স পৃষ্ঠা ১৭
- Bengali Word সজনী English definition (noun) (feminine) confidante; sweet-heart; lady-love.
- Bengali Word সজল English definition (adjective) possessing/ containing water;watery; wet; humid;tearful. সজল নয়নে (adverb) withtears in one’s eyes. সজল মেঘ (noun) rain-closed;nimbus.
- Bengali Word সজাগ English definition (adjective) wakeful; awake; vigilant; aware;conscious; on the alert;alive.
- Bengali Word সজাতি English definition (adjective) belonging to the same tribe/ caste/class/ kind;similar. (noun) son of a man and woman of the same caste.
- Bengali Word সজাতীয় English definition (adjective) of the same caste/ kind/ species;homogeneous,like; similar; kindred;resembling. সজাতীয়া (feminine) = সজাতীয়. সজাতীয়তা (noun) homogeneity; similarity.
- Bengali Word সজারু English definition =শজারু
- Bengali Word সজিনা English definition =শজিনা
- Bengali Word সজীব English definition (adjective) (1) having life; alive; living; animate. (2) vivacious; lively; fresh; invigorated. সজীব করা (verb transitive) animate; vivify; rejuvenate; invigorate;activate.
- Bengali Word সজোরে English definition (adjective) forcefully; forcibly; violently; byviolence.
- Bengali Word সজ্জন ১ English definition (noun) good/ virtuous/ wise/ honest man. (adjective) well-born; respectable; virtuous;amiable.
- Bengali Word সজ্জন ২ English definition (noun) equipment;preparation;caparisoning an elephant.
- Bengali Word সজ্জা English definition (noun) (1) dress; decoration. (2) equipment;armour; mail. (3) preparation. (4) furnishings;fittings and furniture; outfit; accoutrements. (5)arraying. সজ্জাকক্ষ, সজ্জাগৃহ noun(s) dressing-room; greenroom.
- Bengali Word সজ্জাকৃত, সজ্জীভূত English definition (adjective) = সজ্জিত
- Bengali Word সজ্জিত English definition (adjective) (1) dressed; decorated; ornamented; adorned. (2) equipped; prepared; (made) ready for/ to. armed. (3) furnished. (4) arrayed. সজ্জিতা (feminine) = সজ্জিত. সজ্জিতকরা (verb intransitive) (1) dress; decorate; adorn. (2) equip; prepare; fit out; arm; made ready for. (3) furnish. (4) array.
- Bengali Word সজ্জীকরণ English definition (noun) (1) dressing; decoration; adorning; adornment. (2) equipping; arming; accoutrement; preparation. (3) furnishing. (4) arraying.
- Bengali Word সজ্ঞান English definition (adjective) conscious; aware; in one’s senses.
- Bengali Word সজ্ঞানে English definition (adverb) consciously; knowingly.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চকী English definition (noun) (1) moulder.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চরণ English definition (noun) going together/ through; passing over from; passage; motion; movement; roaming; circulation. সঞ্চরণ করা (verb intransitive) go/ wander about; roam; walk about; drive/ ride in/ on; go in/ through; enter; traverse; pervade; pass over to; pass from one to another; move; circulate. সঞ্চরণশীল (adjective) disposed to move/ ramble about; (engaged in) moving / circulating/ roaming; mobile; ambulatory.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চরমান English definition (adjective) on the move; in the state of moving/ roaming; roving; rambling; passing; wandering.