শ পৃষ্ঠা ১২
- Bengali Word শাপ English definition (noun) (1) curse; malediction; imprecation. (2) oath; ban; interdiction. শাপ দেওয়া (verb transitive) curse; pronounce/ utter a curse on somebody; imprecate; damn; swear at. শাপগ্রস্ত (adjective) seized by/ suffering from/ lying under a curse; cursed; accursed. শাপ প্রদান (noun) utterance of a curse. শাপবিমোচন (noun) deliverance from a curse. শাপ বিমোচন করা (verb intransitive) free/ deliver/release from a curse. শাপভ্রষ্ট (adjective) fallen/ expelled (from heaven) by a curse. শাপভ্রষ্টা (feminine) = শাপভ্রষ্ট. শাপমুক্ত (adjective) freed from a curse. শাপমুক্তি, শাপমোচন = শাপবিমোচন. শাপশাপান্ত (noun) vehement and repeated cursing. শাপা (verb transitive) = শাপ দেওয়া. শাপান্ত (noun) (1) end of a curse or of the period of its effect. (2) spell of vehement cursing.
- Bengali Word শাপলা English definition (noun) variety of water-lily.
- Bengali Word শাপিত English definition (adjective) cursed.
- Bengali Word শাপী English definition = শাপগ্রস্ত ( শাপ)
- Bengali Word শাফা English definition [Arabic] (noun) cure; healing; recovery.
- Bengali Word শাফায়ত, শাফায়ৎ English definition [Arabic] (noun) intercession; recommendation.
- Bengali Word শাব English definition = শাবক
- Bengali Word শাবক English definition (noun) young of any animal; child.
- Bengali Word শাবর English definition (adjective) relating to the shabaras (শবর).
- Bengali Word শাবল English definition (noun) crowbar.
- Bengali Word শাবাজ English definition (noun) royal falcon.
- Bengali Word শাবান English definition [Arabic] (noun) the eighth month of the Hijri year.
- Bengali Word শাবাশ English definition [Persian] (interjection) bravo; excellent; well done.
- Bengali Word শাব্দ English definition (adjective) (1) expressed in words; oral; verbal; based on sounds; nominal. (2) relating to sound; acoustic. (3) sonorous.
- Bengali Word শাব্দিক English definition (adjective) (1) relating to sounds/ words; verbal; sonorous. (2) prolix; verbose. (noun) one conversant with words; grammarian; lexicographer; philologist. শাব্দিকতা (noun) verbosity; prolixity.
- Bengali Word শাম ১ English definition [Persian] (noun) evening.
- Bengali Word শাম ২ English definition [Arabic] (noun) Syria.
- Bengali Word শামপান English definition = সাম্পান
- Bengali Word শামলা ১ English definition (adjective) (of complexion/ skin) not fair; black; dark.
- Bengali Word শামলা ২ English definition [Persian] (noun) (1) a narrow kind of shawl for tying round the head/ waist. (2) end of a turban. (3) kind of turban.