ভ পৃষ্ঠা ৬
- Bengali Word ভরানো English definition (verb transitive) cause to fill/ stuff/ pack/load/ charge ( ভরা); get tilled/ stuffed/ packed/ charged.
- Bengali Word ভরি English definition (noun) unit of measure for precious metals equal to 180 grains.
- Bengali Word ভরিত English definition (adjective) (1) filled; stuffed; loaded. (2) nourished; reared.
- Bengali Word ভরিমা English definition (noun) (1) fullness; plenitude. (2) nourishing; rearing.
- Bengali Word ভর্জন English definition (noun) roasting ; frying. ভর্জিত (adjective) roasted; fried.
- Bengali Word ভর্তব্য English definition (adjective) to be supported/ maintained/ nourished.
- Bengali Word ভর্তা ১ English definition (noun) (1) husband. (2) master; lord; chief. (3) maintainer; protector; preserver. ভর্ত্রী (feminine) female supporter/nourisher; wife.
- Bengali Word ভর্তা ২ English definition (noun) dish of boiled vegetables, fish, etc kneaded to a soft, moist mass and mixed with spices.
- Bengali Word ভর্তি, ভরতি English definition (noun) admission; hire; employment; filling; stuffing replenishment. (adjective) (1) filled; stuffed; replete. (2) employed; hired; admitted into; enrolled: সেনাবাহিনীতে ভর্তি, স্কুলে ভর্তি. ভর্তি করা (verb transitive) (1) fill; stuff replenish; load; pack. (2) employ; appoint: hire; admit; enroll.
- Bengali Word ভর্তৃক English definition (noun) (1) husband. (2) lord; master; protector; nourisher; cherisher. (3) employer.
- Bengali Word ভর্তৃদারক English definition (noun) king’s son; crown prince. ভর্তৃদারিকা (feminine) princess.
- Bengali Word ভর্ৎসনা English definition (noun) (1) reproach; rebuke; censure; reprimand; scolding; chiding; reproof; tongue lashing; talking to; upbraiding. (2) invective; revilement; vituperation. (3) threat; menace. ভর্ৎসনা করা (verb transitive) (1) reproach; rebuke; censure; reprimand; scold; upbraid; talk to. (2) revile; abuse; assail; lash out at; inveigh against. (3) threaten; menace. ভর্ৎসক (adjective) one who rebukes/ reproaches/reviles/ threatens, etc. ভর্ৎসনীয় (adjective) reprehensible; censurable; reproachable; blameworthy; condemnable; exceptionable. ভর্ৎসিত (adjective) rebuked; reproached; reprimanded; scolded, etc. ভর্ৎসিতা (feminine) = ভর্ৎসিত.
- Bengali Word ভল্ল English definition (noun) (1) bear. (2) kind of arrow/missile with a point of particular shape. ভল্লক (noun) bear. ভল্লকী (feminine) = ভল্লক.
- Bengali Word ভল্লাত, ভল্লাতক, ভল্লিকা English definition noun(s) acajou; cashew-nut; marking-nut.
- Bengali Word ভল্লুক, ভল্লূক English definition (noun) bear. ভল্লুকা, ভল্লুকী (feminine) = ভল্লুক, ভল্লূক. ভল্লুক জ্বর (noun) species of transitory fever.
- Bengali Word ভস English definition (noun) (onomatopoeia) expressing the noise of falling heap of sand or dust; sudden sinking of the foot into soft earth; splashing. ভস করে (adverb) at once; no sooner than...: চড়ার ওপর পা রাখতেই সেটা ভস করে নেমে গেল. ভস ভস (noun) hiss; hissing (sound); fizz. ভস ভসানো (verb intransitive) hiss; fizz; sizzle. ভস ভসানি (noun) hissing; sizzle; fizz. ভস ভসে (adjective) hissing; fizzing; sizzling.
- Bengali Word ভসম English definition (noun) (poetic; archaic) = ভস্ম
- Bengali Word ভস্কা, ভ্যাসকা English definition (adjective) (1) watery; insipid. (2) loose; flabby; boggy; slack.
- Bengali Word ভস্ত্রা, ভস্ত্রকা, ভস্ত্রিকা English definition (noun) (1) beIIows. (2) leathern bottle/vessel (used for carrying/ holding water).
- Bengali Word ভস্ম English definition (noun) (1) ash; ashes; cinder; slag; clinker; calx. (2) cremated remains of a human body ashes. ভস্ম করা (verb transitive) reduce/burn to ashes; calcine. ভস্ম চাপা (adjective) hidden/smouldering under ashes. ভস্মসাৎ (adjective) reduced/ burnt to ashes; calcined. ভস্মস্তূপ (noun) heap of ashes. ভস্মাচ্ছন্ন, ভস্মাচ্ছাদিত (adjective(s) (1) covered/ smeared with ashes. (2) (figurative) concealed; disguised. ভস্মাধার (noun) ash-tray; win (as used for holding the ashes of a person whose body has been cremated); ash-bin; ash-can; ash-pan. ভস্মাবশেষ (noun) remains of anythings burnt; remains of a cremated human body; ashes. ভস্মাবৃত = ভস্মাবছন্ন. ভস্মিত (adjective) (1) burnt/ reduced to ashes. (2) (figurative) ruined; destroyed. ভস্মীকরণ (noun) reducing to ashes; (chemistry) calcination. ভস্মীকৃত, ভস্মীভূত (adjective) = ভস্মিত. ভস্মে ঘি ঢালা (phrase) flog a dead horse.