র পৃষ্ঠা ২৩
- Bengali Word রূপক English definition (noun) (rhetorical) (1) figure of speech; metaphor; comparison; allegory. (2) a particular type of figure of speech. (adjective) having form; metaphorical; figurative. রূপক বাক্য, রূপক শব্দ noun(s) figurative expression.
- Bengali Word রূপা English definition (noun) (1) form; shape; figure. (2) any outward appearance/phenomenon/colour. (3) handsome form; loveliness; grace; beauty; splendour. (4) body; build. (5) nature; character; peculiarity; feature; mark; sign; symbol. (6) sort; type; kind: কি রূপা. (7) colour; hue; complexion. (8) likeness; image; reflection. (9) (grammar) any form of a noun/ verb (as inflected by declension or conjugation). (10) mode; manner, way: এ রূপা, সে রূপা. (11) (philosophy) concept; precept. রূপা করা (verb transitive) (grammar) conjugate or decline. রূপা কথা (noun) fairy tale; folktale; legend. রূপা কার (noun) maker of images; moulder; sculptor; artist; dresser (especially of actors actresses). রূপা কৃৎ (adjective) making forms/ figures. রূপা গুণ (noun) (plural) beauty and merits. রূপা চাঁদ (noun) (facetious) silver coin; money; means. রূপা জ (adjective) originating from/ caused by beauty; physical: রূপাজ মোহ. রূপাত (adverb) according to form. রূপা তত্ত্ব (noun) (1) (linguistics) morphology. (2) aesthetics. রূপা তৃষ্ণা (noun) thirst/ craving for beauty. রূপা দক্ষ (adjective) (1) proficient in shaping/ moulding; creative; artistic. (2) adept in assuming disguises. (3) proficient in using make-up. রূপা দস্তা (noun) pewter. রূপা ধর (adjective) having the shape/ form of. রূপা ধারণ করা (verb intransitive) assume the form/ shape of; disguise oneself as; assume the disguise of; appear as; play the role of (a dramatic character). রূপা ধারী (adjective) (1) bearing a form; assuming a shape; disguised as; appearing as; impersonating. (2) embodied; corporeal. (3) endowed with beauty. রূপা ধারিণী (feminine). রূপা পরিগ্রহ(ণ) করা (verb intransitive) take shape. রূপা বতী (adjective) (feminine) endowed with beauty; beautiful; lovely. রূপা বন্ত, রূপা বান adjective(s) handsome; handsomely formed; beautiful. রূপা ভেদ (noun) diversity/ variety of forms/ manifestations; variation. রূপা মাধুরী, রূপা মাধুর্য noun(s) charm of beauty; good looks. রূপা মুগ্ধ, রূপা মোহিত adjective(s) infatuated with; infatuated/ fascinated by beauty. রূপা মুগ্ধা, রূপা মোহিতা (feminine). রূপা মোহ (noun) infatuation; fascination for beauty. রূপা যৌবন (noun) youth and beauty. রূপা যৌবনসম্পন্ন (adjective) full of youth and beauty; young and handsome. রূপা যৌবনসম্পন্না (feminine). রূপা রসগন্ধস্পর্শ (noun) colour and taste and smell and palpability. রূপা রাশি (noun) uncommon/ stunning/ great beauty; charmed. রূপা লাবণ্য (noun) charm of personal beauty; gracefulness; glamour. রূপা শালী (adjective) possessed of beauty; handsome; beautiful . রূপা শালিনী (feminine). রূপা সী (adjective) (feminine) = রূপা বতী. রূপে (adverb) in beauty/ form. (suffix) meaning; in the manner of the; as;-ly: বন্ধু রূপা, দৃঢ় রূপা. রূপে গুণে (adverb) in beauty and talent. রূপের অপ্সরী/ ডালি/ তিলোত্তমা/ ধচুনি noun(s) (1) woman of uncommon beauty; paragon of beauty; beauty queen. (2) (derogatory, ironical) utterly ugly woman; repulsive/ hideous figure.
- Bengali Word রূপা ১ English definition (adjective) (used as a suffix) having the form/ nature/ character of; characterized by; appearing as; disguised as: নর রূপা, বহু রূপা.
- Bengali Word রূপা ২ English definition = রুপা
- Bengali Word রূপাজীবা, রূপাজীবী English definition adjective(s) (feminine) living by prostitution. (noun (s) prostitute; harlot.
- Bengali Word রূপান্তর English definition (noun) (1) different form/ shape/ nature. (2) change of form/ shape/ nature; transformation; metamorphosis. (3) translation. রূপান্তর করা/ ঘটানো (verb transitive) (1) change the appearance, shape, quality or nature; transform; metamorphose. (2) translate.
- Bengali Word রূপান্তরিত English definition (adjective) (1) changed into a different form/ shape; transformed. (2) (geology) metamorphic. রূপান্তরিত করা = রূপান্তর করা ( রূপান্তর).
- Bengali Word রূপালী English definition = রুপালি
- Bengali Word রূপায়ণ English definition (noun) (1) representation; shopping; forming. (2) depiction; narration. (3) embodiment. (4) dramatic impersonation. রূপায়ণ করা (verb transitive) depict; portray represent; play (the role of); impersonate; shape; give a shape/ form to; materialize.
- Bengali Word রূপায়িত English definition (adjective) embodied; materialized; represented; shaped; narrated; depicted; portrayed; delineated; impersonated. রূপায়িত করা = রূপায়ণ করা. রূপায়িত হওয়া (verb intransitive) materialize; take a shape; be embodied/ represented/ depicted.
- Bengali Word রূপি English definition (noun) rupee.
- Bengali Word রূপিণী English definition (adjective) (feminine) of রূপী
- Bengali Word রূপিয়া English definition (noun) rupee.
- Bengali Word রূপী ২ English definition (noun) kind of ruddy-faced monkey.
- Bengali Word রূপোপজীবিনী English definition (noun) (feminine) prostitute.
- Bengali Word রূপ্য English definition (noun) silver. রূপ্যাধ্যক্ষ (noun) mint-master.
- Bengali Word রূহ English definition = রুহ
- Bengali Word রূঢ়ি English definition (noun) (1) (grammar) more amplified/ conventional/ popular meaning of words; employment of a word in such a meaning. (2) birth; production; rise; emergence; increase; development. (3) fame celebrity; notoriety. রূঢ়ি শব্দ (noun) word used in Its conventional senses.
- Bengali Word রে ১ English definition = রেখা
- Bengali Word রে ২ English definition (interjection) (1) (vocative particle generally used contemptuously or to express disrespect, affection or threat) O, hey, ho. (2) expresses surprise, regret, pain, sorrow, etc: oh, ah.