র পৃষ্ঠা ২০
- Bengali Word রিষ English definition (noun) envy; grudge; malice. রিষারিষি (noun) mutual envy/ grudge/ malice; rivalry.
- Bengali Word রিষ্ট, রিষ্টি English definition (noun(s) injury; damage; failure; miscarriage; bad luck; misfortune; sin, woe; (astrology) evil planetary aspect/ influence.
- Bengali Word রিষ্টওয়াচ English definition [English] (noun) wrist-watch.
- Bengali Word রিসওয়াত, রিশওত English definition [Arabic] (noun) bribe; illegal gratification.
- Bengali Word রিসালা English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) troop of horses; cavalry; squadron. (2) treatise; tract. রিসালাদার, রিসালদার (noun) officer of cavalry; commander of a squadron.
- Bengali Word রিহার্সাল English definition [English] (noun) rehearsal (of a dramatic performance. etc). রিহার্সাল দেওয়া/ দেওয়ানো (verb transitive) rehearse.
- Bengali Word রিয়া English definition [Arabic] (noun) hypocrisy; affectation; pretense; outward/ affected/ simulated devoutness; sanctimor1y. রিয়াকারি (noun) show of devoutness/ holiness.
- Bengali Word রিয়াইত, রিয়াত English definition = রেয়াত
- Bengali Word রীত English definition (noun) (dail, poetic) = রীতি
- Bengali Word রীতি English definition (noun) (1) method; custom; usage; mode; practice; convention; way; manner. (2) rule. (3) nature; natural property; disposition; propensity. (4) general course (of events, etc); order. (5) style (of speaking/ writing); diction. (6) fashion; go; way: যুগের রীতি-. রীতিক্রমে (adverb) in keeping with the custom/ rule/ practice/ usage/ form; as usual; customarily; formally; in due form; conventionally. রীতিজ্ঞ (adjective) acquainted with established customs/ usages. রীতিনীতি (noun) (plural) manners and customs. রীতিপদ্ধতি = রীতিনীতি. রীতি বিরুদ্ধ (adjective) (1) contrary to custom/ usage; contrary to one’s nature/ habit; contrary to rule; irregular; contrary to a particular style/ manner/ fashion/ way; unconventional; (2) unidiomatic. রীতিমতো (adverb) (1) in keeping with custom/ usage/ practice/ rule/ form; customarily; formally; conventionally. (2) quite; completely; altogether; really; truly; thoroughly; soundly: রীতিমতো ভালো, রীতিমতো সুস্থ মানুষ. রীতিসম্মত, রীতিসিদ্ধ (adjective) (1) regular; according to rule; customary; fashionable; formal. (2) idiomatic.
- Bengali Word রীম English definition = রিম
- Bengali Word রীল English definition = রিল
- Bengali Word রুই ১ English definition (noun) kind of very large fresh-water fish; Cyprinus rohitaka. রুই কাতলা (noun) (1) rui and katla. (2) (literally and figurative) big fish; big shot.
- Bengali Word রুই ২ English definition (noun) white ant.
- Bengali Word রুইতন English definition [Dutch] (noun) diamond (of playing cards).
- Bengali Word রুকসত English definition = রোখসত
- Bengali Word রুকু English definition [Arabic] (noun) bowing the head and the body in prayer.
- Bengali Word রুক্ষ English definition (adjective) (1) rough; uneven; rugged: রুক্ষ পথ. (2) rude; unkind; harsh; cruel: রুক্ষ ব্যবহার/ ভাষা রুক্ষ. (3) hard; arid: রুক্ষ মাটি. (4) not greasy/ oily: রুক্ষ চামড়া. (5) unpleasant/ disagreeable/ not soft (to the sight, smell, etc). (6) angry; haughty: রুক্ষ দৃষ্টি. রুক্ষতা (noun) roughness; aridity; harshness; dryness; unkindness; acerbity; rudeness. রুক্ষ ভাষী (adjective) speaking roughly; sharp-tongued; roughspoken; foul-mouthed; rude. রুক্ষ স্বভাব (adjective) haughty; arrogant; cross-grained; rude; uncivil; unrefined; ill-mannered.
- Bengali Word রুখা ১ English definition (verb intransitive) (1) get angry; flare up; burst into anger; snarl; gnarl; gnash. (2) be on the point of attacking; advance menacingly; shake the fist at; threaten. (3) stop: গাড়ি রুখা. (4) resist; intercept; prevent, interrupt; hinder; detain; check; oppose; obstruct; block; impede; restrain; oppose.
- Bengali Word রুখা ২ English definition (adjective) (1) dry; rough; harsh; not oily; unbuttered; moistless; arid: রুখা চুল/ মাথা. (2) plain; simple: রুখা ভাত. (3) sapless; juiceless. (4) angry; rude; insolent; haughty; curt; blunt. (5) not provided with food; without board: রুখা মাইনের চাকর.