদনুষ্ঠান(verb intransitive) (1)performance of a solemn rite; (2) good/charitable deed/ work. সদন্তঃকরণ(noun) good/honest heart;good purpose. সদন্তঃকরণে(adverb) with a good heart/ purpose. সদভিপ্রায় (noun) good/ noble purpose/ intention; honest intention. সদর্থ (noun) positive sense; true/ correct meaning. সদ র্থক (adjective) positive; having a good significance. সদসৎ (adjective) good and bad; having the nature both of entity and non-entity. সদ সৎজ্ঞান (noun) conscience. সদ সৎভাব (noun) reality and unreality; truth and falsehood. সদসদ্বিবেচনা (noun) discrimination between true and false or between good and bad. সদাচার (noun) practice of good men; virtuous conduct; good manners; approved usage. সদাচারনিষ্ঠ, সদাচারপরায়ণ, সদাচারী adjective(s) virtuous (in practice); practicing whatever is enjoined by scriptures; good-mannered; upright. সদাত্ম (adjective) possession a good nature; good; virtuous. সদালাপ (noun) conversation on a good/ pious/ spiritual topics; amiable/ good conversation. সদালাপী (adjective) given to conversation on good/ pious/ spiritual topic; good conversationalist. সদাশয় (adjective) of a good/ noble mind; noble-hearted; kind-hearted; magnanimous. সদাশয়তা (noun) kindheartedness; noble-mindedness; magnanimity; amiability.
- Bengali Word সদকা English definition [Arabic] (noun) alms; sacrifice; gifts to the poor; propitiatory offerings.
- Bengali Word সদন English definition (noun) (1) dwelling; residence; house; home; seat. (2) presence; nearness: রাজসদন.